I just found this guy and holy shit he's incredible. Give me all you got on Ben Shapiro
I just found this guy and holy shit he's incredible. Give me all you got on Ben Shapiro
Other urls found in this thread:
>40,000 people die every year because they can't access health care
>Health care is the number one cause of bankruptcy is America
Ben Shapiro supports this; he's basically just a neo-con, I suppose if you like George Bush or Ted Cruz, you'd like Ben.
yep, I am glad to pay taxes for other peoples health. can we just let people die already.
How the fuck is he "incredible"? I mean, he's not braindead but there's nothing special about him.
he is a jew. jews have magic
Thanks for reminding why I don't come to this website anymore, it's worse than Tumblr/Reddit.
Back to 8 chan I go.
Argument #1 is a lie; you are thinking of insurance, not treatment.
Argument #2 is a lie; The number one cause of bankruptcy in America is taxation.
I live in Canada, and pay more in taxes every month than I do for my mortgage... I fucking wish I could pay my own way with private coverage, but NOPE. It's illegal. I can't take care of myself. Instead I pump out the equivalent of a second mortgage to stand in a waiting line.
alright now you can make something of yourself. other then being a poor bum
You're a selfish asshole.
You just found him?
Also, as a leftist, I actually like this guy. He presents his points with fact and does what he can to keep emotion out of the argument. I don't agree with everything he says, but I respect him and his approach.
thank you I rather be nothing else.
Cry because you have it so good. You morons amaze me.
>Argument #1 is a lie; you are thinking of insurance, not treatment.
>Argument #2 is a lie; The number one cause of bankruptcy in America is taxation.
see ya on /leftypol/ comrade
Number one kike in my books
I love seeing comrade. it reminds me of all those countries that tried communism...remember how well those worked....and how many people were murdered. wonderful system
Respect his approach?
His entire gig is to say outlandish shit and then use cherry picked "facts" to upset "muh sjws"
He will be president one day. I strongly believe that. He has true substance.
> Russians meme'd Trump into president
> Russians created the alt right to destabilize America
> thinks Russians are leftist
Really makes those neurons spark
Maybe, when you grow up, you will understand how a healthy society works.
I just wish that Hillary and the dem party didn't sabotage bernie...like really why did the dems have to fuck themselves you know?
>no impressive length
>not a nimble navigator
>does not inject paralysing venom
>muh 10000 gorillian
Because if you keep repeating it, it becomes true!
>implying that millions of deaths haven't resulted from capitalism, fascism, feudalism, etc
Wow, everything you just said isn't true
Except the bit about being Canadian. That part might not be bullshit.
> 2017
> still think Russians are leftist
You must be a real fucking genius
you mean the one where there is more fast food choices then grocery stores? where a 1/3rd is at risk for pre-diabetes. yes healthy....you are saying you want to pay healthcare for a place where the people eat garbage food, smoke and drink.....yep smart
>implying I support Putin
What do you think I'm a NazBol or something?
yep but I wasn't forced out of my field of work to work in an actual field......
>implying I thought that
"Comrade" is a word used by most commies.
I dunno what you're going off about here. Farming?
Hey comrade, here's a hint: Left leaning Americans don't refer to themselves as "leftists" - It's almost exclusively used as a derogatory term by the Right.
Be sure to pass that along to the Kremlin
If you want everything on him go to Sup Forums or listen to him on youtube. It's not hard to call him incredible when all of his opponents in debates are retards trying to hump door knobs
so in Taiwan when communism came in they made all the artists farmers and all the farmers artists. they thought that this would make everyone equal because they viewed everyone as equal....their is evidence of stuff similar to this in russia, china, and cuba. at least with capitalism i get to choice my own path with some false hope of choice
I used to love Ben Shapiro. Till he did this.
You can still learn a lot from his past speeches and arguments. But now he's starting bend over for the lefts.
(((Ben Shapiro)))
> unironically supporting a Jew
>he's amazing
>doesn't praise this wonderful faggot
>establishment cuck
What actually happened with all this shit
Last time I was on /pol was like a year ago and things were pretty set in stone
>Shapiro hated lefty cucks
>laci green was a hardcore lefty who's butthole I'd love to lick
>feminism was like a cancer that just wouldn't go away
>Shapiro is starting to be a cuck
>lack green is now a right leaning girl who's butthole I'd love to lick
>feminism seems like it just died of cancer and got cremated so no traces of it were left
>Ben Shapiro
oh, the guy with the wife thats a doctor? the guy who drones on and on about why people dont have a right to health care? the same guy that probably pays nothing in terms of healthcare because of his fucking wife?
youre a dumbass for buying into his highschool level "debate" skills.
Your reply actually made me laugh. Yeah idk wtf is going on. Look up Chris Ray Gun for good political laughs.