I have really bad anxiety to the point that I seem autistic. I hear this stuff can help. Does it...

I have really bad anxiety to the point that I seem autistic. I hear this stuff can help. Does it? I get drug tested at work will it make me fail a drug test. Where can I buy it online?

General Kratom education thread

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I've heard good things about it. If it's a standard employee drug test, you shouldn't test positive for anything

CBD is good, too.

Chiming in. Im wondering what the best kratom is for recreational purposes(getting fucked up)? seeking advice and website recommendations. murrica btw

k so kratom is great. Has this weird thing where if you take a small dose it can amp you up, and in larger doses it can feel like a sedative. so it might help your anxiety. No regular drug test will do have anything for kratom its usually a 5 panel test that checks for:

Try growing your own psilocybe mushrooms and "micro" dosing that. Which is like a 10th of a gram or so a day with 2 days off a week.

I regularly use the Bali or Vietnam types if you want something more sedative like muscle relaxers.. Closest things ive ever taken to get close to that

I have used kratom daily for years. It's seriously a fucking godsend. Onestopherbalshopdotcom. Super reliable and super cheap. Never buy headshop kratom. It sits for years and is most likely just matcha. Yellow elephant is what I'm on currently. Mild energy boost and opiate like feel. Green maeng da is what you want for highs. Red Bali for anxiety. Any other questions just let me know.

I second everything else people have said.I like herbaldom as far as vendors go. The green bentuangie is fucking awesome

Thanks man that's helpful

Glad I could help.

The effects are great but despite what others might tell you, it's actually quite addictive, in a sneaky sort of way. You should know this going in. I wish I had. Anyway, I used it to successfully quit a very bad drinking habit and I still take it. Ask me anything I guess.

I looked on that site and it seems to just be the powder. I found another site called Kraken Kratom that has capsules which seem more convenient. Is there a downside to the capsule versions?

Pretty easy to develop a tolerance for it. I don't recommend long-term use, but maybe for just a small pick-me-up if you're feeling down.

The downside to capsules is that they're usually way more expensive than the same amount of powder without the capsules.

Also. Don't bother with capsules. Take a half-whole teaspoon straight up with some o.j. or grapefruit juice. It tastes like shit but it's best to get it over with fast. For best results take on an empty stomach and repeat every 4-8 hours as needed. After prolonged use it can cause constipation and if you take too much nausea and dizziness. That's about the worst that can happen. Other than that enjoy another plant that truly helps ones well being in the short time before the d.e.a. finds a way to ban it. Faggots.

Amen nigga. I'm surprised Sessions hasn't tried already. He was my senator for many years and a complete cocksucker.

How so? Most I've ever experienced is slight agitation and a mild headache. Daily user for years.

Ah that makes sense

I only buy powder. If you can't hang you can buy gelatin caps and fill them yourself. Will save you lots of cash.

Yeah man. Fuck that David the gnome looking fuck. How in the fuck can all this literature be out and he still models all of his drug policy after Regan era d.a.r.e. fuckery?

How so with the addictiveness? I get bad anxiety and irritability and can't sleep. Really bad restless legs. I've tapered down a few times when my dosage was out of hand but never fully quit. The tapering was kinda rough for me tbh. Interesting that you haven't experienced the same. Apparently, results may vary.

meh, not really looking for a sedated feel, looking for a speedy, euphoric high... is that a thing with kratom? whenever I get any opiate pills they give me a lot of energy and motivation.

As with anything really. Now that you mention it I can also vouch for restless leg but always attributed it to a problem I've always had. What dosage were you at? I rarely go over a tbsp or 2 in 24 hours.

You might like a white variety. The differences in color are fairly trivial but most people attribute a bit more energy to the whites, less to the reds. Greens are in between.

It is with the greens and whites. Dosage is key. That means experimenting with it till you find the right amount for you. Less is more with kratom. Start small. Scale up. Plateau for as long as possible.

>I rarely go over a tbsp or 2 in 24 hours
Ah, here's the difference. I've been up over 12 tsp a day. Kinda excessive, I know, but my tolerance went up fast.

Kratom is great for once a week, if you need something daily go online and buy some phenabut.

Ahhhhh. Yes. There it is. Hahaha. But. Safe to say o.d. is not possible. Lol

Withdrawal from Kratom is very unpleasant. Use with extreme caution.

Yeah definitely no possibility of an overdose. And by the way, with all that said about how it's addictive, it's a very easy addiction to manage. It doesn't incapacitate you at all. It's certainly MUCH better than being an alcoholic, and it was a miracle drug for helping to kick that. I'd like to quit eventually and just be 100% straight, but I'm perfectly fine in the meantime.

What's the withdrawal like?

See But the user you replied to may have a different answer.

Good for you man. I'm also an alcoholic. Binge drinker weekend warrior type. It has helped me cut back to just weekends though. Maybe if I up the dose I can quit entirely.

most companies only use 8 to 10 point drug tests.... kratom is not tested for any of them.

how do you consume it?

Thanks! Any suggested sites to purchase from(USA)?

I have some 00 gel caps left from when I made a bunch of thc pills that Im planning to fill up. a quick search shows they can hold about a half gram. a bit of a pain to load up and swallow 8 pills but probably a lot better tasting than just chewing the powder and washing it down with a glass of water.

I've been interested in trying this out for a long time. I figure I should try it now before it gets too much attention and gets banned. If I really like it and see myself using it long term, I have no problem dropping $500 on it to stock up just in case it gets banned from sale.

I really think it varies from user to user based on dosage and time.

If you only drink on weekends, it sounds like you've gotten through the hardest part physically. The key from where you're at now (where it sounds like you're at, anyway) is getting it out of your head that you need to drink to have fun. Easier said than done. I'm not a very fun sober person and could really stand to find some new ways to entertain myself, but at least I'm way more functional. I almost lost my job for reeking of the last night's beer one morning.

I use a tablespoon and put powder directly on tongue. Do not breath in while doing so. Then slam o.j. or banana, mango, orange juice because it's fire.

i cant get thru a shift at work without the stuff

Onestopherbalshopdotcom. I've been using them for years. Know the dude personally. Solid product. Solid price. Fast delivery anywhere in u.s.

goddamn have you been addicted anything else in the past? im looking to try this shit

My favorite site is www.socalherbalremedies.com because they have a great variety and I also know a promo code that I don't think will ever expire. They kind of hide that shit though. You can't search the site for kratom. You have to use speciosa instead. Scientific name of the plant is like Mitragyna speciosa or something. Promo code won't help you if you're just getting a little bit, but you can get four quarter kilos ($25 apiece) for the price of three, or $75, if you enter "split75" without the quotes at checkout.

for me, not being able to focus or concentrate, and becoming very irritable

Your a wizard Harry! That's pretty much spot on. Shakes and all stopped a year ago. No physical need. But muh whiskey on Friday, beer in garage on Saturday cycle is hard to break. I took up wood working man. Check that out. I find it super relaxing and rewarding.

OH yeah, what about mixing it with other things like Tylenol or aleve? Should I quit my soda addiction before starting Kratom or does it not matter at all.

ok. im actually a daily user. but i put a bunch in a water bottle, shake, and then down the bottle. i was just hoping there was a more pleasant way. your way sounds less pleasant than my way so i will not be trying that

Regular kratom user here. First of all, kratom is an opioid and it is highly addictive. A lot of people say they can moderate their usage such that they don't develop a physical dependence, but you have to be the right kind of person to do so.

check out /r/kratom

Some of the best venders are
Gaia Ethnobotanicals,
Socal Herbal Remedies,
DG Botanicals,
Garden of Eden,
and LI Herbals.

hmmm... I may try to quit drinking using it. Im not a hardcore alcoholic but I drink 4-6 beers every night. I dont get sick if I miss a day of drinking. alcohol dependent. I quit smoking cigarettes 6 months ago after nearly 10 years of smoking. I've been drinking for about as long and it would be nice to quit that. leaving me with weed and kratom as my only vices. Eventually I'd like to stop smoking weed and use vapor/edibles/thc pills only.

well, i used to do heroin about 4 days a week. been addicted to nicotine for my entire adult life.
i currently do kratom daily and 50mg of oxy on friday nights

Different fag here. I do the "toss and wash" method he described too but I get a mouthful of drink first and THEN put a teaspoon of kratom on top. I must look retarded holding my head back to do this, but whatever lol. I don't find the taste all that horrible. It's kind of like tea leaves. Just a strong bitterness. Still not exactly delicious noms, though, for sure.

ah alright you just have an addictive personality

I tried it for a few days and felt literally nothing, I was extremely disappointed. I was told that apparently it doesn't work on everyone which honestly sounds kinda dumb.

Yeah I know at least one person like this. It's a bummer man. It works for most though.

Nice, that's cool man. What kind of woodworking are we talking? Like furniture?

Side note, when I was in rehab there was a mitryagine metabolite test. So for this particular lab test you would pop, but highly abnormal and non standard even for non standard test

>Be me, 15 or 16
>Smoke weed, occasional LSD etc
>Mate says dude I got some Kratom
>It's cool man you'll feel real mellow
>He pulls it out
>Huge bag of fine powder
>Do I snort that?
>Nah dude you eat it
>Me and 2 friends then proceed to try and eat powdered Kratom by spoon
>Doesn't go well
>Try mixing in sugar to make it more palatable
>Still fine powder
>Think watching cinnamon challenge videos without the pain
>Mfw us 15 year olds didn't know shit

Oh wow. Any idea how long that test was good for? Just curious.

Helped me get off of opiates. Gives me a tiny little boost of energy, but my farts smell like straight up swamp.

thanks dudes... ill check em both out. I may as well just get 3/4 kilo. it seems everybody likes it

Get some maeng da it's definitely a mood.booster n makes you feel good

You should get a small bag and be sure it works for you and you like it, IMO. Just my two cents.

Is it illegal yet? I prefer CBN but while not technically a scheduled substance it could be illegal under the new legal definition of precursor. Which is funny since you can’t turn CBN back into THCA. It’s literally impossible.

i guess so, but im using kratom as a stimulant. my withdrawals from it are the same as withdrawals from a stimulant. i get used to being productive on a stimulant, and when i stop the stimulant, my performance suffers

actually i also get physical symptoms similar to allergies. if i stop taking kratom for a day or 2 i get severe runny nose, sinus congestion, sneezing

Oh and for those of you asking where to order it, whatever you do, do NOT buy it from a gas station or liquor store. That shit is always garbage and badly overpriced. I think basically any website would be far better.

As far as his US is concerned, it varies by state. Most states have not banned it though. Tell me about CBN. I'm unfamiliar with that one.

>actually i also get physical symptoms similar to allergies. if i stop taking kratom for a day or 2 i get severe runny nose, sinus congestion, sneezing
huh thats weird

Kratom's no good for getting fucked up on. It's kind of a mild relaxative if you take a little. Take a little more, and you get tired like you'd taken 50mg of benadryl. Take a little more than that and you'll barf it right back up.

Second this. Definitely bizarre withdrawal effects.

Yeah being "fucked up" isn't the point with kratom for sure. It's just pleasant. Not a party drug.

I dated a stripper who used this shit when she couldn’t get her adderall. Seemed like it worked alright. I tried it a couple times. Seemed to even me out a bit.

Kratom is hype. CBD is backed by science and can also potentially help to treat or prevent a wide array of illness. The only issue is there's no quality regulation, so you really have to do your research to find a good place. With all the legal spaghetti going on, there's no profit to be made in making it, so I don't know of any places right now that haven't been shut down that are making real, high quality CBD oil. It's unfortunate too. But when this stuff comes out from the underground, which it will, CBD will be everywhere and there will be a thriving economy for it

The thing about a toss & wash is, the only part of your tongue that's tasting that awful shit is the part right under the kratom pile. then you slug a glass of water and most of it is down before it has the chance to spread around your mouth. Done right, you're getting kratom taste a lot less and for a lot less time than if you mix and drink it. Of course if you fuck it up, you're gonna have a bad time

Yeah the only thing that sucks is when you get a bag of kratom with that clumpy chalky texture. That makes the toss and wash much more unpleasant but if you have a nice clean loose powder it's ezpz.

well, I'm not quite making comparisons to real hard drugs. I get "fucked up" smoking a quarter gram of weed.

How tame is it compared to weed?

Yup. Coffee tables. Gates. Small barstools. Repurposing old shit. Etc.

My buddy calls it delta silt. He's not far off. Lol

way more tame

It's much milder than weed to me. It's been a long time since I actually enjoyed weed, though, and the few times I've smoked it in recent memory I've been a real lightweight.

it is pretty addictive, if your dose exceeds 10 grams/days you might start running in to problems. I went through a phase of taking about 20-30g/day to the stuff and that was hell to quit, and I couldn't stay away forever. I have a good 5g/day thing going on now which means when I don't take it I have maybe one or two sleepless nights but not much else in the way of withdrawal.

it's not so much the physical withdrawal that gets you, but the mental/emotional side of it...withdrawing from a heavy addiction will send you mad

are there negative side/effects on longtime use?

My body seems to be on a 2 year cycle with weed. I'll smoke daily for a year or 2. Then one day it's fucking anxiety overload every time. Quit and then a year or 2 later I'm good to go. Been that way since 12. I'm 33 now.

Hard turds but with a good diet it's manageable. Other than that I've not noticed anything. Been using daily at smaller doses for at least 3 years now. But I'm sure it varies person to person.

Damn man. I wish I was like that. I really miss when I used to enjoy weed and I live in Seattle where it's legal, but anxiety overload is exactly what it does to me 90% of the time. Even with just a hit or two of a nice indica, I just get a little on edge. I'm 37 myself.

just fill it yourself. i have a 100 caps capsule machine and i can make 500 capsules in ~1 hour.

Yeah I've heard that's pretty easy but I've never gotten the machine to try. I just toss and that's fine. How much does that machine cost though?

I use red thai vein pretty frequently, its similar to Opoids, except you don't feel like fucking shit and constipated as fuck, the euphoria isnt really there like it is for opoids but its fine because I really just use it for pain. helps me a lot. Its definitely not amazing but for something that is legal it works good. It tastes like fucking shit tho so make sure you mix it with lemonade or something that covers the taste

definitely consider this OP
There can be withdrawal conditions that i've heard are similar to mild opiod withdrawal; I wouldn't know cause i'm not addicted to opiates, but if you use it everyday, it can DEFINITELY sneak up on you. Not a cheap habit either.

i paid 70€ on amazon if i remember correctly. capsuls cost 17€ for 1000 size 00.

Yeah dude. I'm currently in the off phase with weed. Was working in Colorado for 4 months a few months ago. Was into edibles and drinks heavy. Then about a week before the job ended I went into full panic attack mode. Dipped from the bar we were at and locked myself in the basement and played mad max for hours. Have not toked since then.

>There can be withdrawal conditions
Yeah I said this above and I'm glad to see someone second it.
>not a cheap habit
Not sure what you're on about here though. I'm a heavy user and I consider it very cheap. Do you get yours from a store and not online? Because if so, there's your mistake.

Kratom causes rapid eye movements, if you're really anxious I highly suggest not doing it. The moment I feel anything, I feel like I may have a seizure it makes me paranoid AF, in low doses that you barely notice, its like coffee.


The FDA wants to regulate it as a schedule 1 along with heroin.

I recently started some antidepressants. Like a few months ago. I haven't tried smoking since, but I suddenly wonder if it might work out better for me. Hmmm...

I dose once a day but a rather large amount. Usually about 11-12 grams. I am on two meds that lower my metabolism of it. When I take a break I usually will take half my dose for a couple days then a third for a day then none. Worst WDs are around 36-48 hours later which is a slight malaise and some restless legs. I just take some NAC, L-THEANIN and a half a doxylamine succinate tab and sleep fine. I'm generally feeling fine by day 4 or so. I have been dosing daily, only at night after work for 3 years now. I usually buy 2kg a time when I buy, cycling between red and white strains with an occasional green for kicks.

Shit has made an enormous difference in my life both for anxiety and also for feeling better after my rather physical job. Plan on continuing using for the indefinite future. It's cheap, 2kg costs me $160 us delivered.

Of course those fags do. It's taking money away from big pharma? Its helping people? It's made from a leaf? Yep. No medical use. BANHAMMER!!

i agree brick & mortar stores prices are absolutely insane. sometimes 10x more than online.


The rapids eye stuff is kind of weird but only very mildly annoying to me. As for the rest, I'm certainly not saying there's anything "wrong" about your experience but I don't think that's at all typical.

Same here. Construction. Really helps with stamina and aches and pains.