Hey guys I have a great idea for a raid!

Hey guys I have a great idea for a raid!
Let's flood Sup Forums with low quality porn, YLYL threads, Trap threads, "U MAD WHITEY" posts and no OC!


Wow that was quick!
Great raid guys!


>200x200 jpeg

Yeah I'll go kill myself right about now

Can we stop the raid now? The joke is getting over used

this guy knows his shit

They won't give up, it's like they just don't understand. It's kind of amusing in its own way.

What about we show each other our penises on Sup Forums???? Please update to add this idea in

It's too late.
The raid has spawned its own life.
I fear it has gotten out of our control.
All is lost.

We're gonna get em!

Haha we're pranking Sup Forums good guys! Keep up the work!

Another great idea would be endless Ig/fb fap threads


What about WWYD threads and celeb threads.
They're not overdone and beaten to death, right?

Jesus there's a few people on Sup Forums who lack self awareness.

Remember this is basically normiechan now. This is a chan styled facebook and if you think otherwise your deluding yourself. The fact is, the anonymous imageboard format can make it very hard for group opinions to be artificially changed. So this chan, as a frontline of sorts, most definitely gets attention from people who are interested in mass opinion. You just have to be aware to this layer and take appropriate action when it presents itself. This is chan culture, if you don't know it learn it.

stopped reading there


>Image count: +1

After that we can flood Sup Forums with conspiracy theories and racism.

Sounds like a good idea!