Story time Sup Forums

Story time Sup Forums...

I fell for a girl. Me and a friend from work would go grab lunch every now and then. We'd usually go to the same place because it was close to work and the food was good.

There was a girl who worked there that was adorable in every way possible. I could tell from my brief interactions with her that she was very intelligent, funny, and had a pretty amazing personality. It didn't hurt that she was about 5 feet tall, thin but curvy in all the right places... and gorgeous.

I could also tell she was interested because every time we saw each other she would give me "the look". Some of you may not know that look because nobody has ever given it to you... but regardless I had no doubts. Problem was I was dating someone at the time and didn't want to be "that guy".

Me and my girlfriend eventually broke up for unrelated reasons. After a few weeks of singleness... I decided the next time I saw this girl I'd ask for her number. So I do just that and she doesn't even hesitate. She happily obliged... Writes down her name and number and gives it back to me... score!

Continue? Pic related... the girlfriend.

Sure, go on

Pleeeease do not continue, stop the story there

So is this gonna be a "things went better than expected" thread or a "holy fuck how could this go so wrong" thread?

tell it in green text faggot

Go on, this better be good, user

Not everyone is blessed by the Green Text God to tell stories that way and still be good


So we start texting... small talk mostly at first because she was pretty busy... she works and goes to college. I also had a lot going on with work.. but we eventually found time to chat a bit.

Then she asks me the one question I wanted to hopefully avoid until we had a chance to go out or something. How old are you?


Before this goes any further user what is "the look" i have never gotten?? please elaborate with pic plz

This sounds like a cool story.
Please continue....

"I'm a 29 year old wagecuck "

nigga this better be a good story, don't fuck this up

I've always looked a lot younger than I look. People guess my age about 10 years younger than I am all the time.... at the time I was 34. I figured this chick was in her early 20s... kinda young but old enough.

I figured I'd be straight with her and tell her my real age instead of lie.

She replied with.... "UGH...... you're going to cringe" "How old do you think I am?"

I reply... early 20's?

I just turned 18. Your not much younger than my mom.

>Your not much younger than my mom.
"What about your dad?"

So you got to dating, she got the dad she always wanted and you got a person with a mental maturity similar to yours?

"you look and act older than you are"

she replies with "sorry"

To which I never responded and have never spoken to her since.


Sorry Sup Forums I was bored. :)

>I've always looked a lot younger than I look

Wow, what a fucking waste of time.




You just brought the faith back into Sup Forums OP. You're a fucking god. I hate you faggot.

You got rekt son.


she ded?

nah... it buffed out.

headshot a pole at 40+ mph. I bet she walked it off

my come back that i use when these young girls ask how old i am (36male) , my reply is : i old enough to be your dad.... or that im 86 years old , dont i look young for my age? ... brush that shit off.. they laugh and you pass their shit test.

barry deded

Good. I was about to hate you so much if that went well for you

such a shame wasting 3 nice holes like that

I honestly wanted to get rejected because she was too good for me. First and only time I thought about someone else other than myself.

I did her a favor and it still makes me sad.