Who has the rest?
Who has the rest?
why do you fags always get attached to ugly whores in crappy sets?
coz incest
wow where did you get the full picture ?The only ones i found on internet were some crappy cropped photos
Bump, we'll get it eventually. I have faith in Sup Forums.
what's this all about?
who are these people?
Was posted yesterday in some thread but only that one, there's a bunch out there
what is going
That's all i found
There have been many threads in the past few days, it's unsaucable
el diablo
Who is he¿
Those are the shitty cropped ones was talking about, also the last two are for ants to see
ive been waiting for someone to roll quints since the beginning.. i have the video... start rolling anons
Bullshit there isn't a video, that was debunked as a myth
yeah i posted those to show what i was talking about
Sorry user, found this just now
lies mate
and i saw someone posted a vid from youtube
where this women is on tv doing some kind of interview on the news lol
Probably because it's unusual. The amount of high quality porn with glossy perfect women is staggering and has saturated the market so much that it has become boring.
Thats my mom i took the pic
im in the kitchen at the moment
infact im standing right where my mom is in that picture by the window
To think someone would go on the internet and just tell lies like that. If you're going to make such a claim, provide SOME form of proof or evidence.
of course ... we must be the luckiest fags on earth then. Come on make the proofs rain on us
moms shoe
You lie. I however just sent a message to the daughter's boyfriend on sc just now. He is there, he asked me who I was, but blocked me when I asked about his gf's mom. I guess I could have tried tricking him by using one of his friends pictures, but eh.
So would you mind explaining the kind of relationship you and your mom have? What exactly was she doing in those pics? Just jerking you off?
kek that was the lamest proof i've ever seen
Who cares his bs is keeping this thread alive
please don't feed this poor soul with attention
>Same EXACT counter top
Look at the middle pic in the collage.
does indeed appear to be the same kitchen
Yeah, but the picture has been posted before I think. There is another one where the mom is acting like she is going to suck the shoe.
Hey user
Some of us are out of the loop. You fuck your mom? Got video?
I have better proof than this guy, but neither of us are the son.
Dont you every talk to my porn like that again!
I have a theory that this guy might have phimosis and this woman probably mother is helping him to examine it.
Quite unusual type of relationship in family but I know more open to this kind of stuff families
Yeah, I've figured it was something like that too. He tricked his mom into doing it on camera. I really wish we could see the full video though to know for sure.
Where on Earth did you find my mums graduation pic?
Kek nice one m8
Thanks. It was funnier with sound, though.
these girls are definitely german. 100% certain
not real.
Yea, I would love to see more too. She looks exactly like my mother in law and I fantasized about her a lot.
I mean Canadian, but sure I could see that.
These kinda get me off
I don't have many more pictures of her that haven't been posted before unfortunately.
>high quality porn
>10 min bj
>5 seconds of 20 different positions each
>10 min jerking off in front of her face
>cum on face
such an innovative industry.
Is that you Cole?
Ayy lmao I'm back, you guys find that vid yet?
It's probably lost forever :(
bet you havent got this one m8!
this is a super rare!
You're right. I didn't. Thanks brother. Where did you get this one?
Some1 update me who the fuk is this lady and how much more is there
I'm pretty sure I've seen this lady in another video before. She basically gave a handjob to a guy who was RPing as her student, she was like a tutor for english or something.
Is this her? tinyurl dot com slash y9xw6e73
all the pics in the thread are those found on their facebook before they deleted it (at least mom's fb is deleted now)
>mom's drunk and have beat her son
>son was recording and blackmailed his mom
>convince his mom to suck it (?)
>record a video
>user post the video on Sup Forums
>no one got the video but the pics
You lie. There is no other video and I do not believe that it is not her son at this point.
>boobs arent the same size and not the correct guy
tinyurl dot com slash y9xw6e73 is
>xnxx dot com slash video-7lrw62/my_teacher_is_realy_great_handjob_helper.......by_saamba
kys. That's obviously not her.
he has a bigger dick than me lul
I found the pics I posted on her daughters ig. It's deleted now though.
Yesterday I found a profile online that showed her address and it had posts from months ago on it so the profile had been around a while, I then posted it on here and now the profile has been removed so someone must be informing her lol
yes and she's selling cloth or underwear i forgot but you can sure find them again
I remember this. It got deleted within minutes of you posting it. It was just her zipcode right? She was selling a bike and a rug.
Innovation is mirroring that shit on the same frame for 3D viewing pleasure (like in the old days of stereograms).
I wonder what state the family is in right now. Also what kinda son would do this to his Mom? Getting jerked off is one thing (and it seems plenty of people here have similar desires), but posting the pics and getting himself doxxed like a jackass . . what a prick.
i'm sure it was kim and not zoe tho
anyone have the webm of a kid who tricks his mom into giving him a hand job? like he was complaining about strain in his groin and makes her start rubbing his shaft and shit. hidden cam shit
that what this thread is for, the fucking webm that nobody saved
Sup Forums is dead, traps are better i guess ...
no webm, but link
user-v DOT com SLASH videos/88472/trick-hand-job-hidden-camera-45a5c886b28549fd/
is this the one you mean?
I'm interested in this as well
How has this one not been posted yet?
I just like seeing others engage in such things. No interest in my own family. There's also the shame and embarrassment aspect of it.
I do feel bad for them though. I'm sure their household is a dumpster fire right now. It's going to be hard to trust that little shit head brother again. And the poor daughter didn't do anything to deserve all of the drama. :(
this, this, THIS