Memes and jokes aside, she should be President and you all know it

Memes and jokes aside, she should be President and you all know it.

nice dubs

I wouldn't say "all", most of the people here have all the intelligence of a bag of cat piss. But literate people, yeah, we know she should be President.

It took two World Wars to do to the British, after centuries of dominance, what Americans did to themselves with reality TV and tweets, after a few decades of dominance. A gaggle of retards have set fire to Rome - destroying their own already bleak futures in the process - for the sake of a cartoon frog, and not being able to reason very well.

The only solace is that because Trumpers tend to be unemployable dumb fucks, they'll suffer first and the worst, but it's history's greatest injustice that the normal people have to burn beside them.

Memes and jokes aside, no she shouldn't. she has a trail of shit behind her longer than the Florida Keys.

Trump shouldn't be president either. The nation had a choice between two evils and they picked, admittedly, the more evil of the two.

But no, she doesn't deserve to run the country.

the nation chose Hillary, the electoral college chose Trump my dude

fuck you and your spam

Some baboon chanting "hurr republic1!" in 5...4...3...2...




i'm ok with anyone that's an adult, unlike frump.

President of cell block b.