Why don't you own an AR yet Sup Forums?
Why don't you own an AR yet Sup Forums?
>not making your own like a true patriot
because i'm not a coward with a micro penis
because im a felon
btw, youre gay
because a pistol does the job... I don't need a gigantic gun to protect my home/person
Because I can't afford one. It's an unnecessary expense that would alienate my family and friends from me and I would have to learn how to use it, or just leave it in a safe for someone to break into and steal it.
Because I got real a BB gun and a 31 magazine of assorted coloured munition.
Because I don't have money to buy safety.
Because I'm 20. 8 more months until I can get one!
Because I don't want one. Have fun with your semi automatic cookie cutter rifle. Bet you think Sig Sauer makes the best guns because they cost a lot
because everyone has one. no originality, same boring cheap carbine
CZ75 masterrace
lol i may have been gang raped and tortured by 5 niggs but at least im not a coward with a micro penis
Cause I'm comfortable with my penis size.
Standard rifle. Nothing scary about it. Easy and fun to build and shoot.
I want an EOS sight that'll cost more than the rifle now...
Can you own a static turret in your yard over there, or is there a limit to how powerful a gun you can get by law?
Because that is a military assault weapon and has no place in society.
Just selotape a Fisherprice Viewfinder on the top.
There is that gay thing that a citizen cannot own a full auto gun
What if it wasn't full auto? Pull the trigger for each round.
i like mt sks way more mr tacticool
don't need one
More focused on buying a Kayak and Kayak Shit
Also saving for Drills and drill bits
^And Gf holiday gifts
Are my reasons good enough OP?
Thats not what your girlfriend told me last night while you were at the cosplay convention. BTW she actually does enjoy anal, contrary to what she told you.
>Just selotape a Fisherprice Viewfinder on the top.
Think that'll work? Does "selotape" indicate you're a teabag? I guess you find all firearms intimidating.
Got me off guard top kekkers
So you are an expert on various penis sizes. Go figure.
I have gun enough to keep my home safe already and penis enough not to need to compensate
Neither do transvestites but here you are.
Why would I be a tea bag? Hahahah.
Guns aren't intimidating, I've played plenty of violent viddy games.
BEcause I’d rather have an actual good and reliable weapon that isn’t half ass made. I’d rather have German or Russian weaponry.
Can't argue with its home turf kill count though.
Why don't you own a .50 BMG?
Because AK is superior.
cannot? you need a tax stamp anyone can buy full auto or even suppressed with a tax stamp.
>not an HK 416
No wonder you dumb burgers have so many mass shootings with shitty AR-15s used to defend yourself. Stronk German engineering would save you.
You can purchase or build a rifle at 18.
I don't live in a shithole country where having this is needed for my safety
I have an RPG instead
because im not a degenerate, rather own a valmet m76 .223 haha
oh wait i already do haha
fuck by the felon on my history
Because d.i. is inferior to pistons, and before you say they have piston operated ar's, look at their price compared to an ak47.
Because there's a lil bitch holding it.
Because im a britfag
It is not an assault rifle unless it's full auto
Because .556 is for little girls and sissy plinkers.
>not an hk433
anyway, german engineering would just make the death toll higher. american guns jam before killing too many people. its self-regulating you see
but i do own one
Yep, get a fucking 308 you cuck.
Yes it is thats why they call it and AR for assault rifle dumb ass.
Fuck, my logic has been successfully turned on me. I can't win this.
Because bolt action rifles are much finer works of art.
Much better than your cracker-jack-box plastic ARs.
The AR in “AR-15” rifle stands for ArmaLite rifle, after the company that developed it in the 1950s. “AR” does NOT stand for “assault rifle” or “automatic rifle.” not retarded btw haha
No worries user.
btw, I think Belgian stuff is better, if we're talking modern small arms. P90 & F2000 are all you'd need. Even the Italians are showing up strong with the ARX160. Of course, their sidearms are always nice as well at Baretta.
can you put 30-06 through an ar-10 platform?
Because I own like 15?
Well, I bet you gun nuts feel pretty silly now
you can put anything through anything. they even make a .50cal ar-15/m4
Because 22 is for pansys.
Then what does the AR in SCAR stand for lol
nice troll
I'm a poor fag but I dream of it
The FN SCAR (Fabrique Nationale Special Operations Forces Combat Assault Rifle)
nice b8
Is that why you don't have one because its called an assault riffle?
Myth Fags like you don't suck cock They just put them in their mouths till it's filled with cum
what? i was just telling the guy what scar stood for... i dont have one because im a felon and assault rifles are near impossible to get in the states, their about 95% illegal.
Because I bought a mini 14 recently and much prefer it.
tfw too poor.
i own the whole family's 22s tho.
Is that why you bought a gun? Such a thing does not happen to the common man
as long as you aren't going somewhere gay AF with that small boat
I don't plan on killing a bunch of people any time soon.. even if I did there's cheaper ways
Been to the psych ward 3 times. I'm not getting a gun. If I had one I might've managed suicide by now.
because im german and automatic guns are restricted here
How many mass shootings do you have every year?
Who wants 5.56mm when they can have 7.62mm?
Felons can't own firearms.
Because it's illegal and having a rifle for anything but hunting is retarded
cuz ma dick's more deadly. I'm for the second amendment, tho.
i have two
>because i'm not a coward with a micro penis
You're a fag
At least he doesn't have a small penis
Everyone in free states can do that.
can you imagine hunting with an AR15 wtf?
why not? it's just another rifle.
I do, and it's for sport. I live in West Virginia. Everyone owns one.
when there is an "amoklauf" (shooting, mostly in a school), people here are always mad as shit and scream for regulations on guns/videogames/immigration. it happens like once or twice a year, so its not as regular as in the US of A.
Anybody thank it's weird how gun control legislation enables gun-related violence? I'm talkin' to you, Chicago you big pack of losers.
We have one every day.. you gotta step those numbers up Germany, those are rookie numbers
have 3.
Cuz I'm broke
It's actually the opposite.. and Chicago is the highest populated city in the country so you really shouldn't listen to the media when they say it has the highest rate of violence
we have less racial tensions, less poverty and less citizens.
i used to think that regulating guns is useful as well, until i started smoking weed and realized that the only people who own guns when they are restricted are criminals. when you want a gun, you get one, but the only people who get guns in germany are criminals i guess.