What do you think about a relationship where the partner doesnt trust you even though you're honest as fuck and you...

What do you think about a relationship where the partner doesnt trust you even though you're honest as fuck and you trust them completely

nier? dat you boi?

Sounds unbalanced and destined to fail.
How severe is the distrust?


happens couple of times every week

Does your partner keep checking up on where you are, who you're with and accusing you of cheating?
Do they have a bad relationship with one or both of their parents.
Do they keep talking about a traumatic childhood and how it has fucked them up as adults?

This will become a gigantic pain in the ass over time and you will grow to resent her and her suspicions because you don’t deserve it. Dump immediately.

she does check up and no shes quite okay with her parents maybe a little at the edge with her mom and childhood we havent really talked about it she never brought it up

Does she suffer from bad self esteem and does she have a penchant for drama?


100% they're cheating on you. Look into the social interactions of the great auk penguin. They're a species that is somewhat monogamous and you can do well to understand their social and breeding behaviors.

In short, nobody accuses someone of something they themselves have never done..

she really insecure that i have to remind her a lot of times that i dont care about anyone else except her and i dont care how she looks i love her

Now this is just my opinion, but she is showing some red flags of having borderline personality disorder, if she does in fact have that and isn't being treated, run, run like the devil was out to rape you.

see the thing is that i have pledged to her and the other thing is i dont know if she really loves me or is just attached to me

break up asap. literally don't succumb to One-itis

Kill her.

welcome to the new world, buddy. no one trusts people who should be trusted and they trust everyone who absolutely should not be trusted. This is the age of the Jewfukt

Pledged what, allegiance?
If she doesn't trust you, she can't really love you though.

yeah well it has happened she trusted a friend that went against me lying once instead of trusting what i had to say
pledged to be the best i can but it just doesnt seem to be enough and i dont know man i used to think that trust is the most important thing in a relationship but due to how much i love her ...

You've already come to the conclusion that letting this girl go would probably be a good idea.
You're just trying to rationalize a shit situation in order to avoid pain.
If you're this much in doubt, how can this be the relationship for you?

100% she's a cheater and she will use violence and any other means to control you... drop her like a hot rock.

I fucked a son into a sick bitch like this... I've missed about half of his life so far...

But how's that ass? Like why are you struggling with this drama for, if her ass isn't SPEC-TAC-ULAR?