Why the fuck did they nerf Rolf again making him even shittier...

Why the fuck did they nerf Rolf again making him even shittier? He used to have the best ULT in the game and now he is fucking useless. Meanwhile Kevinfags are still fucking dorking people every chance they get. God damn Kevin takes no skill to play

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Dude.... where the fuck can I download this???

Bitch you better get on the Jimmy train. He got buffed so hard in the last patch it's unreal. I play him and just carry the whole damn team every match.

dude what fucking game is that
is that an ed edd and eddy rpg ???


stupid cunt prob deserved it, scamming people out of 200 jawbreakers as eddy isnt cool.

What even is this?

Where can we get it tho?

a little googleing shows that sadly this is fake

i wish losing over 100 jawbreakers was fake... i really do... do you have any idea how hard it is to get even one jawbreaker? fucking eddy players...

not fake, its a game made by Sup Forums a few years ago. going to shut down next year tho because the creator refuses to open a patreon to keep it alive.

newfags ruining it again

where can one download the game?

ask i uninstalled it along time ago after getting scammed constantly by eddy players, shit was broken. jawbreakers are basically power in that game.

dont know how it is now tho, apparently eddy is shit now but i doubt that severely.


Why do you have to be like that though? More players would only make the game better. No reason to keep it secret from people. The game isn't your secret club only to be played with your friends. The game will die if it doesn't get new players

I agree Eddy's perk makes it way too easy to hoard jawbreakers. They need to nerf Eddy, not Rolf

>not knowing where to download it

Another aids patch. Really wish they would do something about Jonny's plank throw. 5 second stun is wayyy too long.

I wish the jimmy hair curlers were still a weapon, but now all i can play is lee
>inb4 lee has shit control

Kevinfag reporting in


what color is your underwear, cutie?

what the fuck is this

new faggot

>Not playing Sarah to steal all the jawbreakers that any nearby Ed player gets.

fucking come on man, kindergarten shit

GTFO man, fucking OP as hell. I cant believe they arent nerfing him

How do you feel when Sarah hard counters your scrub ass?

Mariefag reporting in for your punk asses

Should I open 4 Jawbreakers? Took a while to collect enough pennies for them

how bout that half pipe game

what the fuck do you mean open jawbreakers, you use them as currency, dipshit.

Eddy is still overall the best character. Decent speed, attack, defense. His special ain’t too bad either

how bout that frog racing ga- oh wait the developers forgot that.
p.s. its shit

retards, the reason jawbreakers are so important is because they can be converted into super jawbreakers which permanently grant you attack power for each super jawbreaker you have in your possesion.

but they can be swindled by that shitter eddy so they have to be protected.

youll get banned so no

Someone did not update to V4.06

How does it feel knowing a monkey could play kevin?

maries are always some fucking e girl or a catfish. either way they suck at the game

>still being on V4.06
you probably dont even have the robot rebel ranch expansion

>mistaking marie for lee
have you even played the game or are you just one of those shit posters who thinks the game doesn't exist, but still posts about it?

lol fucking idiot i've been playing since vanilla. got a lvl 100 ed that would fucking embarass you for even talking shit to me

dont make me get my fucking main, noob. meet me at varrock bank and ill show you

>Not playing as Nazz
>Only character who has a proper counter to both Eddy AND Kevin
>Has arguably the most powerful Primary in game

on my fucking way, dork. 1v1. winner gets 150 purple jawbreakers

>lvl 100 ed
yeah right, and the las vegas shooter was santa claus.

the creator wrote on reddit that this new patch has eddy's brother. not seeing a lot of hype. wtf people

for all the newfags, this thread is basically a circlejerk of faggots pretending to be talking about a game that doesn't exist, you're supposed to ask for it so they can laugh at your retardness like autistic faggots

you're welcome

>Nazz is a counter to Eddy
Are you fucking retarded? Eddy and Nazz are basically the same fucking character with different skins.
>Agile, coordinated, same height
Plus they can both learn leap and both can equip skateboard

newfag is bullshitting you. nigger probably never had a fingerbox

>not knowing kevin can be stopped by the fucking camera

>implying Nazz is good for anything other than Eddy/Kevin counter. I bet you get your ass handed to you by Sarah players daily

literally the only reason eddy is good is because he doesnt need to farm jawbreakers, he just scams it off people like a faggot. only faggots play eddy.

as a matter of fact i actually have one of the only 19 fingerboxes made of mammoth ivory ever sold. stay fucking mad, newcancerretardfaggot

This whole thread.

>mammoth ivory
that shit is made of marble and you fucking know it

Pretty sure its the new tf3 patch

when are they going to buff Dubz D?

i bet you've never heard of nakamura and his legendary fingerboxes. you probably just buy fingerfranklin's overpriced shit like a retard

i'll fuck you up dude. my dad's a mailman

this thread
>when reddit attacks

my dad is 6'1 when he puts on my mother's high heels. he'll fucking stomp your dad

give me his number right now and i'll ask him bc i don't believe you faggot

>inb4 someone posts a link that makes my anti-virus freak out

6124391928 bitch

sorry my bad