if you post ITT and achieve double digits in the SECONDS part of the timestamp you will be spared in the forthcoming European purge and will have pic related as your waifu.
If you post ITT and achieve double digits in the SECONDS part of the timestamp you will be spared in the forthcoming...
ew snownigger
you are unworthy.
fair enough, i dont want olga anyway
Olga will bear you many handsome sons and beautiful daughters. Her domestic skill level is superior to all others. but her extra skill level of stein balancing is truly a sight to behold
gimme them white titties whiteboy
sure thing hanz
jerge jorge jergen
get out of here freakkzoid. only the purest of male vitality for Olga
pls end kali yuga
if you roll a number aboe 30 you can have Olga bear you one child even number boy odd female.. you choose the name
faggot it is then
congratulations it's a BOY! Sadly it's somewhat retarded you have a choice shall we euthanize or not?
Heinrich is a strong healthy boy. he will surely become a strong pillar of the reich.
Yeah I wouldn't mind that.
I liek memes
Save me
left handed bitch isn't true aryan. fuck off with this southpaw cunt!
This aryan beauty has decided on this occasion you are unworthy. A month on the eastern front will earn you enough respect to try again.
if only we were in a normal thread where your trips were worth something.
but not this thread, not this day
Olga is whiter than you Mohammad.
SO close. Olga grants you a shyly place kiss upon your cheek. she greatly admires your hard earnt Iron cross and the SS insignia of your uniform.
Sadly you are lost in the purge during an assault on a Swedish refugee center. you died bravely single handedly chopping down the hordes of rabid somalis who had been cornered in the basement