Can you medfags help identify what this lump on my cock is...

Can you medfags help identify what this lump on my cock is? It's been there for a couple of days and i'm hoping that it isn't anything serious. Thanks.

Here is another pic

sti. Go get it checked.

aids sorry bro

Holy shit user I thought it was a normal shit like a pimple but that shit looks weird man. Go get checked for sure.

It's an ingrown hair, faggot.

i also thought it was a pimple but the red ring in the middle makes me think its syphilis

No, no it isn't. Pay attention to its location, and surrounding area.

how long has it been there?
Do you have homosexual sex?
Do you use intravenous drugs?
Is this the only lesion?
Do you have sex with an intravenous drug user?

Looks like an STI. Or maybe a minor sebaceous cyst

You guys sure? I haven't been having sex

It's foreskin, consult your jew doctor to get it retracted.

Looks like one to me, but it could be anything. Maybe staph?

either a zit or syphilis

It doesn't look like that, differences are there. Early staph infection seems possible. You don't need to be having sex to get an STI. Just someone to touch their genitals, not wash hands, touch public area, you touch public area, then without washing your hands touch pubic area. Unlikely, but possible.
If it's HIV (doubt it, heavily) you would only need to have had sex in the last 7-12 years.

Probably cancer

Its been there for about a week, it is the only lesion and no i haven't been doing anything that you listed

Technically all skin growths are "cancer".

Honestly go to a doctor and get it tested in a lab. We can all say what we think it looks like, but we would be completely biased based off our education (The school we went too).

Medfag here
Sit down
You have a small dick

Ughh gross how many of chronic masturbators gon post this. Quit whacking it with dirty hands. Wash your dick some more and take a break on the masturbation

You are right lol


OP here. I probably should have added that i was in Cambodia a month ago were i contracted tinea in my crotch area. Could it be related?

Do you think it's probable OP shook someones hand that touched their junk -- then after he touched his own?

OP its only an ingrown hair, dont worry about it

Thanks user. My dick feels a lot better after looking at your micro penis.

That's probable I guess. It's just extremely unlikely to get STI's that way. Even the way I described is extremely unlikely. I mean fucking someone with STI's doesn't even guarantee getting them yourself.