Rekt/Gore thread

Rekt/Gore thread
OP coming in with some OC. I could timestamp but I doubt anyone cares enough















The guy that did this got caught. The dog survived but died later for other reasons.

what the fuck was that on purpose

you know pussy stank when it flammable.

this was over half a decade ago so it's not that surprising the dog died

What happened OP?

>over half a decade
just say 5 years you don't have to get cute faggot


>was that on purpose
you are the dumbest fucking sack of shit i have seen on this entire website


Guys I found a video of OP's birth

i am cute tho




Maxilar fracture

I cut myself real deep with a kitchen knife


Was he okay?

I wasn't expecting that, fuck me

Here, have the Darwin award of the most retard attention fagg, but only when you die


No bitch, he shot himself and accidentally posted it online. Smh


Fake and gay

Nerve gas is a killer.


Is it because you're a faggot or was a fucking spider on you or something?

Fire bending is cool

What was the point in doing this?

Holy hell, i cant imagine the road rash

Still birth that happened in public.

Nah I just did it for fun. I like Gore and I just wanted to find out how far I could go.

It was on bestgore once, he wanted to prove he wasnt a wuss

Waste of money, and those were some pretty weak ass cuts.

gang initiation


I have insurance dumbass i don't live in Nigeria

loving this thread. precumming like a mofo right now. keep em coming my man

Really.....? Humor me. What was it all about, at the very least.


I just wanted to see how deep I could go honestly. Now that I've found out I think I'll be done cutting for a while.



I hope he shot out all his nigger teef

Source for this? I'm curious.

dead or what?

All his organs got instantly crushed. He's fine, he'll walk it off.

oh yeah? then how come all his blood didnt shoot out of his mouth like a geyser then huh?

It was found in a China Hate Thread
Yes, the guy is dead. His internal organs were machined, and crippled, when he went through that machine.

Internal bleeding only becomes external if you break the skin.

Learn how to use a fucking chainsaw

>Internal Organs, faggt.
Not external organs.


Now that's some scoliosis right there
Nerve gas is for fags



Because you need blood pressure to get it outside of the body, that fagg literally became a sac filled with something consisting of crushed bones, blood, and organ pulp

>Hey smoothskin.

The iPhone's new iris scanner looks great

How do you fuck up this badly

> GIFs

jesus put that thing back in it's not done yet

Classic gore vid