Help me out here you queer fucking faggots

Help me out here you queer fucking faggots

I have never ever ever met a gay guy who isn't successful. All of them make good money and all of them seems to be pretty fucking happy, except for the fact that you are a bunch of stupid faggots.

Why are you cunts so successful? Is it a gay thing or what?

Other urls found in this thread:

weak bait
>treating gays as people

Suck cock, win a prize

No but seriously though

If getting aids and hepatitis C counts as success then you might as well call them Jews.

Is being a failed actor/waiter your measure for success?

Secy boi

how sweet!! this board is so based and liberating. throw the jew down the well. im too tired to explain

Third degree faggot spotted

i'm a bi fag so i have no idea
though i have thought of being a comedian

You already make me laugh so gj

My younger Brother is gay. When we where Kids i made him suck my little 6 year old dick . Am i a Bad Person ? I think he turnd Out gay because of that.

You must be mistaken. Real doctors of actual science have proven that you are born gay or straight. He was gay from the moment of conception

>I have never ever ever met a gay guy who isn't successful. All of them make good money and all of them seems to be pretty fucking happy
I see this is your first visit to Sup Forums. Allow me to introduce you to an entire board filled with self-hating depressed NEET faggots.

We don't spend money on women. So we can focus our time getting better jobs.

Alright. So don't hate Gay people my peopeles.

The answer I was hoping for.

Although, you do spend more money on yourselves to outrank one another?

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>Real doctors of actual science
This would make a great documentary series.

>We don't spend money on women.
Specifically you don't spend money on children. Women can make their own money.

i think they are so "Happy/succsessful" because they don't have to impress a women they are who they are and are Happy abaut it. And they are still duds you know. Womens Always try to fuck with your mind. But have titts and cunts. Think about IT maby you are Gay too nur never lifed your Phantasies