Post pictures of white people ruining things

post pictures of white people ruining things

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that was easy

White people are niggers.



white people ruined it by giving the niggers independence


bump for intrest


bumping for interest

You're right it was

White photographer ruins moment



Fucking rad move

>white people ruining things
Here you go nigger

Surprise nigger

your forgot all the other cuck Scandinavian countries and cuck germany as well

And france, France is cuck as fuck

wow, that was well fucking played



Too easy kek

what exactly happened here


>nigger held white guy at knifepoint in robbery
>white guy put his shit on the floor as a distraction
>walked away in a wounded animal kind of a way
>nigger went to grab white guys shit off the floor
>turned around and killed the nigger with style

Ye fucking germany man.

