Is Hillary secretly attracted to the Donald?
Is Hillary secretly attracted to the Donald?
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oh my, Hillary thinks Donald looks great :3
Who isn't?
wooow rly makes u think~~~
>he just realized this
>this entire election is being framed in terms of donald trump
trump wasn't lying when he said he only hires the best people
No. Confirmed she spends time on /mlp/
hillary has always been a sociopath who wants to be top dog.
>She Just realized Trump is Top-Tier Male.
Trump has more power coursing through him than Bill had when he was president Just imagine when Trump actually Officially takes the office and stops being proxy-president.
This is a meme that we need to start shilling. That's hilarious. She's gonna lose so hard if people think she's creaming for him lol
A lot of people get a little excited when Trump is around.
I love it maggle. The last few elections have been so boring; There hasn't been constant shitflinging like this in a long time. It makes for fantastic viewing a a neutral
Of course OP, all women are secretly attracted to men who push their buttons and act alpha, they can't help it, all women have a contrary nature innate in them. Even if Hillary is a carpet muncher Trump still triggers her primitive desire.
"mount me senpai"
>tfw you will never sniff a grils bhole
Why live senpaitachi?
Not a filthy queer, but if Trump were right here right now and he dropped his pants and told me he was going to pound his thick cock into my facepussy, I'd be on my knees before I could finish saying "yes master!", and I'd swallow every bit of fluid that got sprayed into my throat, no joke.
its gross man. imagine pee and farts surrounded by cushioning
its not that great
Fuck this shit, senpai
I'm a #HillaryArtillery na0
>Had a girlfriend who was into kitten play
>It was super hot
She was a leech, but as a living onahole she made up for it.
Hand off my Donald, abuela, he's mine, no homo
They're a special breed m8. My ex kitten is like 22 now and living in a van on the west coast.
lies and propaganda
the female anus is a wonder of this world
yeah no. it's fucking gross. pussy tastes like shit.
the only thing women are good for is cooking and fucking. some can suck a dick.
how is she so shit at this?
if you like burying your face in an ass, you're the fag. i dont care if its a girl. its fucking gay
sounds like projection to me, gayboy
get checked out
>worships poop hole
>calls other people gay
She will come to him in the night for love... then they rule America as king and queen. Bill will be the royal cuck
>Has sex with Men
>Says he is not gay and calls others fag.
Waddup ?
I have to admit, Hillary is right here. Trump only cares about himself. He's playing you all for suckers.
Guys I'm not the only one who would suck them tits, right?
I like the fact that you can see the panty liner. Not sure why
Nah Trump is the Only way I can get US Citizenship sanders hillary will kill me.
The stupid fucks at Darpa can't figure out an Exosuit or how to Work Anti-Grav or E-Weps.
I will be coming over to Re-gear the US armed forces under Trump.
"Look at little cutie over there. She's got a nice ass on her doesnt she? Man I would love to suck her butthole"
Not fuck her
Lick her butthole
Nice. Also, straight desu
you will have a hard time after trump
the lady doth protest to much
Thats why we must act quickly Next Year.
its not that great
They really are. It's like waking up in a dream every day, but eventually you realize you need to actually wake up and now this is just getting kind of creepy the longer it happens and the more you think on it.
Damn good year and a half though. Mine's going to law school. Shame about yours, but I wager most of the hard cores aren't exactly all there when on their own...
Protip: don't tweet anything that contains any variation of your opponent and the phrase "looks great" because any glance effectively registers in your subconscious as "Donald Trump looks great."
There's no way people are that incompetent so I choose to believe this was one of the interns that has decided to sabotage her.
Drumpf BTFO!
She likes puss.
Translation: Donald looks great.
Silly Hilly
In fact, the other part of the tweet too, which is utterly defensive and supplicant to Trump's frame, justifying it, by talking about HIS narrative of wanting to make America great is probably even worse. Why the FUCK would you ever do this? These people are so incompetent.
It's almost as if she basically tweeted:
>Trump says he's going to make America great because he's amazing and he'll make things so good for every American and he's a success and brilliant and flawless...... but he isn't! lol
It's that level of retardation and ineptitude.
yeah its definitely not healthy. Especially if she lives with you and doesnt work. On one hand I feel bad for those girls and on the other I couldnt be happier they exist.
I honestly believe that the campaigns in Napoleon Dynamite were run more competently than this woman's Twitter account. All she does is talk about Trump's plans for America. how is that going to help her win?
Cause it gives it a less staged look maybe?
Here she is promoting Trump's book
Holy shit, how dense is her Twitter team?
They want her to lose.
Anything is good enough for her fans though.
Do you think these people can think?
It's all shitskins and liberal faggots whose political thoughts only consists of memes such as "equality!" "democracy!" "racist!!" "Drumpf LOL x'D"
>didn't increase the security personnel at our Libyan embassy to cut costs
>got four people killed
What the fuck is this bitch thinking? She's so fucking hypocritical and cuntish it's unbelievable. The fucking audacity this washed-up whore has.
That's exactly how I feel about her actually. Donald actually gives me the impression that he loves America and legitimately wants to make the country better. Clinton just seems like she wants to add 'President' to her list of achievements.
Take a look at their slogans
>Make America Great Again
>I'm with Her
That is the most slappable ass I've ever seen.
Wow Hillary, sick burn, quality social media post. why is Hillary so unfun?
> It's all shitskins and liberal faggots whose political thoughts only consists of memes such as "equality!" "democracy!" "racist!!" "Drumpf LOL x'D"
These people are the minority. Trump's persuasion, and Clinton's dumbfuckery works on the rest of people.
All women are attracted to men of power
does anyone actually like hillary?
or are they just #nevertrump faggots?
it must be very sad that people vote you not because they like you, but because of someone else
THAT is the most slappable ass you've seen? Well you haven't seen much asses my friend
Also she gets a better class of secrets to sell. And her girlfriend Huma gets a pay raise from ISIS.
Trump loves America so much that he fought a city so he could fly an enormous American flag.
>These people are the minority.
Good morning Alex, let me tell you some facts.
You have about 70% white people in the US regarding voting age people.
That means 30% shitskins. About 25% of them will vote for Democrats, always.
Now let's take a look at the whites. Almost half of them will vote left because lol R u rayciss much?! X'D EQUALITY!?!?!!!:!:!: GIVE FREE SHIT FREE COLLEGE FREE
If retards would only make up a minority of the USA, you wouldn't have had Obongo for 8 years in the first place. Or even wouldn't it be a possibility for someone like Sanders to even run.
Why is it that I have to tell you this you faggot?
A woman deserves to be the president :)
Women are equal to men therefore it will be a big change for a woman to be POTUS!!!
What? You don't want Clintdog to win? ARE YOU A MSOGYNIST SEXIST RACIST HOMOPHOBE ASSHOLE?!?!?!?!?!??
Golly gee I almost envy you guys for living in a dream world where the rest of humanity seems to be as intelligent as yourselves.
Their moms(?) fucking face, she probably just regretted not getting an abortion
That's his wife.
That's his owner you dog-kinophobe racist shitlord
She made a huge fucking mistake
filthy queer faggot
She has no bantz
Maybe they can divorce their spouses and take the White House together?
Hillary has the government experience/foriegn policy chops and Trump can make sure that illegals don't get amnesty and protect the borders
Shillary shills she shills by the shee shores