Lil Peep is dead guys
Lil Peep is dead guys
looks like white trash, will not be missed kek
really, after enough time, no one will be missed.
Don't know who that is but from how he looks it seems like it doesn't matter.
He looks like he's been dead inside for a long time.
Who's dat nigger?
Who's lil peep?
give proof
people who knowingly make themselves look retarded deserve to die
OMG it's true
wow ... you made me so sad ... ur so real bro ... who taught you that , ur mom / dad ... do you have a mom / dad
ur deep ... you must be some under appreciated smart type fuck ... the edge is real ... woahhhhhhhh
is he dead forreal?
ah, another dead millennial, and nothing of value was lost.
He overdosed on a mix of drugs
Is his body at Jefferson memorial with Chris chan?
And nothing of value was lost.
Wow Justin Bieber sure got a ton of tats since I saw him on tmz last like two years ago Jesus
yeah he's dead....
So many degenerates talking about killing themselves if peep dies.
>calls himself after some bitch who lost her livestock.
what did he mean by this fam?
One less faggot
Holy shit, I thought pewdiepie had started doing Meth.
They probably should. Less stupid people in the world
Why are you posting whoever the fuck this is on Sup Forums, Sup Forums? What the fuck is this place anymore? A new generation of Sup Forumsfags are here and I don't like it. How old ITT? 15-19 amirite?
One less wigger on the planet.
oh dang, what happen
yeah it's official. he's dead
literally who
damn right. who tf still lets you use the internet you sappy old fuck
I'm 24, you faggot. The webz was a better place before you faggots came along, stealing our interwebz culture and shit, gtfo. Go back to facebook, faggot
Ancientfag here. Computers were better before this whole stupid internet shit.
>the edge is real
That's not the true edge tho
That sucks, he was pretty good, i just listening to one of his songs.
Then go play with a calculator, fag.
Wikipedia thinks he was 6 years old...
dang 24 and your insults are already fucking ancient. dude musta had his midlife crisis at the age of 11
Dont care people die everyday and this one wasn't important.
kek it's funny cuz the kid in the gif is dead too
some junkie faggot
even as for a soundcloud rapper peep was trash
Let this be a lesson to all the white boys who get tatoos and try to be the next Lil Pump - It won't happen
Someone literally just edited wikipedia to say his stagename was napkin lol
Birthname hipoint pistol lol
yes cuz being white had everything to do with it? Stop shilling or trolling or god forbid being serious and get off this board. Loser.
I've been coming here sporadically and this is the same shit people have been saying about this place for years. Just stfu and let your site die if you think it's going to shit and let le next gen of Sup Forumsfags ruin it already fuck
i dont care about shit rappers
I'll say it: his music was shit
I forgot trolling wasn't allowed on Sup Forums
you faggot
Who the fuck keeps messing with the wikipedia? lol
Doesn't care about shit rappers but probably listens to lil pump and xxx
Wasn't the best but it was different and at least better than rappers who are actually popular now that are really shit.
It just says he overdose but in hospital
Lil Peep was Da Coolest Nigga Since Eminem Fo Sho. All The Real Niggas Liked Lil Peep. Fo Sho. *CRINGE*
Lil Peep Can Suck A Deeck
Fucking WHO?
According to news sources, he died from too many pps in his asshole. More updates later ...
God I hate trashy people like lil peep with all the tattoos and shit. Tons of trashy people from my hometown like this who. Why do people think losers like this guy are cool in the slightest is beyond me. Sad he died but like the whole thing of people on twitter making him out like he was a saint and not some trash bitch making faggot music on soundlocoud is annoying. Like you bitches are really surprised this drug abusing trashy faggot is dead? People should be saying stuff like “no shit he died”. Shits pointless and unnecessary let’s fucking act like it instead of enabling faggots to do faggot shit or else no one learns the lesson here
>Hurr Durr I won't make new threads but nobody can make threads I don't like
You sound like a millennial
"Oops I OD'd" (today)
Fucking Kek
nothing of value is lost
Bruh all these white boys need to stop telling to be black. We know it's cool but whiteys look super lame. Stick to your edgemetal screaming bullshit
Get with the times. Almost all the latest popular rappers are like that.
lol i know some whiteys who would fucking kill you. Pussy say some shit irl.
Please cool guy. Teach us how to be cool like you. You must be cooler than frozen pie
Is wikipedia your' source? I can edit that shit myself
Genetic cleansing. I'm ok with it.
Someone replace the picture on wikipedia with this fucking edit!
If you do drugs like fentanyl you probably wanaa die. /shrug
Well that was shit.
why would listen to other shit rappers moron
I don't I'm saying you probably do.
I want those 3 minutes of my life back wtf!?
Nice bait
Need more funny wiki edits guys
OMG I'm literally shaking right now
You ruined my night man. He may not have been the best, but as someone who loves modern metal and alt music. He was like the best in between of being alt rock and rap. Dude went hard. This sucks. Rip peep
Is that Arin Hanson?
>2000 xanx
The fuck?