Alright, I'm not sure where to start. My friend is having relationship troubles with his girlfriend. They've been together for a little over a year, most of that time it's been long distance. She moved closer for school this year, she's now a 25 minute drive from him. He visits less now than he did when they were long distance, when I ask him why he always either says he has things to do or she's busy. They argue every time they talk and are now on their second hiatus from each other. Some more info to provide insight, I've been openly flirty with her their entire relationship, I constantly joke with him about stealing her from him. When they went on vacation she joked that it would have been much more fun if I'd have been their. The first time they took a break I asked her if she wanted to hang out and she said yes, they got back together before that. This time she asked me if I wanted to do anything, I said yes. Note that we're also going to be with a mutual friend, not alone. I'm not sure what the right thing to do is or what I should do. I'm not even sure how she really feels about me. I've recently realized that the thought of her with someone else makes me sick to my stomach. Can anybody help me figure out what I should do?
Alright, I'm not sure where to start. My friend is having relationship troubles with his girlfriend...
If he’s not really a good friend I guess just go in for the robbery I guess. Remember that she sucked his dick a bunch tho
walk away bro, this is the most toxic thing you can find yourself in and there's no other solution
Tyler durden
Yeah, I can deal with the dick sucking thing. I forgot to mention that he's cheating on her. He also complains that she doesn't like sex.
I know this is what I should do, but in really bad at making good decisions.
Also, they're on "hiatus" and he's given her a deadline to make up her mind, she said she's not sure.
fuck off ugly, i would beat the shit out of you if I were him
Walk away. Sign up for Tinder. Meet literally any other woman within 100 miles of you.
He's 5'7" and I'm 6'2"
He got out of breath walking to his car in a parking lot.
If she cheats on him with you, she'll cheat on you.
Yet he's fucking this bitch and not you. Kek.
This is where I'm confused morally, their on hiatus and he's already given her an ultimatum to decide if she wants to be with him or not. He's blocked her on social media and put a couple of snaps of him and another girl getting lunch on his snapchat story a couple of times. I haven't told her about the other girl and really don't want to. My problem now is that I'm not sure whether or not they're actually considering together at this point.
Do you really want to be known as the fucking snake who went fucking her behind his back? Your mutual friends are going to side with him then when you're in a relationship with her she's going to fuck someone else just like she did to him you're left with less friends and the memory of some pussy that cheated on you, that's how this story ends everytime
pics of this girl if you want advice
this situation is both the shittiest way to start a relationship and the shittiest way to end a friendship. i have made this mistake more than once. pussy isnt worth it.
Our mutual friends have already told me to go for it. Nobody really likes the guy she's with, we've just know him for so long that we bring him with us when we go places. It's still scummy I know.
Yeah, I know. I may just not do anything.
>1 year
Op you're fucking piece of shit. It's okay though we've all been pieces of shit in our own way. So ya just get that idea out of your head and find another woman.
Oh fuck the bit about it being scummy m8 you'll hear no moralfagging from me, problem is if she's willing to do that shit to him it's only a matter of time before she does that shit to you
they're on hiatus bro. you don't want your friends girl fucking around right? you gotta start fucking her so she doesn't go turbo slut. keep her close
Let me tell you something, you piece of shit. Friends girlfriends, and friends exes are off limits unless they specifically give you permission. And even then you don't fucking do it.
I've been the guy who's had a girl snaked, by a really close friend, and it ended a 10 year friendship. So if you don't care about this friend then be a cunt and do it.
I've been the mutual friend to guys who've snaked buddies girls, and they get cut out. Nobody wants to deal with your triangle of fucking awkward, and you've proven yourself untrustworthy. Don't be a fucking snake.
>moralfagging this hard
Thanks user. It's nice to hear from someone who's been in a similar situation, I generally assume most people trying to give advice about relationships here haven't really been in one.
I've actually kind of cut ties with the guy, his constant nagging whiny attitude always tries to bring everyone down. I've known him for 12+ years and haven't talked to him in the past two months.
I mean, I explicitly told him several times that I would attempt this if he fucked up.
You say moralfagging like it's supposed to offend. I have certain morals I will stick to, and not fucking over a friend is one of them. If you want to live your life as an untrustworthy piece of shit that's your prerogative.
she probably doesnt want to down grade dicks either
>I'm not sure what the right thing to do is
lol, u Shitstain. Keep telling yourself lies then coming and asking for advice. I'm not wasting my time on you.
If your first thought about the right thing to do when thinking about this wasn't "steal her" then you're wrong.
You're welcome man, some parting advice is don't go in all guns blazing letting your cock do the thinking if you decide to do it remember there's always that chance that she's not into you at all and it was all banter, you don't want to end up being a green text story on a cringe thread here, feel the situation out first and take your time
>>stealing his girl
Choose one OP.
where the hell do you live that gas is this cheap? i am so jell
Yeah, I'm going to be cautious. After hanging out with her and a mutual friend this week I'll see if she's down to hang out without anyone else. Several mutual friends have told me I should go for it, but I'm always skeptical if I think a good thing is going to happen to me.
Strongly reconsidering the friend part.
True story, this happened to him before with another girl and he's still friends with the guy that she got with.
That isn't where I live, it's like $2.17 here.
Right on. I'm not telling you which thing to choose. If you steal a dude's girl, no matter how bad it seems between them, he is not your friend. Even if you tried to keep the friendship, she would always be a sore spot between you and he would view you as having done him wrong. Eventually he'll get an opportunity to pay you back that he won't pass up.
I'm also not saying the girl is worth it. Only you can decide that. She might end up being someone you can spend your life with. She also might just cause the same issues between you and her that are between him and her. I can't fucking say.
>I have certain morals I will stick to
Your on /b there's a thread full of people right now posting and jacking off to gore
And dead bodies
People have come here before to post pictures of their murder victims
People post lolis and shit
All the drug and alcoholic threads
People constantly telling others to kill themselves
Shovel dog gets posted in like 90 threads a day
There's huge amounts of racism
And tons upon tons of other fucked up shit
But no you're attacking a dude who's just genuinely seeking advice, with all the other shit on this website those morals go right out the window so quit your whinging you little fag
It's really a toss up to me. No matter what I do I don't think I'll keep pretending to be friends with him.
Op this isn't going to go well for you, abort.
Truth is OP he probably was a good friend of yours or is, other people don't like him that's why they said go for it. Your dick is hard for some bitch. The who mutual friend thing shows how much of a fag you are. Just fuck the bitch young fag, she's a fucking slut anyways, hard dick and bubble gum is all she deserves. /Op's little life.
It’s insane how much that makes sense
Were you oj Simpsons lawyer by any chance?
OP lemme tell you a lil story.
I was in the same situation as you, the friend of mine wasn't really that close to me but we've hung out before in various places. She hit me up after they broke up 2 months prior, and I had no idea they had broken up. Over 2 months of flirting and texting, we slept together and dated. My friend was furious and tried to beat me up, but I am a lot stronger than him. Anyway long story short, she ended up cheating on me, so my advice, avoid that shit man
This post really gets me thinking about what kind of person comes to Sup Forums, sees all that shit, and decides to single out some thirsty faggot for amorality.
I fucking know it's like witnessing a mass shooting and not reporting it to the cops then seeing the same guy that did the mass shooting walking his dog
the next day and reporting him to the cops for letting his dog shit on the footpath
So what I'm guessing what happened was the butthurt guy had a "friend" like OP and got his girlfriend stolen. That's literally the only way it makes sense to be that angry.
Yep his friend fucked his woman behind his back and ruined their friendship and led him to ignore all the fucked up shit on this site except this single relatively innocent (by /b standards anyway) thread
Not sure if sarcastic or not but I could see it happening. Would you call him a cuck or what?
This. I speak from experience. Tore a whole group of good friends apart permanently. Plenty o' fish....
Wasn't being sarcastic, I'd call him more of a bitter faggot than a cuck
>the Virgin OP vs the Chad OPs friend
This is how i lost one of my bestfriend because i cucked him and it would be even more awkward if you see him on a daily like school or work
Man up and stop thinking about your dick. You don't do that shit to a friend. On top of that it's obvious you'll get a load of drama and the girl will do the same to you one day if she gets the chance. There's no way it will end well
>Sup Forumstard gets opportunity to cuck someone
>Sup Forums roasts him
Yea pretty shit thread
Still though seeing a moralfag get mind fucked like this was pretty entertaining
naw, pretty self-explanatory.
the cuck meme is spread by a selected few shills to ruin this board.
Same goes for blacked / trap threads.
The overwhelming mayority on Sup Forums will tell you that traps are gay, blacked porn doesn't influences them in the slghtest, and cucking someone / being cucked is the worst that could happen to you.
As degenerated as this board is, no amount of shilling could alter its values long-lastingly.
A few examples:
How often do you see g/fur threads?
How often do you see gay threads?
Even tho a few shitposters still dig them up, they ceased to have spam-status a long time ago.
What are the point of gore threads then?
If he's your friend then you're a friend I'd never want to have, scum.
has nothing to do with shilling of fetishes.
Even tho some people fap to it, it's usually just sensationalism, and one of the key-ingredients for why people come to Sup Forums:
to post and find stuff that you couldn't possibly find anywhere else (welp, you could, but with less human interaction).
It's the feel of sharing something forbidden, disgusting and - by societies standards - absolutely disgusting with people who perceive it as normal and enjoy this "forbidden fruit" together.
tl;dr: Sensationalism and the convenience of having other people interacting with it live as well. Together they produce a feel of belonging for us degenerates. The surrounding banter (like nerve gas / other memes) is just bonus.
>and - by societies standards - absolutely horrible
Unless you value the girl more than you value your friend (tricky decision 'cos you've got hormones n' shit swirling 'round in your head), don't get involved.
>PROTIP: Bros b4 hoes
>PROTIP: Don't ever go for a bro's ex
If she leaves him for you she will leave you for someone else. She is just riding the cock carousel.
>haven't really been in relationships
Your preforming heavy mental gymnastics here.
You do what yo do.
Doesn't make you any less of a faggot.
If your so much better then your """friend""" you constantly shit talk, find any of the plenty of rosties to bang.
Years ago one of my girlfriends left me for a friend of mine. Years later another girlfriend of that same friend left him for me. To this day, we're still great buddies. Handling a relationship with a friend when this sort of things happen takes balls, that's why people here are so butthurt.
Get with her, and confront him. If he's mad or sad tell him that you're sorry but these are your and her feelings, man up and look at him in the eyes. If he'll accept it, then good. If he won't, you still did the right thing and took responsibility for what happened.