What the fuck America...

What the fuck America. If you elected this guy medical marijuana would be legalized in all states (and even the possibility of recreational marijuana). We would not have internet censorship or tracking. The only reason Bernie got outvoted was because Hillary is a women, and everyone wanted to see a women in office. Whoever voted for Hillary when it came down to Hillary vs Bernie, you fucked up. Look who the president is now. Cucks

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One thing that holds true, never trust a New York Jew.

he was voted for, more that shillary. didn't matter it was "her turn."

also dude couldn't even stand up to a couple of loud niggers how the fuck is he supposed to stand up to another world leader?

Bernie was the cuck candidate. for fucks sake he lost to something that didn't even penis.

that truly sad thing about all of this is, if not for hillary he would be president.

nice trips. I voted for hillary though. The people who voted for bernie are the ones who fucked us up. The dems split and fucked us hard. Thats literally the only reason trump won.

Fuck you mean it was "her turn"

>White nigger speak.

incredibly bad for your lungs. i stopped smoking because i felt like complete shit.

and Shillary rigged your side of the election you stupid fuck.

What did Hillary have that Bernie didn't? The war on drugs would be over. Hillary would have enforced it.

retard do your research and see how much it helps people

literally the black Mike Ehrmantraut.

the drugs have won the drug war.

where the fuck have you been?

Dude Hillary was far more mainstream than bernie was. I wanted bernie too but the dems should have all voted hillary since she was ggona get more votes anyways. The while repuplican party went for trump while some from the dems went for hillary and some went for bernie. We split and got fucked in the ass because of it. Thats the only reason trump won. If bernie was never in the picture and it was only hillary she owuld have won. same goes if it was only bernie and no hillary.

feels good to live in a state where it's fully legal

Back to Sup Forums faggot

not really. If you can literally get more time in prison for possessing marijuana than you can get for being a chomo (FAR MORE) I wouldnt say the drugs have won yet.

See the thing is I want to tell you that you are right or wrong. But I have no idea what side is right. And both sides will literally fight each other because they "know" they are right.
I literally cannot research a single political issue without being bombarded by propaganda from both sides.
Why can't we just have boring unbiased news?
Just statements of fact, nothing else.

If I really were to take a strong stance on politics, I would probably have to dedicate my entire life to researching boring policy after policy. Then I would be faced with the fact that, every voter has a different set of morals.
I hate politics

>The only reason Bernie got outvoted was because Hillary rigged the election so she would win then bought bernie out to keep his mouth shut.

fixed that for you.

The DNC was rigged. Democracy in America is a myth.

Why would we ever legalize drugs when there's so much money to be made in private prisons filled with non violent drug offenders?

What are edibles? vaping?

US is a Representative Republic. Not a democracy.

He sold out.

Tell it to DNC. They cheated him out of the nomination.

Bernie was simply a patsy, chosen by the Hillary Team to give an air of competition to what was essentially her coronation. He was there to make her look moderate.
Go back and watch his presidential campaign announcement. What a fucking amateur trainwreck of a putz he was.
Everything in the democrat party is a show.

The DNC was rigged.
America is a oligarchy.
When our time comes we will not make excuses for the terror.

>Bernie got outvoted
might wanna check the DNC primary results again
Bernie won the popular vote

Dude the election was so last year. Seek counseling.

Bernie lost because of the existence of super delegates. The party created this system to put into power anyone they wanted regardless of the popular vote of the people. Especially since Bernie Sanders was considered an independent and had to roll himself into the DNC to even become a candidate for the primaries. If you want to blame anyone blame the corrupt system that disregards the actual ideals of democracy.

imagine wanting a communist as president so that you can smoke weed. what a fucking loser

Are you retarded?
>Indirect democracy, or representative democracy, is when citizens elect representatives to make laws on their behalf.[1] This is what most modern countries have today.

>this country has never been in its history, a democracy. since long before the electoral college, it went from being part of a monarchy to a republic.
>a republic is defined as "a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law"
but otherwise i agree with you.

If that was her plan it sure blew up in her face as a ton of bernie supporters stayed home.

about 1/3 of the bernie supporters i know went with me to vote for trump to try and bitch slap some sense into the DNC.

Rig the election to play kingmaker? ok, well all we can do is go out and throw our support to the other guy and give you the finger. Lookes like it worked.

yeah but we aren't an indirect democracy or a representative democracy. We are a Representative Republic. We live in a Republic (Americans). Always have, since the birth of the nation.


yeah i know someone else who won the popular vote, doesnt mean shit

>Rig the election to play kingmaker? ok, well all we can do is go out and throw our support to the other guy and give you the finger. Lookes like it worked.


thanks for the vote faggots lol

>the popular vote

This shit again?

It is indeed a republic, however our elected officials were meant to be chosen through majority rule. That's the disruption for the ideals of democratically elected representatives I was discussing but that's arguing semantics. I think a direct democracy where everyone puts in their two cents on laws affecting the united states might actually be a total shit show. It's just that there happens to be no oversight on what constitutes a democratically elected candidate like what happened more specifically with the Democratic National Convention.


if crooked hillery couldnt win and be the first female president of this USA then how the fuck did we elect a nigger socialist idiot as president who won the nomination over hillary

dawg have you been paying attention to what's been going on with donna brazile? she basically handed hillary the nomination because she bailed the dnc out of it's financial troubles.

Bernie fucking sucked. I'm glad he got cheated of of the primaries. Nothing he promised was worth the Communism.

>he was voted for, more that shillary
If you're trying to say he had more votes in the primary, that's just demonstrably false. I voted for the dude but come on.

how do you get into financial troubles when 99% is funded by donations?

actually, you have your fact off a bit. it was Debbie Wasserman-Schultz that did that with hillary before Brazile was DNC chairman. Donna Brazile is just now releasing that fact though.

Hahaha. Capitalized it too.

>a ton of bernie supporters stayed home.

So like 2 or 3? 4 tops.

you don't get to pin this on us just because the dnc rigged the primaries in hillary's favor. and bullshit, you seriously think we'd have legal weed and net neutrality? are you retarded? sure he would try to get that stuff done, and probably even make some headway, but he's as much a political outlier as trump is. neither are part of the status quo, AND the republicans have had control of the house and the senate. I would absolutely have voted for bernie, and if he runs in 2020, he's got my support as well, but you're uninformed and deluded as a result.

This is correct. Although to be fair, brazille got caught funneling Clinton a couple debate questions ahead of time, so now she's just saving face and making $.

But CNN told me hillary did nothing wrong.

You must be watching FAUX news.

look up donna brazile and what she has been saying about the relationship between hillary and the dnc


>assuming bernie would've accomplished anything with the same house and senate we have now

and i'm telling you hitler did nothing wrong, so therefore all news is fake news

What an ugly boy

will 1111111 happen???

1111111 c'mon

yes check em

your dumb asses could have nominated a rock and it would have slaughtered trump in a landslide. but no, you HAD to have literally the one person who would have lost to him, bin the name of being progressive and upholding the status quo

we deserve trump




fuck off waste of life stoner

Fucking SICK of you drug and alcohol addicts. You are just as terrible as niggers and sandniggers, if not worse. You are essentially zombies, and thus you deserve to be treated as such.



Must suck being a edgy tween no one likes

But there's no (you)
You're neither of those, fag

Must suck being a lonely sad edgy drug addicted cunt with no fucking life, I will pray for your death you worthless piece of shit


Hillary is a womAn. WomEn is plural. 1st grade spelling.


Don't worry man, nobody likes you neither.

B-but the (you) appeared when I addressed (YOU)
You weren't the original people I called samefag... what are you doing?

>If you elected this guy
Not for want of trying, but…

I don't want to be 'liked' by drug addicted zombies like you. I'm living a good, healthy life, I can beat up people like you without getting in trouble and I love what I'm doing, and no one is going to stop me. Wish they would do the same over there in the USA.

I agree Bernie was better than hillary or trump but he was still shit. Most of his policies were completely unfeasable, assuming he could have even gotten them past congress. He loved to bash the establishment and rightfully criticize the Dems for being corrupt, but when the time came to put his money where his mouth was, he pussied out and fell in line behind hillary like everyone else. He's a coward, plain and simple, unwilling to risk his career to stand up for his principles. Sure, he had a few good ideas, like cracking down on lobbying and scrapping the TPP, but ultimately a president sanders would have turned out just like obama, but with slightly less corruption and more welfare.

That being said you're probably just a shill from ShareBlue so fuck you.


LARP somewhere else retard

Revolution 1933




Actually, it should be womyn, not woman or women, because having man or men in the word used for describing womyn is just another way for the patriarchy to make beautiful, strong, independent womyn subservient.

OP Ain't wrong, you know...

But it wasn't because Shill-ary was a woman, methinks it was cause she was a massive corrupt cunt

Fuck you for making me screenshot my point

>also dude couldn't even stand up to a couple of loud niggers how the fuck is he supposed to stand up to another world leader?
He was smart enough not to argue with stupid, loud, and angry. Because stupid, loud, and angry always win.


>LARPS harder

>because she was a woman

because the DNC was in debt and Clinton seeded them in exchange for complete control of DNC strategic decision making.

>look who the president is now
The correct person for the job, he's already in the top 5 greatest us presidents.

But if course you'll go ahead and deny that and quote some hoax you've heard from liberal media.

You don't care about medical marijuana. You just want marijuana to be legal so you can work at the gas station and smoke weed and that's that.


this is an indirect strawman (strawomyn?) argument, and you should feel as stupid as you look. And you look pretty stupid.

Bernie was a fake. Even after he learned that the DNC was controlled by Hillary and that they never would have let him win, he still sold out and supported her. And for what, three shitty houses? Worth less than a million total? Fuck sake, he is cuckold maximus.

And what of his unicorn policies? What part of "punish corporations" has ever found it's way to your bank account? Raising their taxes simply raises your prices. Take a look at Venezuela you dip shits.

it's bedtime soon, hence the high intensity shitposting.

And this is how I know you are retarded. I don't drink, and I don't do drugs, and I do not come from or live in the US.

You are a pussy bitch, no doubt.
But I'm curious as to how other people drinking & doing drugs are you're problem?

This. Just wait until the Republicans slash taxes on billionaires! We'll all be filthy rich!

what would Bernie have do with medical marijuana? Thats up to each individual state to decide.