What does Sup Forums think of my political compass results? My mom was towards the bottom left at (-8.13,-6.31)

What does Sup Forums think of my political compass results? My mom was towards the bottom left at (-8.13,-6.31)

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Hypocrite. You either believe in property rights or you don't. The only two internally consistent stances are Top left or bottom right. And bottom right is the only philosophically consistent stance.


>The only two internally consistent stances are Top left or bottom right.

Guess what? Real life isn't internally consistent.

Reality is internally consistent. Please cite an example of something that both IS and IS NOT itself at the same time. A is A.

>Real life isn't internally consistent
what did he mean by this

right dafuq is this guy saying. bet hes top left where stalin was lol.

get the fuck out of Sup Forums, you underage faggot

Black and white thinking is a sign of mental illness. You should get help.


It means you are very likely unrealistic politically, OP.

Everyone should be in the lower left corner. EVERYONE.

So nothing is good?

>Black and white thinking is a sign of mental illness. You should get help.
That is a black and white statement. Any statement with the word "is" is inherently black and white. "is" necessarily means that it's not "not". Get yourself checked if you ever use the word "is".

I'm a borderline degenerate/15 year old apparently

Lower left is the only real hope for humanity. pol is cancer.

>debating the semantics of "is"
definitely not mentally ill

You mean thinking and philosophy. Good argument!
Nice black and white thinking


From an American standard, you're pretty far left, meaning you probably advocate socialism to some extents. You believe that government should have very little say in people's lives (alas, be careful if you want to vote for social programs - when do these start limiting your freedoms?)

You're not too far off the grid, democrats are maybe a few units up and right.

I usually score the same on the y axis but Im at least 8 units right :)

get off my lawn commies

>consistencies, CONSISTENCIES
not everything needs to fit into autistic binaries retard

>not everything needs to fit into binaries
You say that because you think it's true. Which mean's it's necessarily NOT false. Nice binary.

I can understand your initial arguement - To have a truly free market, the government is not present. To have a truly controlled market, the government must be absolute.

However, if you don't agree with the absoluteness of Stalinism or Anarcho-Capitalism then you get shit like we have today that was built off of many, many yes or no questions based on opinion and fact. Whether any it makes sense over pure capitalism is really up to the individual.

Weak. Pick a side.

>more like


i said "not everything," i didnt say nothing. so my binary is acceptable and yours isnt. the fact that youre overanalyzing this thread so much shows how autistic you are. kill yourself niggerfaggot

OP is Hillary Clinton?
OP is Hillary Clinton.

indecisive faggot

can you elaborate on the "This will never happen" one? Curious what you mean.

So you know it's necessarily not everything. All statements are statements of truth. All truth statements indicate one absolute. This is such basic critical thinking that you're either 13 or mentally stunted.

Just analyzing. If this looks like over analyzing you aren't ready for actual intellectual discussion

Next time try Sup Forums this shit got ugly quick

A 'successful' and permanent anarchist revolution.

Dalai Lama lower left mustard race reporting in

Anarcho-Communism is humanity’s only hope. Abandoned your social constructs.

Sounds about right

youve ascended autism
>"actual intellectual discussion"
sorry, didnt realize Sup Forums was exclusive to rick-and-morty iq

>property is theft
Most retarded statement ever. The idea of "theft" presupposes property is legitimate. If the taking is illegitimate, then one has to have original legitimate claim. That's property. Not only that, but morality itself presupposed property rights. Any statement of "should", in the context of action, presupposes property rights. If someone "should" act a certain way, that means that they have the volition to decide. To have volition means to have consciousness. To have consciousness requires a mind, and a body. To say "should", supposes that people are responsible for action. Body, mind, and the results of actions are the definition of property. Even your shitty slogans debunk themselves with rational thought.

Good argument

The test is setup so most sensible people get green no matter what. The questions are pretty much "are you for or against this good thing", or "are you for or against this bad thing".

hi ops back to tell you all to take the test urself and post ur results so we know you arent talking out of ur ass. o wait. you can easily cheat the test... lol. I wanna see ur results anyways

>Property rights
>Bad thing
Yes, the economically and philosophically illiterate people get green. Good job exposing yourself

>philosophically illiterate

What does this even mean?

I rest my case

Do spectra not exist?

I love it when ancap fantasists pretend that if Big Bad Gov goes away everything will be utopian and we'll all hold hands and sing kumbaya

>every developed nation has a government

Explain that one to me

Property rights are not the only thing that makes a person green there champ

probably they're just people who like to hear themselves talk lol

Go fuck yourself you useless kek


Anything -5/5+ from 0 is the most logical, considering neoliberalism didn't existed.

purple quadrant master race.




Photons are either waves or particles depending circumstances.

for Mr. Bipolar, only the autism spectrum

No, it's not, it's a sign of being an american.

Literally correct, though. The opposite of a bad idea is almost always another bad idea.

Magenta is your battle color?

Your mom is a fucking retard

She fucks, so she's already better than you.


literally hitler

literally a mainstream Democrat
>literally hitler
you're not wrong

It looks like you just got into politics yesterday because you found a video about anonymous talking about how the govourment is a tyrsnt force