/RMS/ Rate my shitter general

/RMS/ Rate my shitter general

Post those disgusting toilets and have cleanfags rate them

bumping because novel thread concept

you're a weird dude btw op


planning to clean that shat-up shitter anytime soon?

I think it adds patina

It adds vibe to the coathanger attached to the pull line hung up on a towel rack because the knob broke off to flush it

R8 my shit recepticle

strange, but perfectly valid, response.

In case you're wondering, on the left that's a bidet


what is the plate for

Plant would annoy me, fucking leaves

I wanna know this too

Why thank you good sir

hydr hydr hydr


To get burning tissue paper into the toilet before it burned me

dude wat

How do you people live with yourselves

this only raises more questions

you're a mess

it's a shitty job, but someone's gotta do it.


come on my bathroom's pretty good

Hang on guys I got a good one if I can find my camera under all this mess, wait for me. You won't be disappointed.

You have to crawl from the bottom to get to the top

Seriously. A lot of people ITT eat where they shit.

>skittles wrappers
>paper plate soiled by lasagne

This picture really gets to me every time I see it.
I'm worried it's going to start giving me nightmares.

Plz piss on forg

nigga those are burn marks


Need to clean mine soon. Its smells really bad in there. The second toilet has empty TP rolls all over the floor covered in piss.

Oohh. I thought it was an AM/FM shitter there for a minute. Thanks for clarifying.

The enamel is gone from the inside and you appear to be a fan of skittles. 4/10
Why is there a plate next to the toilet? You eat your meals there? 0/10 just because of the plate.
You shit a bit on the lid, and your laptop is there. A bit odd. 6/10

At least someone tried

It does get some pretty nice tunes playing through it

Here's a close up of he plate, as you can see they are burn marks. I'm not a fucking disgusting neet who eats in the bathroom

You just burn toilet paper before it burns you

Are you too stupid to fix it? Your parents are pieces of shit, raising such a worthless stupid son

I did fix it you ignorant piece of shit, it works just fine

Why the fuck do you have a plate in your bathroom for burning toilet paper?

Plus I just lift up on it after I take a shit, I don't even have to look for a knob.. it's actually superior in usage

You didn't do shit. You're a waste of a life.