Name a more hilarious comedian than Chris Titus. (Pro tip, you cant)
Name a more hilarious comedian than Chris Titus. (Pro tip, you cant)
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Patrice O'Neal
Dane Cook
Check em
Those look like the eyes of a certain sexy spooky girl.
what'd he do now? i liked that show from like 2 decades ago
Spammers might be lurking ;)
George Carlin
Amy Schumer
Idk..comedy his hobby, drag racing his true passion.
You're about the only one on here with such pretty eyes.
How are you doing today?
I feel ok mentally
But starting to get withdrawls.
I want to stop h. Not good for me.
I threw away my last gram.
I remember you
You're the gay faggotman
You punched a wall over a lack of cigarettes. Would these withdrawals be a lot worse?
I hopes not.
Probly just cry while it comes out both ends. I almost threwup earlier. Drinking milk mixed with a little pepto now.
I hope you can kick the habit.
Did you get the water problem fixed?
Yup, sheesh.
Nieghbor came over with fixens. Still cold but better then none. I love him. He pretty much looks after me since grandpops died..
This granpa..say hi!!!!
Grandma in there too
I thought urns were bigger.
It's good that you got the problem fixed.
Plan on watching any movies over the weekend?
Yes. Adding Bill Hicks and Frankie Boyle
Haha, yea. Its old as fuck brass..thing with cork for seal, haha.
Yeah, love movies. Big horror and gore fan.
Ooohh. Im a watch wizard of gore now!
I still an ignorant Sup Forumsaby..
What does bump mean?
Is it good or bad?
Shit dude. If you respond to a bump post you get a fucking virus. You need to clean your computer right now.
The thread was on the last page. If it stayed there it would have been cut.
Bump sends it to the first page.
What is that wizard movie about?
I use an out of service tracphone for Sup Forums.
I dont fuck around with my desktop.
Wizard of gore is about a magician who hypnotizes the aidience with drugs then murders his sexy assistants on stage.
The girls are all suicide girls too.
Mmmm..suicide girls.
Yep, they are sexy. And you are too.
Do you prefer the newer horror movies or older ones?
Love b-horror. Gritty underground flicks. And popular ones. Horror is a pretty cliche genre though. It's been over done but its still the 2nd best..right under cheesy romance.
But honestly..Brokeback mountain is by far my favorite love story.
I can only watch it a few times a year though cause I cry so hard at the end.
King kong my 2nd fave love movie, haha. hungry, but scared im a puke.
Whats good to eat but nice on the tummy?
Ever see the Blair Witch Project?
The original or the remake of King Kong?
Stay away from greasy foods.
How do we know this isn't a impersonator?
The blair witch project is defiantly one of my faves, top 5 probably. Fave found footage film
I fucking hate it when people say "th at movie sucks"
It was brilliant. It started a new style of cinematography th at become cult instantly. It was mostly improv with loose script. Heather was really crying, they were really starving and th e movie took longer to shoot then the time lapse in the movie..
They froze there asses off..
I love the theory tjat it was all a plot for Josh to kill Heather.
But the new movie disproved it..huggggh.
Ive seen the original, the remake, and the re re make of king kong
That beast my nigga!
Jk. That was harsh. Im no rascist.
Darude ft. Max Wall
Oops..left over sausage.
ISIS ft. Wilson & Keppel
Hope that doesn't bother that cute tummy of yours.
Enjoy your wizard movie. I have to go.
Goodnight and sweet dreams spooky girl.
Bye bye guy
Ha, cute