Can we have a musclefu thread?

can we have a musclefu thread?



USA (Trump)


All these fags not posting Amazonian queens
Damn straight I am


this is the perfect amount of muscle , any more they start looking too masculine

>reply to this post or (you)'ll NEVER be gently raped by an Amazonian princess.

pls rape me natasha


>not violently

You mean leik this?

no weirdo


fucking nasty

>spread 'em wide and brace yourself baby

Hubba hubba

shes fucking hot

Fuck forgot to reply to this post to continue



Your welcome op for saving the thread


From Russia with beff

_melissatexas on ig

Cute face. I just couldn't get over them being massively in shape compared to me and the lack of tits.

thanks bro I thought it was kill

Will post more later if the thread survives

Nigga, you gay.

fuck it I have about 3 left

No problem

One left

Well good night Sup Forumsros
Fare thee well op


thats a man, baby.

>Be me.
>5'1" manlet.
>Testro challenged.
>Woman at work keeps talking to me.
>Too dumb to "get it" until my friend tells me she's flirting.
>Now I get all tongue tied when she talks to me.
>She asks me what's wrong.
>I try to stammer out what's up.
>She tells me it's "adorable".
>Asks me out.
>O-OK Ma'am.
>Go on date.
>Best date ever.
>She's smart, friendly, kind.
>Notice her flexing when she eats.
>Mirin hard.
>More dates follow, she asks me if I want to come for her walks at lunch.
>Of course I actually say O-OK ma'am.
>Her walks are fast and I am a small, soft man.
>I get tired, she thinks that's adorable too.
>Asks me if I want to come to her gym.
>I do.
>Go to her gym.
>Women only.
>She gets me in because the rule isn't hard and fast, it's just what they prefer.
>Now I'm in a gym.
>I hate it.
>Working out is shit.
>Tell her I don't enjoy much of anything at the gym.
>She tells me to give it one more shot and signs me up for a class.
>A week later she takes me to her gym and I join a yoga class.
>Some hot women in there.
>Some hambeasts too.
>Realise I'm the only boy in a yoga class and the bitch running it keeps calling us all ladies.
>Turns out I really like Yoga though.
>Know how sometimes your back hurts?
>Not on Yoga, I keep going.
>My now GF starts calling me "Kitten".
>My GF is a muscle girl and I'm in a women's casual Yoga class.

That was how I came to be in a pseudo lesbian relationship with a woman who balanced me on her shoulder for a beach pic.

Now we're married and she wants me to quit my job because our company expects men to work 30% more hours than women.






look like you shopped her head on a muscle man lmao


Pics of the balancing.


Fuck no, James. No pics of me on the internet.


But why not Ronny

what ever makes you two happy man




What kind of faggot are you?


you like?

>Tfw it is statistically impossible for me to find a muscle gf, let alone a tomboy gf, and god forbid a gf that's both
Why do I even live in this world

pls be gentle missus



Oh dear. I'm just a lowly virgin, don't hurt me miss musclefu. I bruise easy


I don't even know your name. Please don't break my final fantasy and resident evil figures.


fist me!


And then she decides she likes that hand warm and uses you as a living puppet for the day.

I mean, I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but you know. Could get boring by lunch time.

What are you doing on the floor like that? Why arnt you saying anything? Please stand, my cargo shorts are getting a little tight



Ma'am, we've received notice that (you) have been committing elicit acts for a minor. Now if you'll please turn around so we may cuff you.


