Have you tried swamping the battery with one from a working full charge laptop?
Aнacтacия — звeздa, чтo вeдeт мeня
Could I get a chibi?
Not any more
Drinking and Waifuing time I think?
oh boy, work's coming by slowly
>quad trips
Also where you work?
more cutes
Is that 3D or 2D?
I got pyaed today
Just my luck to try drinking and waifuing just as the threads die down.
good job :)
do you get paid every week?
2 weeks
I got a week worth of pay today. So in two weeks, I'll be getting a full 2 weeks
Excellent piece.
Thanks for the share Aнacтacйя
It really is. I love classical youtube.com
How are you today Holo?
same thing for me.
do you have any short term plans for that cash aside from clearing debts?
Im 5 minutes from a breakfast ale
Solid. I had a glass of wine and I snagged basically a flask of Fireball-eque stuff while grocery shopping, and so that's my drink for the night.
>drinking ale at breakfast
Thats not okay
Slightly exhausted.. but quality music makes for quality time! So everything is A-OK.
Keep 'em coming o u o
Is ok. I'll be joining you
But I dont know which ale.
11:38 am is perfect breakfast ale time
shebby horo
Ooh yay! Oh, if you're piano Holo, I have your song I remember hearing the other day.
Ehh, details. What's important is the alcohol.
My flask is just some mellow St-Leger
Probably better than what I'm drinking.
I think 2 weeks is the norm
I want to buy some figurines and stuff. But I'm putting half my pay each time to the debt payment. It'll take a while before I have any significant savings to do anything with
Hello Stalker-kun!
I guess that is me! Were there other Holo claimers since? Also, I'd say quality does matter.
It's an okay scotch
A little bit. But my first goal is to generally get somewhere. Doesn't have to be shitfaced, but at least buzzed or something. Second goal is it tastes good. If I can get the second, at least I got the first. But that's just how I drink, and I do prefer tasty drinks when I can help it. Brandy is my knew favorite drink probably.
very nice and wise
not a stalker :(
It fucking sucks needing to think responsibly
I want to waste my money like when I was 16
I never really felt like wasting mine but I do envy a lot of things from back then :(
Hello : )
Oh no, is that the offensive smoking waifu I see?
i'm tragically sober
Have we spoken?
Evening again, old friend
How long have you been around here anyway? Coming on 2 years for me now and I think you were around before I was
I spent it pretty freely when I was younger. Oh how I regret that
No, I hit 2 years next April. Im not that much of an oldfag.
That's okay, I'll hopefully be drunk enough for the two of us maybe
I believe we have, yesterday IIRC
but it's alright now you have income and have a good plan.
Oh, so you must have been a couple months after me
How time flies
Oh shit
I am a dumbass and wasn't paying attention to who I was talking to there
How are you doing?
That's okay, we're all dumbasses some moment or another. I'm doing alright today thanks
My goals priority are kinda inverted I guess.
I drink because I like the taste of it and the buzz is just a plus.
Btw that bgm is interesting. I can't wait until I get the skills to do that.
You know me, but I don't know you. So that's how it feels like. Unless I don't understand what you mean by shebby. Beats me.
I thank you once more.
I love me some Si Harmonic Minor
Rengege it is
you just don't remember :(
Different stokes for different individuals. Plus, you're a fantastic musician! You don't have to be Brian Eno, but you're already great and I'm always excited to here more from you. You're an inspiration to a mediocre musican like myself.
What's good Holo
I know I'm a dumbass at least my fair share of the time
So what do you do, what do you like? What jingles your pringles?
Wh.. whassup! My homies!
But dear user-san,
You haven't given me any apparent clue as to who you are. At this very moment you are just some random user that happens to label me with "Shebby". ごめん
>an inspiration to a mediocre musican like myself.
What do you play? Also, I'm far from being a fantastic musician, but I'm currently in the process of fixing that with studies.
>What jingles your pringles?
That's very good.
hello my dude!
Right now alcohol. Don't jingle the pringles too much though, or they'll crack. No one likes crumby pringles.
Hey Fag, how are you today? : )
I play mediocre guitar and even more mediocre piano. Most of my music I've recorded/released just uses mouth sounds though. I used to know more about scales and such but most of that's forgotten and I fudge around vaguely atonal stuff. Lot of emotion but not much rigor basically. But I'm content with what I do anyways. May do more later, may do less.
It really does. How goes the donging?
b-but there must not be that many who can label you that
Haven't donged in a hot minute, actually
I'm sure Makoto would love that experience again
Ah, alcohol
The classic standby
Any personal drink preferences?
A phrase of my own creation, thank you
Anything interesting in your world?
I wish I could buy things for people too
I miss playing the clarinet
It has been half a year since I've last been active here.
The last person I know should be able to label me that way isn't you since I've made the soundcloud check.
Now, I'm quite the forgetful person. Please don't raise the bar too high, because the best I'll do is bang my head into it.
Who know's.. maybe I'll remember then
>mouth sounds
why do you not?
I don't own one
Preference is probably any mix drink really, especially when fruit juice is involved, but also rum and Coke. Right now I'm just having some falsk of fireball-y type stuff, which I grabbed with groceries. It'll get me buzzed/drunk anyways.
Basically anything I can do with my mouth and a microphone, plus computer fuckery. Sometimes percussive, sometimes more melodic, sometimes just noise.
i'm out of beer and my liquor is upstairs
so now you understand how it sucks when they won't let you -w-
Share some?
You've said that already. Which is why I'm out of leads and I cannot for the life of me remember just who you might be. I want to, though.
We have talked on voice before.
Half a year ago sounds about right, but maybe less for that time
I just can't afford to with all the other things I need to pay for. Now that I might be able to buy something too, maybe I will start accepting things
Ah well, hopefully I'll be good enough company nonetheless.
why not just post pictures
Yes focus on what you really need to pay first.
ok :)
I think horo got mixed up and thinks you're stalker-kun now but it's me :(
because they can't circlejerk then
Penis waifu is a laifu.
Maybe I'll buy you Destiny when you have a new card
Who's stalker-kun
not a waifu desu
I concur, despite my choice. How are you?
Pretty solid taste
Rum and coke is definitely a personal favorite
I usually drink whatever is available to me at the moment and if it's not free then I just don't drink
That's a lie, don't deny yourself the pleasure.
Pretty a okay, somewhat excited for the speaker were having about world war one, Friday.
no it's fine I'll buy it tomorrow anyway and try to run it on my current setup.
and isn't it a bit too expensive for that? :(
that's what he's calling me
More or less my style too. First time I really bought my own tonight, and even then not really
That's pretty solid actually.
no u
claim him as your husbando
what is she doing
Mmhm. He's gonna talk about trench warfare and how terrible it was. All good and happy things.
I mean i do regardless, but penis waifu has a ring to it, dontya think?
I've bought my own enough times but usually for small parties with friends
Haven't done anything like that in a good minute though
If I did drink on my own it would probably be a dark beer or maybe a glass of wine with dinner