.The answer is simple...Lets SAVE PEOPLES LIVES. We do that by throwing the addicts into methadone clinics for life so they can live normal lives.. Some addicts keep slipping up on methadone and continue using heroin etc... We need to throw those people into heroin assisted treatment (HAT) clinics. These HAT clinics were such a success in switzerland in the 90s that now germany the netherlands denmark and the UK all offer it..Austria bulgaria and slovenia similarly offer slow release morphine... If you want to save every addicts life you need to have all these options... the more choice the more ppl u will save.. And b4 u say adddicts are degenerate, u should Know that based God reads everything i post everyday, but at the same time, he doesnt even know you exist...
Now that heroin addiction is being talked about by EVERYBODY
All drugs should be legalized.
The problem is that society is ran by mouthbreathers cuckskins whose decisions are driven by fear rather than rationality. I'm referring to groups from soccer moms to the edgy average stormfag/trumpfag you may find on Sup Forums
>We do that by throwing the addicts into methadone clinics for life
>instead of letting shitty people die, you should pay for them live an equally shitty life!
i take methadone, people severly misunderstand it.
>let them roam the streets and pay for their addiction by stealing shit
>legalize drugs
>not making penalties even harsher, and actually enforcing laws that are in place
Today in downtown Seattle I saw cops just tell these homeless to stop doing drugs in the street rather than actually arrest them, and enforce the law.
Beat these addicts with fucking clubs until they either stop doing drugs, or they go do them in caves where they belong.
The problem is people who want all drugs legalized also want free* addiction care for everyone. If it's your body your rules why should I have to take care of you? If all drugs are to be legalized we also need to cut public medical care
I'm a former heroin addict, I've been clean over three years now
I did three years in state prison for selling heoin and when I got out I went right back to it. Until one day I just got tired of being scum. So I stopped, I took my suboxone right and stopped buying dope. I have my $36 hour job back I thought I lost forever. Ijust bought a 2016 Honda Civic ext and I'm saving up for a house. Which I should have had already being that I'm in my 30s
You can force heroin addicts to change, they have to want to change
>turning muh country into some Muslim shithole
Those cops don't arrest them because they'd just be a bigger strain on the already overloaded system. You only ruin people's live by putting them in jail, as it makes it difficult for them to get jobs, or even rent a house.
Do you unironically believe all this shit? If you do then you should also support the ban of basically anything that could be called a drug. Can't think of how awesome it would be to live in a world of bootleggers once again.
I'd like to see actual evidence of that. Do you have anything other than anecdotal evidence to prove those who want to legalize drugs also strive for free addiction care?
I don't think you'd be spending more than what you already spend feeding prisoners, paying cops and persecuting all these crimes.
ur a child...
Go ahead, take advantage of your freedom and fuck up your life with drugs. Don't expect me to foot the bill for your shitty decisions when you'll just relapse adter rehab in two months.
>i take methadone, people severly misunderstand it.
take it too. luckily, I have a cool doctor who knows my history but gives it to me for "pain" anyway bc he realizes I don't want to deal with bullshit at any sort of a "clinic."
PRetty sweet deal but sure how much longer it will last until I'm fucked if he retires.
A kilogram of heroin will last an addict their entire life and costs 100 bucks to scrape off a poppy farm.
100 dollars for entire life..
thats 1.3 dollars per year
1 cent every 3 days.
1 cent every 3 days, ya fucking shit eater
Why do heroin addicts need hundreds of dollars every day to buy heroin?
go spacedock with ur mother inferior boy
Opiates are the refined Jew. The idea that you can live a normal life on methadone is a joke. You stumble around in a sweaty haze 24/7 looking for sugar to eat. You get fat, your teeth start to rot and your dick won't get hard. A year goes by like a week. It's literally wasting a life.
If you can't get clean you should just be shot. Honestly it's more merciful and I am not saying that to be edgy.
dont sweat it, if u go to a clinic and piss clean for a year then you can get 2 or more weeks takehome... basically the same as going to a pharmacy once a month.. i love going to my clinic because my counselors are awesome and i have alot of friends that are doing great on methadone
one day ur kids going to read this and shoot himself instead of living a completely normal life on methadone... and u will be sad..
and jews avg iq is 13 pts higher than u... so if opiates are liquid jew then you should pour 2 ounces into a syringe and shoot it.... maybe you will get ur iq up a couple points bitchboi
Addiction is a complex issue and not one solely due to weak mindedness. It's a spirit killer and soul sickness.
If you havent ever experienced withdrawls, you cant fully understand what it does to you as a person.
My addiction starrted from a sports injury, and before i knew it... I was no longer the same person. That person is gone
Yeah, and then the addicts just become addicted to methadone instead. Or suboxone.
It's basically legal heroine for junkies.
>If you want to save every addicts life
yeah there's the problem, friendo
addicts are inferior and should not be allowed to reproduce
i think if you are caught with heroin, you should be put in a jail cell with unlimited free heroin
every couple days we scrape the bodies into the sewer
It is though... Clinics and Pharmacies control the doses as to ween off the addiction.
Methadone is harder to get off IMO, I've never done H but had a few problems with pills.
Your replacing 1 addiction for another.
Have you heard of kratom?
If people truly want off the get will do a forced detex (sometimes under general anesthesia), suboxone and ween off, or kratom and ween off.
Opiates are a slippery slope and will turn you into a straight bitch (they are essentially an estrogen in your body).
I've hid a problem I've bounced back and forth from for 10 years. Right now I'm trying to ween off of sub or use kratom.
I take herbs to stimulate natural testosterone production and work out, try to eat healthy.
If you eat bad you'll never get off.
>tfw when you can't control yourself like a nigger
At least I maintain a job and try to be a normal person. I'm just a piece of shit. Tho.
This guy gets it
Yeah assuming they ween off the addiction, which most of them don't. I know quite a few heroin addicts personally that substituted their heroin addiction for suboxone. It's basically legal heroin which they get from the government. Which is also why it's viewed as a better alternative, because big pharma is getting cut in on the profit.
>this guy gets it
does he?
I make 47 an hour... and im on methadone... so maybe shut up, get on methadone, and come talk to me when ur pushing 50 an hr soberfag
ur addict history means that without being on methadone, u are a liability.. if u work in an area where safety is an issue (eg a hospital) i hope u think about your clients/coworkers/patients safety and consider getting on something luike methadone which would assure that you are functioning as well as possible
Just give them 5 grams of Psilocybin Mushrooms or some Ayahuasca and stick them in a completely silent dark room. I used to smoke cigarettes and be a borderline alcoholic and after doing a Heroic Dose I had no fucking desire for cigarettes or alcohol anymore or even shitty junk food.
suboxone isnt actually a real opioid... its a partial agonist..
calling suboxone a real opioid is like calling nutrasweet or splenda "sugar""
the reason ppl stay on methadone is bc life is just better on it..
bob drinks coffee
richard drinks beer
josh smokes tobacco
some people take methadone..
get over it... alot of ppl like the feeling they get from exercise,,, and the reason ppl like it is because ur body releases endorphins.. endorphins bind to and activate the same receptors that opioids and methadone act on.. so if you want to know what methadone feels like, go run 3 miles...
if you collected the endorphins from ppls bodies as they exercised and put them in bottles and sold them, addicts would be buying it on the street and getting high on it and overdosing if they took too much...
there is no difference... addicts arent stupid, they know the feeling they want... opioids dont carry the same problems that come with alcohol... its hard to function well if ur drunk all day, but u can function 100% or better on opioids/methadone... if u think u get "fucked up" on opioids,
1 you have never tried them
2 you are mentally handicapped wrt doing simple research
Pick 2
splenda is almost sugar, just chlorinated in a very sophisticated way
u strike me as a tragically uninteresting person, and being stuffed full of more shit than a pizza hut stuffed crust pizza,,, doesnt help
2 grams of mushrooms, 20 grams of b.caapi vine tea and somewhere quiet to think and stay away from temptation
1 kg of some good quality kratom to manage any lingering cravings for the next month and a half and they are bueno
Because the war on drugs is such a success right?
Wouldn't the Tea do jack shit without some kinda of MAOI? Syrian Rue or something similar. Not particularly familiar with the chemistry of Ayahuasca or the variants of it. Been thinking of getting some powdered Acacia Confusia root powder and Syrian Rue seeds and capping them recently though. Can't be fucked with cooking it since the last time I tried that with San Pedro cactus I just got really fucking sick.
or we can stop being faggots and just let the weak die off and stop burdening us
by that logic you are already paying for the police to enforce the drug laws on these people, why should I have to take care of policing them?
B. Caapi is a vine with THH, Harmaline, and Harmine, all of them active MAOIs. It doesn't really contain any nn-DMT, the compound famous in Ayahuasca. It is often reported to be "gentler" than Rue, and produces similar if not stronger and more well meaning effects. Combinging it with a mushroom dose will roughly triple the potency, and bring a different character into the trip, generally the kind which helps to rethink/rebuild one's character. The same goes to cactus, or any psychedelic really, MAOIs greatly alter and increase the effectiveness of those compounds, although personally my favorite it b. caapi, simply because it feels very earthy and grounded.
Oh yeah, I was getting Caapi mixed up with Mimosa Hostilis as the DMT containing plant. Thanks.
Yea, happy trails to you