I bet those repugnicans are gonna be real mad when it turns out the black guy did the white guy's job better

I bet those repugnicans are gonna be real mad when it turns out the black guy did the white guy's job better

>did his job so good he was followed by Trump

seems legit op


I'm sure there's an argument there somewhere...

1/2 white and raised by a white woman. Nigger daddy left, go figure!

About as much of an argument as OP's opinion.

I'm not a Republican nor a Democrat but...
What I've noticed is that Republicans tend to shut and and let Democrats do what they can while Democrats whine and cry and try to stop Republicans any way they can.
Sure makes me have more respect for the Republicans. Something exceptionally childish about trying to hold everyone back because you aren't getting your way.

approval rating was higher, was more effective, passed legislation at a higher rate, less partisanship, oh and he had his senior positions filled out by now.

yeah so you just have to barely look to see how much better Obama was.

which party was it that let the government shut down like a bunch of babies when the ACA was being passed, which had mountains more discussion than the current repeal of the ACA? The whiny democrats or the morally and politically corrupt and rotten retardicans?

did you even follow what happened during the previous administration? Republicans tried to block everything


Black guys do it better in general

lol did you come up with that yourself?

yeah cause their constituents told them to cause it was all garbage.

Politicians did it. Who cares what their affiliation is? They all want to fuck you. I'm referring to you, Democrat. You're whining. The Republicans tend to shut and and go to work and just hope that something good comes out of the thing.
As my example... here you are.

he probably wasn't old enough to form an opinion or see what was going on. basically both parties are petty and are often shitty to the other because "muh team".

here we see a wild trump voter engaging in his usual mating ritual by using a black man's sperm to impregnate his mate, which he will then care for during and after pregnancy because he acknowledges his inferiority.
actually a semi-valid point, but if you listen to retards, what does that make you? this country is infected with a terminal strain of anti-intellectualism that's perpetuated by its own form of self-righteousness and perceived moral authority.
some politicians actually wanted to help people by providing them health coverage AND they didn't try to fuck over businesses who don't want to pay their fair share of taxes by not going single-payer. this is what we got when one party tried to compromise: the other party just swung further away. I'm not whining, I'm gloating. I'm gloating my ASS off. this shit is hilarious, and I'm gonna have a lot of fun until I get my passport, sell all my assets and move to a country not half run by neanderthals :)

nah, I think I got it off some screengrab

Trust me, any country can do without you. What exactly have YOU contributed in any meaningful manner? All we can say for certain is you are here, on an anonymous board, complaining about how bad everything is.
There may be a HANDFUL of politicians that are in it to help other people, but I'd wager they are low level functionaries. To get higher up, you have to be in it for yourself, otherwise you get your legs cut off by someone who is.

Baity McBaitface

They riot and kill themselves better.


I've got a brainstem and I pay my taxes, so I'm 2/2 compared to most repubs. I'm pretty sure most advanced countries would enjoy having a native english speaker with technical skills to help them steal that sweet english-speaking marketshare away from US and UK

I'm just excited for the middle class's taxes to go up (trump's base) please please please

THEN no more medicare for them in 2018

just in time to OD from heroin
it'd be funny if it wasn't so devastatingly sad. these people are figuratively and literally killing themselves, but they're too stupid to realize.

But I'm actually in favor of euthanasia, even in this case when it's roundabout and involves electing a sycophant.

>posts video of white woman getting raped


>confirmed actual autist, unable to read emotions from faces

>Burning in Hell

>actually wanted to help people
Are you really this retarded?


quit same fagging

They deserve it. America deserves it by not showing up to vote. I hate to say that, but it's true.

Ironically, people like me (the "coastal elite") only stand to gain. I'm not very wealthy, please don't read into that incorrectly. But I, the Bernie supporter, am a part of the 10%. My property taxes go down, my estate taxes are gone, my capital gains taxes are nil, property taxes are miminal.

I should pay more. But the people who need the help the most are going to get fucked. Republicans vote for this. And Americans just stay home. I just don't care anymore.


Not likely. I don't think any of them ever had qualms with their ability to pick cotton or sew a field better. Why should this bother them

Racist backlash + Rampant Republican Gerrymandering.

We're seeing how that works out.

Democrats pander to minorities, and most minorities identify themselves as Democrat. Minorities are the primary recipients of financial aid from the government and those people do not earn enough to pay taxes. I don't know many Republicans without jobs. I'd be willing to wager that a higher percentage of Republicans regularly pay taxes than Democrats. And assuming that no Republican has a brain stem is just you trying to be an edgy idiot. I've met many brilliant Republicans and Democrats.
You're just a whiny bitch trying to be edgy on an anonymous image board. Go ahead and sell your shit and leave. No one wants a quitter on their team anyways.


>Democrats do what they can
No, they do what their donors want them to do, every time. "What they can" is just a kabuki show.

Americans stay home because the two-party system reliably fails to work for the working class or the general welfare. It works for "elite professionals" or it works for the ownership class, depending on which party is in power. Had Bernie not been the victim of a vindictive corporatist cunt and massive irregularities in the primaries, we would have had the chance to vote for someone who works in the public interest. Congratulations for seeing beyond your own narrow interests toward the public interest.

Yea, but now the elephants suffer as Trump lifts the embargo on ivory trade in the US.

If it were just people who were going to suffer I'd be less concerned. But elephants are just as smart as us and are truly innocent. They don't deserve this.

"...and behold, now I become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

quite so. sadly there won't be another Bernie for a long time. so the Dems and GOP will continue dismantling the middle class. the "coastal elite" will be all that's left in time.

I'll have left to Sydney long before that happened. I don't like living amongst wealthy assholes.

"Deal with it"?

>Democrats pander to minorities
But, and this is the crucial thing to remember, they don't actually deliver except to the respective aristocracies of their supposed constitutencies, labor, color, gender, etc.
Anyone who thinks that one of two private clubs are looking out for them is shilling.
>muh team
And this is why both parties need to die in a house fire.

Well this is the dumbest thing I've read in quite some time.

I'm pretty sure it's this. No one who was an adult around in 2009 could forget the absolute hysteria of Republicans. Half of them were saying he was a muslim infiltrator born in Kenya, the other half were calling him the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler for trying to reform healthcare.

And that's just the Republican voters. The elected officials ground government to a halt by threatening the filibuster (which was supposed to be used only in extraordinary circumstances) on every singe bill.

so sales tax, property tax, income tax: in your world is just not a thing? damn, must be fucking nice. And again, not whiny, gloating. This shit is fucking POETIC. I love watching the mental gymnastics even the intelligent have to go through to validate their currently held beliefs against reality.

I wish I could even make a joke about this, but yeah. fucking sucks man. hopefully China will step in as a world power that knows how to keep its shit in order, but they're far from perfect too.
AND THEY'RE CONSIDERING PUSHING FUCKING BIDEN. like jesus you guys, get some fresh blood, and not from little kids.

>>elephants are just as smart as us
Yup. I often see them rolling around in their vehicles with water bottles to keep them hydrated as they travel through the desert.
There is an enormous gap between our intelligence levels. They've barely got the ability to pass knowledge through generations.

The ban does nothing for illegal hunting, by the way. If it goes away, then they can bring back trophies if there is proof that the hunting benefits conservation efforts. You do realize that almost every conservatory in Africa has permit hunting, in order to raise funds to keep the park alive, right? No money, no park, no conservation.

OP why do you think a political thread would go over on a board with traps and FB fucks?

He's right. And I'll cop to it. I didn't participate in last year's reality show. I let other people vote the loser off the island...

Faced with the choice we had, I figured it was like choosing between putting the kitten in the blender or in the microwave. Neither choice was acceptable, so I didn't make one. And things will stay pretty much the same until more people decide to do that.

"You've got to vote! It's your duty!" is a harmful phrase and a harmful mindset. Because where we're at now, many elections give us the choice between two objectionable candidates, so we choose one because "...at least he's not that other guy." We vote, more and more, for the lesser of two evils. And that lesser of two evils candidate knows he can count on those votes.

Perhaps...just perhaps...when we have a major election with ten-percent turnout, someone in a position to affect change will wise up, and we'll start seeing qualified, honorable candidates for public office. But we ain't there now.

>one of two private clubs
kys faggot

smarter than you are

>The ban does nothing for illegal hunting, by the way.
Ah the conservative "solution." Do nothing, because you look like an idiot doing something.

fuck off

I agree fully. I'm not espousing either party over another. They are both looking to fuck you. My comments are in regards to Everman Dem and Everyman Repub. I find that Republicans tend to have more admirable traits than Democrats. At least the Republicans tend towards acting like adults. Democrats tend to acting like children throwing a fit.

>tfw Trump only won from Electoral College, and actually lost the Popular Vote

I'm a Bernie supporter too, but you know there's not much one man can do. If Bernie was in the White House, the best he could accomplish would be to veto everything that crossed his desk.

We need about 500 Bernie Sanders' in both houses and the White House to enact any real change.

trump's sons are headed to Africa right now they say.

I always avoid these threads but im drunk. I voted trump as a joke, and it was fucking hilarious watching him win.

But then the race baiters doubled down, and now im a neo-nazi facist... How could I have known!!

>Both parties are looking to fuck you.
why do faggots unironically believe this bullshit?
inb4 durr it's true
it's not, fuckwad

What good is a tax that is paid by the person receiving the tax? Government gives foodstamps, Democrat buys food pays taxes (with government's money). How does that benefit the government. You are literally claiming that the government benefits by receiving it's own money......

Voters like you who shit their vote away should have to pay the most taxes for the cleanup when it happens.

True. But trump's written more executive orders in his first year than any president. Bernie could do that x 100 (we have precedence now).

insofar as taxes, dems can shit or get off the pot. tax corporations and the top 10%. or a Revolution needs to start.

>it turns out the black guy did the white guy's job better
What do you mean? Snort Coke with some limo driver then suck his dik? If yes, then yeah, I guess Obama did a better job of that.

>I find that Republicans tend to have more admirable traits than Democrats.


You made yourself an ass. I'm not a conservative. I understand that conservation requires money. They aren't getting enough from people who claim to care, because they don't care enough to do something like donate. They only care enough so that they can tell their friends they care. Virtue signalling does not help the endangered species. So the parks turn to other forms of income. Such as hunting permits.

thanks for making reality into reality tv, friendo. I'm out of popcorn and we'll all die in nuclear holocaust but at least we'll die laughing
let me guess, your last education in economics was in middle school since you had to drop out when your cousin got pregnant? food stamps are supplemental, it's usually only enough for modest foodstuffs depending on family size, plus literally everything else has sales tax like clothing, gas, school supplies.


I already pay for YOUR health care when im a young healthy individual, so id say I lost in the last 8 years. If politicians are going to fuck me for their social programs I might as well get a laugh.

It *is* true. Pay more attention. When was the last time they government gave you a freedom? When was the last time they did not restrict you from doing something? They only take away from you, they do not give.

>No one who was an adult around in 2009
The majority of republicans didnt go with the kenya thing esp after he released birth cert, that was mostly the fringe tea party.

The difference is that the dems and the media pick on trump, its not just mainstream its worldwide. Other than fox news no one would even run a story that had a negative slant toward obama, its pretty much the exact opposite with trump and the 84 other news outlets.

>I'm not a conservative
>Virtue signalling
Only right wing dipshits use terms like this

Nice input. Well reasoned and backed with clear and concise points.

>I already pay for YOUR health care
so what?
you're not in the poorhouse
you reap the benefits, user
stop complaining about your social obligations

Life is good under the Democrats, user.
It would be even better if there were little or no Republicans to stymie policy like we saw during the Obama Years.
But despite that, our quality of life went up significantly under Obama. Deny it all you like.

lol like you pay for shit, you little turd. just because the "big ol gubment" takes $20 out of your paycheck doesn't mean you're singlehandedly fueling it.

>social obligations

Yeah but I didnt choose to opt into these "obligations". Stop complaining about your democratic obligations to leave me the fuck alone if I want to fly a racist flag or tell me kids to stay away from blacks or whatever racists do.

Republicans are greedy perverts, user. They don't care about people of color and want to detain people and violate the Constitution.
You're a fucking joke, faggot.

It was an example. Stop being dense. Obviously when the government gives you money and you spend it, the tax received on it is not benefiting the government. You argued that it does benefit them. Try to extrapolate on my point and use a bit of intelligence to work through the whole thing. I'm not going to walk you through the whole thing. I'm going to point you in the direction you need to go.
Instead, you choose to go veering wildly off course and blame me for your erratic thought processes.

>I didnt choose to opt into these "obligations".
We all did, user. Otherwise we'd be living off grid.

You're using a computer, user. You are not offgrid.

I'm a Haitian, and I call bullshit on that.

>if I want to fly a racist flag
you're totally free to do this

just as I'm totally free to tell you to go get fucked for doing it


I'm also not right wing. But keep on going. I'll keep score for you. 0/2.

lol i didnt vote but im the same, I supported trump and thought the spastic crying from the left was funny. Now I too am a neonazi because why not. Next election I am voting for sure.

it's called the social contract; if you like roads, electricity, internet, football, schools(LUL, NEVERMIND) or any other benefit of living in society then you either deal with it, or fucking leave.

but I guarantee you every other country requires more and provides less.

error, unable to parse. seriously, looks like you just threw some words together until your brain was like "yeah, that looks smart enough"


Life is good under both, relatively. Don't believe me? Go live in literally 75% of the rest of the world. There are a few other places where life quality is good, but the majority of the world has terrible conditions compared to us. But the fact remains, the politicians want to keep you up to your nose in debt and hooked into your goodies so that you don't notice that they get to have the real good life while you toil away for their benefit.

Then we have to define obligations. Id say I have a social obligation as a driver to contribute to the road that I and other drivers use. Id say I have a social obligation to pay for schooling as intelligence and education pave the way for a progressing society.

What exactly do I get for paying for your hemorrhoids when I dont have any myself?...

"Free" Yeah im sure that part irks you quite a bit.


I can taste the salt from here

>see them rolling around in their vehicles with water bottles
They have language. They use tools. They express complex emotion like remorse and bereavement. They coordinate to solve complex problems. Their minds are as complex if not more-so than ours.

Just because they didn't rise to be the dominant species before us doesn't mean they wouldn't have eventually, or couldn't in our absence. Your extremely narrow definition of intelligence illustrates your hubris and contempt for the natural world. I'd pity you, but that'd be like pitying a rattlesnake.

You know what you don't see them doing? Ruining the planet and driving all of the other species into extinction.

>ban does nothing for illegal hunting

A ban on ALL materials reduces demand. It's the ONLY way to reduce poaching. Lifting the ban allows the opening of loopholes that allows poachers a way to sell the ill-gotten materials next to "conservation efforts material". Your argument boils down to "I have such a hard on to kill an endangered species and hang its head on my wall, that I'm willing to look the other way as other people hunt that species into extinction." Typical "Me First-ism".

Republicans are greedy perverts. Opinion.
They don't care about people of color. Opinion.
Detain people and violate the Constitution: They both do that.
You're a fucking joke. Opinion.

Well reasoned again. At least you got half of one of your points correct.

Wow could anyone be more wrong. I'll take "the tea party" for 500, Alex. The epitome of grassroots waaaahhhh

They dont have thumbs, user...

yeah, it was super duper good when even with comparatively great health insurance I had to pay 1k for an ambulance ride...

tell me again how great america is?


The top 10% are doctors, lawyers, and business owners and deserve their money because they actually work for it. The people pulling the strings and robbing the middle class are the top 0.01%, and 0.1% to a lesser extent. I dont have a problem with someone making 300-500k a year if they spent 13 years going to school and literally save peoples lives every day, or risked it all and built a business.

Well, if you can't figure out a few sentences, then I guess this is concluded. You're an idiot, or being willfully dense.

>I'm also not right wing
Then don't post like one.
Because you're 2-2 trying to push right-wing bullshit.

Happens all the time. That’s why coloureds make better servants.

>Life costs money
>America sucks

>Life is good under both, relatively.
No it isn't you fucking liar.

The Republicans cost this country trillions of dollars on Iraq and nearly crashed the economy in 2008.

You shut the fuck up.

yep, this is super scientific you guys
obvious bait is fucking obvious