My credit score is 730 with 2 credit cards and a paid off car Sup Forums What should I do with this much credit?!

My credit score is 730 with 2 credit cards and a paid off car Sup Forums What should I do with this much credit?!

Buy a gun and kys

Probably learn to pay your shit on time. How do you pay off a car and still have low 700s

07/12 xD

Only 730? Keep building it. That's on the cusp of good credit (750+)

730 is not noteworthy.

Don't borrow money, that's what you should do.

Depends on your age. I'm not an expert but I would say keep making small purchases with credit card and paying off every month until it's a very high credit score and then get a mortgage with a low interest rate. Get a home far below your approved amount and make double payments until you pay off the house and then sell it and use the equity to buy your dream home.

Or get an Xbox and a 4k tv idk bro

Not op. Paid of my car within 4 years. Started with a credit score of 499, only had two late payments ever. Credit score at the end was 719. No credit cards. Just paypal that i rarely used

i got a few hard inquiries. I'm just waiting for them to drop off. Other, than that no late payments or derogatory marks.
I'm working on it. Can't wait till the day it says "800"
Solid advice Sup Forumsro That's the type of stuff I need to know.

Are those two late payments still on your report? If so try and see if you can get them dissolved off your credit report.

Fuck credit. Pay cash.

If I was a richfag, I would. However, I'm a poor man with a proud credit score.

There is no point credit outside of buying an expensive car and a house.

If you are already paying a mortage and there is no need to refinance then there is nothing to do. You still have to pay for everything in the end.

it's expired.

Crack, booze and whores til you drop dead, wanker!

What if I decide one day I want to kill myself? In that case I just want to be able to get a fast car and drive it off cliff.
>Not mine. lol

I'm not rich. I just don't like being judged by a number made up by people I don't know. If I can't pay cash, then I can't afford it.

>What if I decide one day I want to kill myself?
I'd consider killing yourself rather pointless so my statement still stands.

That's a Very good way to live and it's smart. If you can't handle credit don't invest in it. I was just always taught that Credit score is everything in life.
So, if you decide to kill yourself, you're just going to die. Not bad but, I'd prefer to go out legend style.

It is; it's what allows for people to pay for houses and cars. Not everybody is gonna have 20-30k just laying around for a car, and nobody with a normal job has the money sitting around to buy a house.

That being said, I'd continue to use your cards wisely, and keep making payments on time. Maybe look for a card that has better rewards once you hit around 750. Learn to properly abuse those cards too. I have a retail credit card that I use in place of cash at the store it's co-branded with, because I shop there very often, and it nets me free money to continue to use at the store. Be wary though, as many of them have absurd interest rates, hence why I pay them off immediately. Some have promotional deferred interest financing, which I do take advantage of to break up larger purchases. I could easily pay those larger purchases off in cash if I wanted to, but it's less painful to have to pay it off over 12-24 months rather than all at once.

Take advantage of low interest rates, and take a personal loan of like 5 grand put it in your savings pay it off, rinse and repeat until your savings account is baller and your credit score is amazing.

I'm no college grad. I'm just an average Joe. I'd love to learn how to abuse a card within "limits." I never spend more than I actually have.
1/2 of my credit cards is a (store) credit card with a promotional offer, I paid it off just recently.