Memes and jokes aside, she should be President and you all know it.
Memes and jokes aside, she should be President and you all know it
That's some scoliosis right there
in what universe? the one where she wasn't caught money laundering int he panama papers? or the other where "friends" who were financially tied to very dubious acts the clintons did didn't end up mysteriously taking dirt naps?
Just want to know where you lay on the spectrum of swallowing bullshit propaganda spurred by fanboyism.
No. She should be in federal prison for some pretty obvious shit.
Goddamn trolls just trying to stir shit up over something that can't be undone.
I dislike Hillary and didn't vote for her. That being said, if you're going to say some shit like "she should be in prison", at least give a reason, other than "she's a criminal11!!1!!1!"
She's a criminal because of the server issue. Carelessness with State secrets. Intent has no bearing on this particular statute of the US code, and multiple military members have been put away for exactly the same shit. She signed a damn oath that she would take care of this information, and not only did she (in my opinion) make a pretty obvious attempt at circumventing federal government reporting requirements, she also went around most of the security in place to prevent outside sources from getting classified information (which she also signed an oath saying she recognized and understood what it was and how to take care of it).
Little more than "hurr durr I love da trumper". But fuck that guy too, seriously.
Memes and jokes aside. This woman should be rotting in prison
I loved the look on the faces at Hillary's party as Trump won and they realized that maybe it was a bad idea to skip voting for the party.
Kek, truth
Fuck DRUMPF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So much election goodness.
Memes and jokes aside, you fucking post this weak ass troll 5 times a night.
Srry, shillary. Not biting today. Maybe some other century.
Just stop for fuck's sake. She's a meme and a joke and she lost. Get over it.
Fuck off britboi
Enjoy your taxes fgt
So today I read the Trump is now going to allow Ivory imports from Africa again...
You know, I know he's doing this shit on purpose to troll me, but at what point does "I'm just trollin' Bro" turn into "I'm fucking the world as fast as I can because fuck everyone and everything in it!"
I mean seriously, how can this be anything but an all out attack on elephants. On fucking elephants! And the only "logical" reason is that is was an Obama era directive. It literally boils down to "Reverse everything Obama did!" Which is interesting because you don't see Trump dismantling the covert intelligence gathering apparatus that spies on American citizens that Obama expanded so greatly? No, it only seems that Trump hated everything that Obama did that was good.
What a fucking piece of shit. I hope he dies soon. I hope he has a fucking stroke or a heart attack.
/trolled rant
same fucking shill from yesterday. Trump won, get over it
Yeah, but it's still fun to wreck the hill shills
Fuck her. Trump is a disgrace, an embarrassment and unsurprisingly an absolute failure, but she is shit too. To think that these were the best two candidates that the USA had to offer.
If she wants to be president she should win a presidential election. Studying the constitutional process for the presidential election should have been her first step.
>she should be
No. No, not at all.
>Citation needed.