explain krautkucks
>Germany Jewish again.
>choosing another female as political leader.
her left eye is shooped, right?
I hope she doesn't have one large iris
I love how they try to jail her. They are getting desperate. Too bad normshits won't see through this
this desu senpai, can you get a little diversity going on? turn the cuckoldery down a notch and maybe let a man run something?
she's great desu.
Don't care if it's him or her
l'd rather have an alpha woman lead the country than a cuck
Well, I'm convinced that we are the last generation to experience consistent male leadership. Congress will be 80 to 90% female in a few years
How much do I have to pay to get her to sit on my face?
Just reading about AfD, glad to know that all Germans aren't cucked. You'll probably meet the same fate as FN in France, and UKIP in Britain though. The right wing swing can't come soon enough. Good luck guys.
Is that merkel?
All jew parties
the fuck are you talking about
>women leaders
That's one way to destroy civilization.
Why did we kill hitler again?
Because he created Israel?
>Right wing
Pick one. Socialism in all its incarnations is a left wing ideology.
Things you'll never learn from or understand
I dont hate Israel nearly as much as sjws
FN is communist? Lel
Then you're retarded and once again blaming the symptom and not the disease
Nice argument, fag.
Jews in the west are the disease. Not israel
Their men are just as feminine. They can hardly reproduce anymore.
Durr. No right wing parties crash economies and suck israeli clit with a passionate obsession. Nobody knows what you're talking about goy
Not according to God
They are socialists. AfD has even called them out on it.
I don't give a fuck if they support Israel.
Making more 911s, refugees, isis's, and greater israels?
>Australian Labor
FN is right wing, period. They may have socialistic tendencies, but they haven't always had consistent economic beliefs. Besides, no one gives a fuck about their economics, just that they're the only anti-immigration party in France worth their salt.
Gonna have to speak with a little more cogency if you want to have a discussion, leaf. Israel is a model for ethno-nationalism that the west should pay attention to. No regime is perfectly moral, however.
Ungodly liar. Gone. Enjoy your Hasbara money. Emigrate there if you love them so much and do us all a big favour
Fuck you! You're the one spreading disinfo... I used to be anti-Israel until I saw that they had a government that didn't try to destroy them, and allowed them to be proud of themselves. The west needs to be more like them, and less like Sweden!
>Spouse(s): Sven Petry
>Domestic partner: Marcus Pretzell
What did she mean by this?
the reason sweden become like that is because of jews in the first place you moron
>FN is right wing
No they aren't. Stop buying the media's bullshit. They are socialists. Their past positions are irrelevant. The Democratic party used be for segregation. Does that make them right wing?
Socialism is all about economics and socialism is an inherently left-wing ideology. Nationalism doesn't change that.
Her spouse said that "islam belongs to germany" so she decided to cuck him publicy
>implying the AfD has any chance of becoming part of a ruling coalition in the next decade or two
They can become an efficient and worthwhile opposition though if they manage to keep their radical spergs and infiltrators under control
>implying the cdu wouldn't consider a coalition with the AfD if they have enough to bring them over 50% and the spd doesn't.
Listen, right and left are arbitrary political distinctions. I am a libertarian. Minimal government, and maximum individual political and economic freedom is the definition of right wing, I will concede. However, most people don't use this merit in day to day politics. Nationalism = right wing to most. Regardless of what you want to call it, right or left, France, Germany, UK, all need to take their medicine, and that is a small dose of nationalism and anti-immigration or else they're fucked.
for real? sources?
Why does her face look shopped?
because it is. duh
The CDU of the 60's might do that but they changed too much for that to happen in the foreseeable future
They're just not the same conservative party anymore
>first female chancellor
>first openly gay minister in their coalition
they are headed for a weird course
>Regardless of what you want to call it, right or left, France, Germany, UK, all need to take their medicine, and that is a small dose of nationalism and anti-immigration or else they're fucked.
I don't disagree.
I think you're underestimating how much the CDU is willing to bend their neck to stay in power
I think it's very unlikely that any of the established parties would be willing to cooperate with a party they demonized since it was created
At least not within this decade
>der postillion
>implying the cdu wasn't always a shit populist party
Define populist
If by populist you mean they said what the majority of germans - who happened to be conservatives not so long ago - wanted to hear then of course they are populist
There's only certain groups in the conservative camps that l'd agree with. The CDU/CSU have always been mostly concerned with representing religious values and playing the thought police, their economic policies were fou the most part half assed and didn't improve anyones life quality. They've based all their social policies on the common doofus and all their economic policies on the large corporations.
Not saying they were the worst party out there (far from it), but being good compared to utter horseshit isn't really a big achievement.
That's because only Nationalsocialism can redeem Germany and Nationalsocialism is not conservative or reactionary. It is beyond what conservatism hopes to conserve, it's focused on awakening and rebirth and renewal.
Look at America. Bush was a conservative, Jeb was a conservative, but Trump is their hope. They called people like him "paleoconservative" a long time ago. They killed that wing of the Republican Party after Nixon. But look: it's returned.
trading one evil for another one
AfD isn't national socialist
It's amazing watching the evolution of the anti-Trump shills. They are visibly getting smarter
explain yourself potato