Indian Anons - Are you aware that India and Indian people (immigrants) smell bad...

Indian Anons - Are you aware that India and Indian people (immigrants) smell bad, or do you think people are just being unfairly racist?

I read through 3 different threads today about racism towards Indians, Indian men's undesirability from white women, and public deification.

Is it really so hard to be humble and admit improvements can be made to your hygiene and environment?

Other urls found in this thread:

Prior to college I would never have considered myself racist in the slightest. Indian fucks changed that real fast. My dorm was next door to an apartment building that was inhabited almost entirely by Indians. The entire fucking building reeked of curry constantly, you could smell it from dozens of yards away. That’s not an exaggeration either, it was fucking disgusting. On top of that, the people that lived there were complete and total dickwads. I fucking hate indian people.

Indian-American here. The stereotypes are "true" to a degree, but lack insight (I guess that's what makes them stereotypes). The country itself smells pretty bad - which has a lot to do with how bad the pollution is there. I really wish India would focus more on environmental issues than economic ones.

And yes - Indian immigrants that move to this country need some protips on using soap and deodorant. Its hard to admit, but also embarrassing for me because my white friends always look to me for an explanation - "...but you're Indian and you don't smell".

Hygiene is a priority - listen to OP!

Send bobs n vegene modrechit

I am bumping this - really want to know what Indians have to say. I know you are out there reading this, what do you have to say?

Most indian here in the US are the telegu and tamil fucks from south india and coincide with the stereotypes. High tier north indians are a rarity, and it sucks being a dark skinned north indian. Most north indians look arab or turkish and aren't smelly and shit.

I personally hate indians in the US because they make north indians look bad. Thankfully my brother is dating a white chick, and I have "white" facial features (I want to say i look like a tanned Mediterranean dude?).

It's mostly the south indians you hate OP, don't shit us north indians because of them.

t. north indian american master race

Post a pic of yourself with a timestamp or stop talking shit you fucking sandnigger

wtf are you talking about?? Every Indian restaurant here is Punjabi, and the hotels are all owned by Gujus.

South Indians are the rarity - and honestly that's not the dirtiest part of the country, is the overpopulated shitholes like calcutta, mumbai, dehli.

I honestly feel disgusted by the amount of you filthy sand niggers precense in here. Also poo in the loo pajeet

Just as soon as you post a pic of you not being a 12 year-old that just learned a new curse word

where the fuck do you live? new jersey? I live in virginia and its all telegus here.

>and honestly that's not the dirtiest part of the country, is the overpopulated shitholes like calcutta, mumbai, dehli.
yeah you're right, but if you'd live were I am now, you'd understand why people hate indians here.

Go rape a goat already you hideous smelly cow fucking shitskin. Fuck off and die

Indians are hated everywhere for the reasons OP mentioned. They're right too - Indians need to be humble about this, and maybe change can be made. Start with personal hygiene. North Indians are not exempt from this - in fact the pseudo pride you exhibit in your post are the perfect example of how in denial Indians are.

Put down the pride, pick up the soap.

lol - that's what I thought. Have fun at middle school tomorrow.

You sure aren't the op you fucking tryhard. Have a lil dignity, dig a ditch and fucking die in it, fucking snakenigger.

India - at least we are first at something lol

Just got back from my vacation in India. That place is utter shit. It stinks, full of scams and people who want you money. New Delhi just got the world record of pollution. They dont give a damn about the land the live on. Just a shit place with alot of shit people.

Have fun at whatever you call it you intrusive hideous disgusting vile creature.


>put down the pride, pick up the soap
you probably look like a nigger

Thank you??

Trying this hard. Quit being sneaky you whiny lil bitch and get the fuck outta here.

timestamp or you're a 12 yr old nigger

Bro - take a shower and pick-up the litter if you can't take the criticism.

He's not the only one saying this shit about India.

Wake UP!

Take your gay porno with ya and get fuck outta here you filthy cock sucking hideous subhuman.

What you'd say the place is nice and clean?
That the people are nice there?
It's amazing that you're proud of that fact that they are a cancer to the land...

Thank you??

>being an actual nigger
you played yourself, and nice job hiding your inbred nigger face

Thank you??

lol headass look at the image name
>what is reverse image search
you've literally proved you're a beta

its like alabama representing the the whole of usa.

Look at the context of the conversation moron - it wasn't meant to be a real pic.

Seriously, isn't it past most your bedtime kids?

screenshot and post, lil bitch.

You're not making alota sense fucking nigger

or detroit

Indians are worse than Russians and Russians are white niggers...

>accepting thank's for being a nigger by tying to be a big dickd ripped black dude
>>b-b-but it wasnt meant to b-be real!!!11!

it's only past my bedtime when i finish reading all news report of the daily news on white cops killing black "people"

I'm sorry your Mom swallowed all your siblings.

why the fuck do they smell like curry? Every Indian I pass in the airport reeks of it. It has fascinated me for the longest time.

Is there like a general deodorant that has been provided by the government? Why is it curry?

Or if Detroit was in Alabama, and everyone was brown.

Indian men are the lowest subhumans on this planet. A couple weeks ago, a group of indian men attacked and brutally beat up a Swiss couple who were visiting the Taj Mahal. This is normal for India, since the indian educational system teaches that “white people are to blame for all the problems in the world”. India is no longer safe for foreign tourists and I strongly recommend to avoid visiting India. India needs to be boycotted. It’s a filthy, disgusting country full of the most disgusting subhumans on this planet.

Man people like you make me ashamed to be here. I know you're young and weren't around in Sup Forumss prime, but at least be clever with your insults. I've seen you posting on these Indian threads all day today and you're as dumb as they are.

Sweet - you got to promote your blog on 4 threads today!

This isn't Sup Forums's prime!?!?

Do it again, mother fucker

Hahah I think that was a decade back sadly. The cancer that killed Sup Forums got old and mutated years ago and now the corpse of Sup Forums is underground and just bones are left as the worms have eaten the body and moved on.

lol - white ppl trying to understand technology

system teaches white people are to blame
no the system teaches them that muslims and moghuls are to blame. indians think whites are supreme and try to copy them. you're confusing indians with niggers.

>trying to prove you're an oldfag
found the insecure fuck

What he said did anything I say prove I'm an oldfag? trying to prove it would be calling back things like the Hal Turner days which you weren't here for. Oh boy now I have done went and tried to prove it. Maybe I'll be cool now.


Do you think you're all smart and shit? Guess what you ugly subhuman? You're fucking not you're a just a fucking tryhard and always will be no matter what. You'll spend your entire pathetic miserable 711 working lil shit you life being a fucking intrusive tool. Get rekt shit devourer

i like your womyn

some are hot af

like for real

who wouldnt cummies in this?

Man how old are you bro? I'm serious. I feel bad for you cause you're not clever with your insults but you got all this anger in you. Poor guy. You only got a few more hours to be up too until it's bed time for school tomorrow.

or this?

Stop being a fucking smartass you dumbshit and take screenshot of the whole thing you fucking nigger.

lol you're posting women you can't even tell they're Indian. Go post the average Indian woman and you know your dick will die.

thank fuck indians have 3 in dicks and are creepy af to the point where curries are flying towards white dicks

Dude he's owned you hard, twice now. Just stop.

Stop samefagging you ugly cow raping nigger

is this indian or not or are you just blind?

just because this is 0.1% of all indian women doesnt mean that 0.5 billion * 0.1% istn half a million

I'm really sorry about your Mom being a whore and swallowing any potential friendship you might have had in the form of a brother or sister. Hopefully when you get older, you will be able to afford a therapist that can help you deal with these underlying issues you are coping with in the form of racism and hatred.


or what about this? is this indian enough for you?

how about now? still not "indian"?

imagine being this ignorant.
saying nigger doesnt make you hard bud.

or is this a little better?

I believe you, you weren't samefagging and trying hard to be a nigger shill. I honestly pity you, though still want you to be a hero and live stream it. Do it you you worthless dirty shitskin.

how about now? still not satisfied?

if you say no to fucking this then ur beyond gay

Well, it is true a lot of them(in india) do shit in the street

>i like your womyn

Stop samefagging you piece of shit nigger. Grow a pair of balls and jump off some cliff or some shit, you fucking ball less pussy.

Indian-American from earlier. Would like to thank this thread for reminding me what whores Indian women are for white Dick.


I lived with some in a share house, they were nice i guess but i saw one guy get kicked out for using a water bottle to clean his ass and apparently left poo nuggets on the floor
the food is great though
they have arranged marriages so i was a bit jealous, i think any indians that can afford to come overseas to study come from rich families
also one guy was making sexual advances towards the owners wife and the husband punched him so he was another that got kicked out.

patels own all the motels along I95

Dude am not a sandnigger. And, honestly I'd have to put a paperbag on that ugly bitchs head to do my business, don't know about the deadly smell.

Who the fuck are those?

Fuck sandniggers to death. No mercy

not the same person son.

a huge clan of hindus

It's sad how rude white dudes can be to an Indian chick, and she's still fuck 'em.

That's because they don't have toilets and wipe their asses with their hands.

indian girls, the fat ones in particular, have a lust for the great white bull that is unmatched among the lesser races.

OP here - that actually doesn't answer any of the questions asked. Just more racist sandnigger rhetoric. Your opinion(s) have been noted. Thanks.


out yourself in the place of a curry nigress

you could either date
>show bob and vagene with a 2 in dick
>6/10 normal white guy with a 6 in dick

you pick if you are the girl

yeah lol

indians and chinese smell so bad

indians have the smallest penis size by race dottie. they make special ultra tiny condom for your sewer of a country


Even if the dick sizes were the same, she is going for the white guy. In fact, even if you gave the Indian an extra inch, the white guy still wins. I wish penis size were the only reason. Indian chicks are whores for white anything. Pathetic.

Thank you this thread for opening my eyes.

so true +1

not always tho

money and status also matter

Bro - Im Indian, have money, have status...I'm telling you, white trumps all of that lol.

Indian women are whores for white dick. I'm over it.


Blame brits those disgrace are the reason we even have to deal with this bullshit.


if you were an INDIAN
>engineer making 150K a year
>6 foot wit 6 in dick

you would be swimming in pussy over a WHITE
>40K technician
>6 foot with 6 inch dick