Hey so I want to kill my guinea pig but i dont want my girlfriend to know it was me so is there something i can feed it to kill relatively quick
Hey so I want to kill my guinea pig but i dont want my girlfriend to know it was me so is there something i can feed it...
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Kill yourself first. If you survive kill the guinea pig.
Don't kill piggo you fucking faggg
Feed him your dick
Chocolate, and meat. Either will likely cause them to die. But they aren’t dogos and you may not be able to get it to eat the food
Your cock. Feed it your lobbed off cock.
shut your fucking mouth you fucking kike
OPs a faggot
Make cuyes. Feed it to your girlfriend
Tell her it’s good for the environment
If you don't want the guinea pig then give it to a rescue or the humane society or something. No need to kill the poor thing. Please reconsider op. If it's an issue with not wanting your girlfriend to know then you can take it to the humane society or a local rescue and just tell her the pig escaped. Google guinea pig and small pet rescues in your area. It will only take a few minutes to drop the lil guy off.
Do you think if i force a chili pepper in its mouth thatd work?
I vote for this
FYI: if you shave guinea pigs, they look like tiny hippos
Just dig a small hole leading to the outside of the enclosure and just hide the body under some garbage.
My opinion is Ricin since it's flavorless and odorless and drop a few dust on its food and he will be gone by vomiting and fever in a 1-2days but to obtain Ricin is expensive aside from DIY
Dubs and you shave it
Shave it but don't kill it
Ur GF Will b proud
OP better deliver, rollin
check em
roll for this
Why do you want to kill it? If ya just want it gone toss it in the yard and let nature sort it out.
Or you could get a silenced .22 shoot it then arrange it to look like a suicide.
Ill do it on dubs
check em Time stamp deliver op
Take it to a rescue and just tell your girlfriend it ran away while you had it in the garden or something.
Shove it up your ass and crush it with your sphincter.
Just asphyxiate it.
winrar boios
Tell her you dislike the varmint.
kek's 77 says that op is gay and to just put that fucker back where it belongs (in the woods, like every other fucken animal)
and then let fucking Darwinism take the rest. easy as pie
just tell her that that little thing dissapeared escaped as you want to tell her and that you believe that it went thro the window or some shit
Pls do it now or not
Why the fuck would you get a little piggy and then want to kill you bastard! And if you only have one of them you are an even worse person! Guanine pigs need to have piggy friends they don't do well alone!!
And don't set it free in the nature, they don't thrive very well. Asshole
Do you have any hand grenades? Try those. Could make for an awesome video!
If dubs you rape it
It's called nature, that piggy would probably be more useful to other organisms dead than as a decoration
How sheltered are you? Do you think everywhere on earth, wherever you are, theres a animal shelter within 2 minutes? Lmao
Fuck you kill yourself
Where do you get ricin from tho?
It’s actually easy to make.
How to
Reread what you just referenced.
See I’m not going to more directly link you to instructions. Did you titrate stuff in chemistry?
If they have fucking guinea pigs as pets, they probably have fucking animal shelters around you fucking fuck of a cuck.
so would OP
Which takes those? Also they are kind of just food in other countries
So are dogs
so are humans
All these Muslim faggots bombing and shit and you wanna kill a cute lil innocent piggy pupper.
No. They’re also beasts of burden.
I don't know what that means. Man, I suck at chemistry. I took 2 tests last year, and when I got them back, there was no grade, or how many I got right. Just a little note on the bottom of the front page that said "At least you tried." I wish I was making this shit up.
How old are you?
I'll be 19 on Friday
You need to know how strong it is after making some. Dosing.
And your going to kill your girlfriends pet. Also isn’t it a school night?
I'm not the OP, you retarded cocksucking autist.
How am I supposed to know that?
I'm just annoyed, for the most part. I can't stand when people do that.
try feeding it fire. in nature they also tend to combust out of the blue.