Be me

>be me
>talking to a qt 3.14 for a couple of months now
>talk all day everyday
>I’ve even bought her gifts
>She’s my best friend at this point
>we’re on skype talking
>randomly she gets a call from some guy (someone she just met a week ago)
>she gets visibly excited and says she “has to go” and “will call me back”
>last time she did this she never called me back

Should I just stop trying Sup Forums? Am I getting cucked?

lol you fell for it..........

time to pull an Elliott Rodger

One rule I learned through a shit ton of failed relationships, always be closing the deal. Every time you see her, you have to be trying to fuck her. Every time. Because that's basically the only thing that makes the fucker worth while.

i'ts not like she was the only girl in the world, if she got interest in you it means you're still a decent human being, not like most of Sup Forums

This. Make your intentions known early on. If she's not in to it move on

Read the rational male and Models.
You became her girlfriend.

>bought her gifts
kek, played like a fiddle

I know this feeling, user. Similar thing has happened to me recently. I'm sorry to say but the "newness" of your relationship has worn off and she is looking for another honeymoon phase.

I realized that I cared more about this girl than she cared about me, once I realized that I cut ties.

Punch out now!

holy shit this dog is so fucking cute

Stfu idiot, ur braindead
Nice guys never get anywhere


Op here, honestly I think I should just gonna pretend everything’s fine and nothing’s different, but I won’t keep buying her stuff because I have, as said, been played like a fiddle

Distance yourself from this one now!!

This is somewhat how it is between us. I’m always asking her questions and trying to make conversation 99% of the time we talk. I think I should cut ties as well

Maybe you'll get the hint when she starts saying shit like "you know, I'd support you if you came out as gay?"

shut up you big dummy

Did you ever meet her in person?

Online relationships arent real user. Basically you fell in love with a cam girl.

typical case of FRIENDZONEkys


Yes we have but you aren’t wrong

Did she let your stuff her hoo haa with your jim jam?

Hello WaveTitan!!

Was there anything sexual going on between the both of you, op? Typically if you have been talking to her for months, you can at least post her nudes for us.

Yes, but the thing is (which was an immediate red flag from the start) was when she told me that she fucks her friends, just because they’re friends. She’s had sex with at least 8 other “friends” before me. I didn’t say no to it because I just wanted to fuck, but i’m starting to regret it now

She has had only 1 real relationship and she didn’t even fuck her

How it's supposed to you been chucked if she is not your gf ?

The true face of women. Take the red pill.

Its bitter


>falling for the woman meme


I really see no point in trying anymore. It’s just making me depressed that I have to see her everyday and know that when she says “I love youu” she’s also saying it to another dude and possibly more.

Is one one going to realize QUADS?

Yeah... good luck dude. You will be alright. She seems like a bitch anyway.

Why do you have to "see her everyday"?

Well I don’t have to, it’s mpre I just want to

Then why are you even crying about it in the first place? You clearly don't mind getting cucked because anyone with balls would get out of that situation

You’re right, I’m ending it

Chalk this up as a failure and move on, you'll get better at it eventually

cuck buying girl hes never met irl girts > cuck

We have met