Tell girlfriend that I was raped when I was 17.
She tells all of her friends that I'm a closet homosexual and breaks up with me.
Tell girlfriend that I was raped when I was 17.
She tells all of her friends that I'm a closet homosexual and breaks up with me.
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Tell the story user, let us understand
sounds like she wasnt a girlfriend, more like a harpy leech bitch.
you are better off without her.
sounds like you need to suck a few cocks to get your spirits up op
I was hitchhiking 6 years ago. Got picked up by a white construction van. They passed around a joint, then a bottle of Jack and invited me to a party. Said there were going to be lots of chicks there.
By the time we got to where the party was supposed to be, I was too fucked up to walk. They helped me inside, laid me out on the couch. They took off my close and then took turns fucking me in the ass. Got shit everywhere, but that didn't stop them. Spent the rest of the day getting fucked. Eventually sobered up and ran out of the house naked. Found some cloths, washed up in a gas station parking lot and eventually made it home safely.
Never told anyone, until I told my girlfriend yesterday.
Dude. Dude. Sorry to hear that.
I had a similar story. I've realised sharing shit like that is NOT in your best interests. Chicks expect drama, sympathy to revolve around them, if its a guy in that position, it turns them right off.
I told my gf I was raped as a boy. Her response, 'well we won't ever have kids then because you'll end up molesting them.' Chicks are valid, vacuous and self absorbed.
Tldr: She only wants to talk about how she was raped when that guy stared at her in the supermarket today, she doesn't wanna know how you were actually humiliated, violated and destroyed irl
fuck. that. bitch.
people are animals, but there are good ones out there. Right this bitch off as the same kind of scum that raped you. But for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, and that means that for every ugly person there is a beautiful one, and you'll find the person that's as beautiful as you are in due time Sup Forumsro. You will.
I'm sorry. Fuck her. I'm so sorry. You're worth more than her. I don't even know you but I love you.
riveting tale chap
Sounds like a total bitch. She doesn't deserve you.
She ever tries to say shit to you again, just ignore her for at least 4 seconds, researchers say that's the amount of time it takes for a person to feel like what they said was just outright rejected. Stings hard.
Faaark. That's bad man. Sorry to hear that. How old is your gf? She's sounds emotionally childish and retarded.
She's 20. I'm 23.
You're better off without her. What a massive lack of maturity on her part. I'd expect that of an 8 year old, not someone who is 20.
>Never told anyone
She's right though. You have had sex with men and you keep that fact in the closet.
Wtf am i reading. They truly have no souls.
>She tells all of her friends that I'm a closet homosexual and breaks up with me
>She tells all of her friends that I'm a closet homosexual and breaks up with me.
Why would she do such thing ?
If you have sex with a man, you're a faggot.
If you weren't willing to have sex with a man but put yourself in a situation where you coudn't defend yourself, you're a faggot.
You're a faggot.
Do you live in Eastern Europe something. is being raped by dudes seen as a complicent gay act in your country?
this had me fucking rolling. sorry op rip
imma hold my tongue
So like, in this story, you're the sympathy?
I'm confused, OP
No, I'm the idiot.
She's right OP. You are a faggot, kill yourself.
>She tells all of her friends that I'm a closet homosexual and breaks up with me.
Maybe she did because a man is not supposed to talk about his suffering/troubles.
Op sorry this happened to you (if this isn't some b8 post of course).
Not on the same level but I opened up quite a bit to my ex and it turned her off. Women are already surrounded by drama. They need stability at home even if it's superficial. Everyone keeps talking about how it's a double standard to make guys bottle it up but there's a reason we're supposed to do that. It's a societal norm because women don't really like weakness.
It's shallow and stupid but it's a survival mechanism. Also your ex sounds like a total cunt either way. Women look for outs like that when they've been pondering their "options" for a while.
I'm too emotional and I've got too much family drama going on in my life that I'll ever be with someone decent. I'd end up with someone who has the mental stability of my mom just cause I'm "nice" and my single mother is a batshit insane lunatic. She would never let me be happy like that (she was part of the reason me and my ex broke up along with a few other things).
Essentially keep it bottled up. We live in a society that tells you to release it and be out with it but honestly that's a trap to try and weed out the folks who can't stand up for themselves.
I'm sorry OP. I truly am.
Well, women are supposed to be pious, pure, submissive and domestic.
If they abandon their gender roles, they should expect to be surrounded by men who do the same.
Good post user. I'm not OP, hope he's still around to see this
Sorry to hear that, I was molested by a fat black bitch but your experience is nothing compared to mine, hope you find a nice gf that isn't a bitch
Godspeed user
Exactly, that's why you can't be feminine around her by expressing emotions of weakness.
You weren't raped, OP. The correct legal criminal term is sodomization. You were sodomized.
Fuck that. I'm wearing makeup and a skirt until they get back in the kitchen
Gay men willing to get fucked in the ass are sodomized too. Using the word sodomized doesn't imply a lack of consent.
A man cannot legally rape another man, however, because there is no implication of sex. Rape can only be done with a man and woman.
Well, fuck. We're fighting for a role!
Fuck that cunt, user. She has a dirty soul.
Thanks for the laugh
*tips fedora
Not at all, I'm only trying to give you insight you clearly don't have. Take a criminal law class, you may learn a thing or two.
It doesn't make any sense, OP. No girl would react in this manner unless you told her that story to explain why you want her to fuck you with a strap-on. That's what you did, OP, admit it. She is totally correct about dumping you. You need a BF, not a GF.
In which shithole of a country do they define rape in that manner?
Lmfao. Rekt faggot.
Take a criminal law class, it's all there friend
Exactly what I was thinking. That user must be in Bolivia or Egypt.
In my nation, and id expect every western nation non consensual penetrative sex is define as rape. Regardless of who is doing what to whom.
Get out shitbag
It's not sex however, it's sodomy. Sex would imply intercourse. Gays can't procreate therefor can't have sex therefor can't be raped.
I'm actually a lawyer (in Germany). Just checked if americans had dumb laws, but nope, men can rape men in america (
I bet you're fun at parties
I don't attend parties. My friends abandoned me after I ran out of money
>It's not sex however, it's sodomy. Sex would imply intercourse. Gays can't procreate therefor can't have sex therefor can't be raped.
So you can't rape anyone as long as you use condoms, right? Can't procreate using condoms, therefore no rape.
No wonder. You probably drove them off being a pedantic fucknugget
You're correct.
You're probably right
The answer you dont want
>new gf get
Great, thanks for stopping by. Now get out.
Why are you so fuckin triggered lol
why dont you report the place/people who assfucked you? idk what the fuck is wrong with this guy but shutting your mouth after being assfucked with no choice has its issues OP, even today if you still don't have dna of the magic sauce, report that shit before everyone knows about it and calls you a mega faggot
Because I find it offensive that somebody thinks rape only happens to females.
how fucking insane are you man?
Oh boohoo faggot look where you're at
its just retarded to think that tho, a dry cock in the bum hurts you know, if it hurts in an oral/anal place i think its something close to rape pal
My criminal law professor said that it's only rape if it's a man and woman. I passed the 10 point quiz so therefor I'm correct
In all reality tho I'm quite a bit drunk tonight so I'm not sure you should take my banter seriously
Yeah fuck off mate you're an idiot and your boring us. Go shit up a different thread
I'm pretty sure the thread was derailed quite some time ago
im just gonna tell you 3 words, THIS IS Sup Forums
Yeah I call bullshit, that was a kidnapping and you probably saw all their faces and you somehow weren't tied up and you somehow ran out of the house? and you didn't call the cops? What are these kidnappers/rapists stupid?
yeah im kinda smelling bait but hey, THIS IS Sup Forums, it can be bait or real its a 50/50
Wake up n the morning I feel like pdiddy and wash my teeth with a bottle of jack boys blowin up my phone pullin up to the rupiah don't stop make it pop do blow my speakers up tonight till we tick tick wohao Shoah Jewish
Probably depends on the jurisdiction. Where I live what the op is describing is legally rape.
Nudes of her?
That's Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Minor.
Turn these predators in.