Anyone here ever date a feminist/SJW? How'd it go?
Anyone here ever date a feminist/SJW? How'd it go?
Cis scum
We fight every time we discuss politics
It doesn't matter how right you are; they're emotions Trump your logic
We got into a fight and stopped talking.
They went full trans a few years later.
she never let me see her asshole. I'd try to spread her cheeks and she'd flip over onto her back and say no.
>see her asshole
You're a sick piece of shit
i converted her retarded ass
i eat ass likea real nigga
She told me she was vegan and swallowed my cum. Fucking hypocrite.
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 it an 8
will answer, there are a couples kinds of feminist SJWs. grad student here, it might just be that there are stages
an undergrad college girl usually goes through a feminist stage. there can be a difference between supporting feminist goals (equal opportunities for women) and the SJW agenda. the SJW agenda is more about publicity than accomplishing anything
a college girl with a lot going for her will move on from the SJW feminist stage pretty quickly- she's got better things to do than protest guest speakers or demand a movie theater not show casablanca (those are things SJWs on campus do).
the less a college girl has going for her, the longer and more serious the SJW stage will be. if she graduates college without learning skills that will get a job (feminist studies is not a good major if you want to pay off student loans and save up to buy a house), she will work a job she could have gotten without a college degree and blame patriarchy
i know feminist SJW grad students who go to grad school because they don't have the skills to get a job (the job market has been tough for ten years), and they blame patriarchy. some of them got BS undergraduate degrees (18th century feminist literature is only a good major if you are independently wealthy and will never need to find a job).
yep and bitch would not suck dick and bitch if people would be too loud in a bar
dropped the bitch after 5 days
That's fucking gross bro
1. say your name ten times.
2.say your mom's name five times.
3. say your crushes three times
4. paste this to four other groups.
If you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday.
But if you read this and do not paste this, then you
will have very bad luck.
somedays i was the best bf she could have
someday i was the devil in disguise and responsible for everything bad in the world.
hated the constant lectures on what i could an couldnt do
dont miss the guilt trips
dont miss the anita sarkeesian vids in bed when i felt horny - she used them to cool me off certainly
Get you a clean girl who knows how to maintain her undercarriage, and get up in that shit. Show dat booty some love.
No thanks. Steamy hot liquid diarrhea that smells like a portapotty in the summer time heat comes from that hole
went out with one for a while, 0/10
I went to university decades ago, before this sjw shit was a thing. I would be arrested/expelled for the things I said back then.
the other day a woman's studies major called me a misogynist. i asked her "where did a pretty little thing like you learn a big word like that"
she laughed, and her friends got really angry that she laughed
Like this:
Not all the time. You ever kiss a girl on the mouth? Steamy hot chunks of half-digested vindaloo and lager come from that hole. It's abiut picking your moment and finding someone who's not an unkempt slob.
You should give her the face cocking she wants mate
lol wtf can't post webm's over 2mb on /b and can't link to a post with one on /gif
just gets less and less an "image board" all the time
She was probably trying to hide her roids.
Yeah, she was a freak. Loved to be dominated and had the biggest udders youve ever seen.
Feminist GFs are amazing! I'm locked in my chastity cage right now waiting for her to get home and peg me.
once Sup Forums got TV coverage it was too exposed for it's own good. We are sifting through the empty beer cans and discarded napkins of a party that ended 5 years ago Sup Forumsro
The people of b getting dates top kek
worst date ever, she literally shoplifted on the first date, never saw her again
pretty much every woman these days is a feminist in the classical sense OP.
Can't. Won't. Just no.
I'm a man, I believe in traditional roles. I want to be with a woman who values herself and wants the best for a family. Have no interest in chubby, blue haired virtue signalling emotional and intellectual children. They have too many issues and I don't have enough fucks to give.
Fair enough, lemme be more specific: 3rd-wave feminist, i.e. female chauvanist.
Yup. Lasted about a week. She was sexist as fuck towards men but thought that that was COMPLETELY OKAY. I had never been sexist towards women in return. Eventually got fed up of the bullshit and blocked her on everything.
>blocked her on everything.
Beta male spotted in his natural habitat
>dont miss the anita sarkeesian vids in bed when i felt horny - she used them to cool me off
I shouldn't have laughed at your suffering, but goddam-shit-ass-muthafuckin' kek
I don't think I could date any of the more shrill and disconnected SJWs - internal consistency of beliefs is important to me, as is acceptance of reality.
I've never met a woman who didn't identify as a feminist. Also never met a girlfriend who didn't like to be subjugated and dominated. Women just love a guy to rule their life temporarily so they can just be an animal. Hardcore feminists just repress their nature and thats why theyre all miserable.
>I've never met a woman who didn't identify as a feminist.
I did. She was cool as fuck, and made fun of feminists. Feminist has a new meaning. Just as "liberal" does.
Kinkiest, most hardcare fucked up wonderful sex I've ever had. Full daddy roleplay, anal all the time, choking, the works.
Sure she had rants and blah blah blah in public.
No fucks given, the sex made it worth it.
Lost contact after college though, still fap to her.
try to imagine dating the chick in the article
Growing up teachers said
> girls demand constant respect
> they own you nothing
> don't question her
> don't ever talk back to her or put her down
> she can wear and do whatever she wants
> how dare you even try to change her
> if she gets upset at you, well you just sit there and take it
> when you grow up you have to stop raping them
Get gfs, treat them with respect. Put up with their slut lifestyle. Hear them swear like niggers as they talk shit about everyone. Try and figure them out and wonder how we ate meant to relate. Watch them get fat and tattooed up. Act like a betamale soyboy trying to please them. I get trid all over, watch my bank balance going down in the pursuit of 2/10 pussy.
Going out with a literal sexist sjw. I get treated like shit. I let it happen because think this is how relationships are meant to be now. She takes it too far. Straw breaks camels back. Massive redpill. Learnt a valuable lesson that day.
Now I call the shots. Always. She has to have self respect, she has to take care of herself. I decide the direction we are taking. I'll respect her but she has obligations to me. I'll be firm, consistent and reliable. She actually likes this.
Suddenly I'm getting somewhere and pussy is coming to me.
Women are actually great. Feminists are God damn cancer. Those teachers are indoctrinating us kids into their own vile selfish hateful lifestyles. Getting out into the real world its amazing to see sjw women. Most are hideously unpleasant, vapid, self absorbed, mentally insecure. But its not their fault, they've been programmed that way by out schooling system. I kinda feel sorry for them
Must be just as difficult for women too. I reckon us guys being taught to be beta faggots who have no confidence around women must be frustrating as fuck. Feminist women have told them this is the guy they'll end up with, a sad chubby numale who wears anime t shirts and cries about President Trump and rape culture. no wonder they're turning into lezzers.
1st wave: 1800s women's citizenship
2nd wave: 1900s right to vote
3rd wave: 1940/50s right to work
4th wave: 1960/70s equal rights act
5th wave: 1990s corporate feminism (HR)
Do you really think anyone is going to bother reading that? Here's your (you), though.
Just, mediocre.
>the cat pooping on hxr
>Get gfs, treat them with respect.
>I get treated like shit.
This is my biggest problem with the SJW cult. They've made men into such evil boogeymen that they are perfectly fine doing whatever they want to them, and they expect men to just take it. It's weird because I would argue that mutual respect as equals is ostensibly at the core of feminism, and yet modern women in the west have so little respect toward men that they have no problem treating someone that they supposedly care about like shit.
>I kinda feel sorry for them
>Must be just as difficult for women too.
Sometimes I feel like that too. There was an article about a woman in her early thirties whose friends were getting married, and she became increasingly depressed at being single and eventually took her life. She got sold a lie a decade ago, and then...
At the same time, to an extent, I do think a lot of women have made their own bed and now must lie in it. I also think it would be kinder for those that have found themselves in this state to activity warn younger women.
pic related is a long read on this phenomenon
Wtf, where did you find the .webm then, liveleak?
you are now aware of the fact that ChrisRayGun turns Laci Green into a sticky, writhing mess every night
None of you are thinking about the difficulty from the other side: It is hard for a woman to find a decent guy these days. The way many men have reacted to the rise in female power all but disqualifies them from the dating pool, as far as I am concerned. You may view SJWs as difficult to get along with, but have you ever considered what you are putting them through?
Those high intellect women are the ones that want to be degraded in bed. Fucking weird shit. The first one I dated made like 5 times what I made. Had security clearances I didn't know what were for and made me almost fucking kill her by choke fucking her mouth. Fucking bizarre.
I'd jawbreak that redheaded piece of shit just to see the look on her face.
Damn good read
You’re kidding right? The vast majority of guys are happy with love, respect and a decent sex life. It’s pretty easy to tell who the assholes are.
Girls don't produce feces, silly goose
>The vast majority of guys are happy with love, respect and a decent sex life
Most guys just want to fuck though
A lot like dating any other girl, but be prepared to turn into the cis het white oppressor real fucking fast whenever you screw up.
i dont really understand anything about that
>the ability to impress a woman
>your purpose is literally to buy me stuff and impress me
lel no bitch
what a joke.
Still dating one.
But unlike you insecure faggots think, feminism isn't fat screaming lesbians trying to keep you down (poor babies)
she doesn't rub that shit in my face or start fights with strangers. Advocating equality and trying to empower people who have been shit on for hundreds of years by fixing only the things they've been shit on for is not some agenda to turn the tables or become the oppressor.
You people cry wolf and throw out new fad words like you're about to go extinct, but you are not hard done by in any way, and if your life is made less easy by theirs becoming less hard, boo hoo. Your crying "SJW" is still louder and more populous than the actual bitch SJWs that scream at strangers. You still somehow win for the biggest pussy of all. Gratz
Dated one for many years ago, before I even knew what SJWs were or all this shit.
At the time I was stupid/naive enough to actually believe all her bullshit and thought she was just really unlucky to have had such bad experiences.
She was the type that basically called rape on everything. Claimed she had been raped by her cousin, some guys in her town and a guy from her university.
Eventually we broke up after she started treating me like shit because of my beliefs. I even litterally told her I have no idea what she's talking about of why she's upset.
About a year later tries to get back with me, claimed that she only acted out against me because surprise surprise she had been raped recently. Obviously I wasn't willing to get back on that crazy train so I told her to pound dirt.
Shame too, she was actually quite cute.
Meathead chads do. Smart guys aren't alpha males. the men these women are looking for don't exist in large numbers. Unfortunately the "fog of society" makes it hard for women to tell who is like them, but on the other side.
>just gets less and less an "image board" all the time
>doesn't know how to cross-board link
your newfaggotry is showing
What is it with women disclosing they were raped at a party, by their best friend, by an ex boyfriend. I don't believe any of that shit anymore.
No, you weren't raped. You willingly had sex. Now you either a) regret it or b) just trying to play a victim and garner sympathy
It goes from being decent to straight up fights about dumb shit and her yelling at me for laughing at memes. She even tried to pull the “You don’t love me anymore” and “I’m gonna Kill myself if you leave me” card.
She’s still alive and is trying to spread lies about how I’m a Nazi Sympathizer for finding Pepe funny. Still she had a nice ass so silver lining.
When we fucked she called me daddy and she took it in the ass. They wanna show off that they're so different but they're usually the ones that will submit the fastest to a good dick.
Ryan is a real hero, and a real human bean.
run away if she says rape, thank me later
>gf of 7 years
>no SJW
>move to progressiveville, USA
>gf starts SJWing
>try to turn her back
>works for a bit, she was a logical person before
>she makes more SJW friends
>too late to save her.
>made it to 10.5 years, broke up with her last Monday.
Yep. Best relationship of my life, still ongoing.