What's the difference?
What's the difference?
ea has less members
One wanted everyone to be the same no short cuts or unfinished product
the nazis were better
Well.. Until EA has committed mass genocide , invaded/occupied countries, and/or has started a world war, I can't see any similarities. EA is just a company run by money hungry morons. They are to America as Konami to Japan
we are not reddit
That's the difference.
>Until EA has committed mass genocide
The Nazis at least had good intentions.
I can't say the same about EA.
>huge game publisher
>making pay to win games
literally no difference
Some people like the nazis
One is good, one is evil.
One killed Jews and the other is made up of them
The revenge of the jew.
The difference is that Hitler did nothing wrong
About 5 bank accounts, 3 ounces and 2 vehicles
That isn't a difference between the two images.
Adoph Hitler Football didn’t have licensed players. Trying to score a touchdown with “Ostelegionen No. 6” or intercept a pass with “Left Outside Juden No. 27” sucked.
The nazis gave out cosmetics for free
Nazis didn't cry over death threats
You know what I mean, dubs.. Fucking smart ass.
don't care about your spergout over vidya
EA only gasses game studios, not people.
Bioware hurts the most for me.
Fucking EA needs to die.