What do you guys think of my work?

what do you guys think of my work?
i worked 4 hours straight on this
i'm hungry and thirsty and tired as fuck now

4 hours all to ruin it with the words "monster mash"

Good job man!

you think so?
it's name is monster mash..
i can still paint over it in black


Good job dude !

Pretty cool. Kind of reminds me a bit of Lee's Palace in Toronto.

Monster mash is a tenacious d reference isn't it

Looks good op. You gonna clear coat over it or something?

looks pretty gay op

why dont you play us something and get this conversation really started?


not as nice as my board, bro. now fuck off puss

now when you play wonderwall in the quad people will think you're even more of a prick. by the way if you don't put a clear coat on that you'll lose all that work in a few days.

That looks like a first act guitar. Is it?

>ugly god

I cringed. Are you unironically 12?

>epiphone logo on the pickguard
>is it a first act

4 hours wasted...

Looks like you’re 13. Congrats. Now go fuck off to tumblr.

Anyone can replace a pick guard. It ain’t rocket appliance.


hey how did u do it

Pity it's a fucking epiphone.

thanks OP, what is was going for bro

+1 for Epiphone

Wtf. People still skateboard?

yeah but there is no reason to change pickguards on cheaper acoustics because they're glued on. first acts have a different bridge shape and have smaller scale lengths, so any epiphone part wouldn't fit on a first act. it is an epiphone

also the big sticker on the inside of the guitar that says epiphone is a pretty good indicator that it's an epiphone

see, op's drawings are visually appealing, indie, and have a good balance of detail so not too much is going on until you take a look at it but thats whats creates interest

you, faggot, on the other hand have a bunch of ugly, edgy, wannabe punk bullshit going on, and none the less its on a skateboard, kill yourself

you probably smell like camel crushes and earring backs

not bad but let me show you where you went wrong


not bad but let me show you where you went wrong

You see the money-making potential, right?