Diaper thread life stories edition

Diaper thread life stories edition






My wife is an ABDL ama

How is that going for you


Pretty well. I am enjoying my life with her. Havin a good time changin diapees.

What kind does she wear?

19 year old guy who can fit in pull ups just fine. AMA

Well we arent an Instagram type of ddlg couple, so nothing fancy. Assurance brand. Get them at walmart.

Fair enough

Yeah they went on sale a 40 pack for $15 a few weeks ago. Big day for diaper buying.

I had a surgery to remove my colon because of an autoimmune disease, now I wear one every day.

goodbye boners!


Sucks man

So what's everyone up to on this Wednesday night. I'm just playing world of Warcraft waiting for my roommates to leave so I can wear a diaper

Got any pictures of her you want to share?







Looking for pics with onesies on. Preferably wet.














Anyone have any real life diaper girl stories?



Pic related
I split my double bed and made a "crib" to have all my blankets and plushies surrounding me :3




That's actually pretty sweet

It's absolutely amazing!
Definently reccomend it if you have a double bed and a bunch of plushies and blankets.




Diapercuck reporting in for the night.

I'm in my Little Pawz and watching TV while the gf is out. How is everyone tonight?

I remember you. How you doing

Diapercuck here again.

I'm alright. Just wet for the first time tonight.

How about you?

Doing good. Playing wow rn




When I was a senior in high school there was this freshman friend-of-my-girlfriend's-friend at the other town high school who had to wear diapers. Her friends were really cavalier about telling everyone that as soon as her name came up. Which I thought was a weird breach of privacy but whatever.

So one day gf's friends mention she () is gonna be hanging out with us. We all meet up and while we're on a long stretch of road, one of gf's friends makes a really unsubtle maneuvering statement, like "Haha good thing we won't need to pull over to let pee!"

And then since I'm the only one who doesn't really know , they're all trying to bait a reaction out of me clearly. says directly to me "Yeah I wear diapers, I have a small bladder." I believe this over-sharing was her way of owning the problem and not letting it affect her. Which is ironic... because she had to wear diapers and literally could not control it...

I'm not gonna be out-weirded. So I ask her "... Can I see?" And she's momentarily flustered but I guess peer pressure won out and so while we're all in the car, she unbuttons her jeans just a bit and flashes me her diaper. It was a pink Goodnite I'm pretty sure.




That's actually really hot






Where did that diaper cuck go to. He's always fun to talk to

Did anyone have to wear diapers unwillingly when you were younger?




Nope mine was all because I wanted to wear



Same here. I just want to be forced to wear them

Anyone have any fun diaper stories they want to share


I would love to be 24/7 but every time I cum I kinda hate diapers for a bit. Weird reaction every time

I wore a goodnite to the beach once and swam in it.

I've been wanting to tell my gf of 4 years about my fetish but I'm scared she'll hate it

Same thing with me. After that, I just want to take it off.

Yup. Bed wetter til i was 14

I've worn the occasional goodnite in the shower just to get it all nice and puffy

Oh wow this pic brings back memories of me looking up diaper pics. Loved this set. Feel a little creepy now that I'm over the age of 18 looking at it now though

Yeah, I get the feeling. Kind like guilt. Yet, if your force yourself to wear one after you cum, sleeping right afterwards with a diaper is incredible. (new in the discussion, btw.)

What kind of diapers? How often did you wet?

Had a neighbor friend who was a bedwetter. Snuck a few diapers from him when I was young

That's a lot of fun too.

I love sleeping in diapers and waking up feeling comfy and warm. I'm hoping I can fall asleep tonight wearing of my roommates are both out at the same time

I would sneak my sister's goodnites and pull-ups

It takes me a while to fall asleep if I'm diapered. Sometimes I wake up and have to pee.

What's everyone's favorite diaper brand? For me it has to be goodnites


I have roomates. Good thing is that I have my own room so I can hide my diapers well in the closet. I throw them away late at night one at a time, so it doesn't look obvious. I have not done it in a while, though. I have my phases.


ABU, but I like Northshore Supremes and Fit Right Ultra as well.

When me and my brother were both still young I would steal some of his pull-ups. I still remember getting caught a bunch of times