What historical figue would you bring back to life if you could?

What historical figue would you bring back to life if you could?
>inb4 Hitler, Stalin, etc
Tesla, obiviously

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Thomas Moray.

>muh hur dur TESLER
He wasn't the buffed up brainiac the web makes him out to be.

da Vinci, obviously the correct answer.

has he been dead long enough to be "historical'?



Faraday, prior to his mind deteriorating. Imagine what he could do these days.

He'd probably be an atheist and wouldn't accomplish shit. Kek. Checkmate atheists.

Wat? First off... what does atheism have to do with productivity? Second off, Faraday turned down knighthood on religious grounds, because he believed it was against god to accumulate riches.

lol fuck that. that guy went off the deep end towards the end. thank god someone put him out of his misery.

ffs yoko ono? hell nah

Kurt Cobain.

TriHard 7

My second choice

He was a Sandemanian, or some shit. If he were alive today, he'd probably be an atheist. Thus, not accomplishing shit. His religion influenced his discoveries.


You aren't making any sense. What does atheism have to do with productivity? Or scientific discovery?

Christopher Hitchens

You can't inb4 in OP newhomo

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam


Faraday's religion inspired his discoveries(did you not know this?).
If he were alive today, he'd probably be an atheist.
Thus, he wouldn't have discovered anything... I was going to stop there, but I don't think you'd understand. His religion wouldn't be around to guide him in his discoveries if he were an atheist. Do you get what I'm saying? Are you retarded?

Jesus Christ, obviously

Oh, my bad. I did not realize you knew him personally. And well enough to know what drove his discoveries. Religion is not ancillary to scientific curiosity. There are many great scientists, both theist and atheist.
But hey, thanks for assuming I'm an idiot.

if tesla is already alive bring back that nazi scientist who invented antigravity and all his work went lost to fuck

recent researches say leo just took what he learnt from his teachers and put it together

maybe one day they'll find a cure for cancer of the afro

He's ok, but he's no Jack Kirby

It's a well-known fact that Faraday's religion sparked his curiosity, and discoveries.

As did Einstein, Newton, etc. Let's see you learn Newton and Einstein's discoveries and "put something together"

He didn't just learn from them, but he surpassed them, becoming their Master. And that is only in art(his teacher Verrocchio). He didn't have multiple teachers, there's no research for this.

Oh is it? Well known? I'd wage that Faraday is not well known, let alone what his religion is and further, if it sparked his curiosity. But yeah, it's "well known".



>The Faraday Institute is named after Michael Faraday because he combined a deep religious faith with an outstanding scientific career


Faraday worked along Davey, one of the most famous scientists of his day. Faraday is well fucking known, you dipshit. I'm a physics major. What are you?

None, they'd be completely out of it in today's world and would have nothing to offer it.


All of the founding fathers of the US. I'd like them to fix this shit we're in now.

Aside from that, just Ben Franklin. That dude was my nigga.

Gauss is the right answer
maybe epicurus

It pisses me off we're deprived of decades more YouTube Hitchslaps. That guy was awesome.

Edward Mordrake

Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera

Would like to see a pay-per-view of him vs. Mayweather, McGregor and a few other dudes at the same time.

this faggot. So he could be killed for a 2nd time after seeing his face used for capitalistic intentions and worn by beatniks he would have killed on the firing squad

christ only had 2 whiskeys and forgot pic. weak.

Martin Luther King so I could show him what his "dream" really was like

This guy
But only the weird small head


shit would be so cash. Imagine coming to a party with that