What are signs that my girlfriend may be cheating on me?

what are signs that my girlfriend may be cheating on me?

This isnt google user. I think you clicked the wrong tab.

having a small dick

trust your gut

if you are thinking it, she is

look for dark pigmentation around her vagina, telltale sign of blacked

You're friends with this asshole

You come home to find another man's cock in her mouth.

Does her breath smell like dick?

If you think she is she probably is

No need to look for signs user, it is certainty.

Signs are:

>less Sex than before
>less attention than before
>if she is a successful person
>less signs of Love

If she seems just generally over it most the time, is starting to start arguments over small things more frequently. If she's talking to other guys, and you can count that she definitely is unless she's lesbian, it'll probably be pretty obvious in her texts or possibly fb. That last bit though is last resort shit imo; not really to be done unless you absolutely need to know and have cause to question and all that. Keep us updated lol

One of her hands will be smoother than the other, also she may have broken capillaries in and around her weenus. -)

>She suddenly gets super clingy
This is because she feels guilty asnd wants to ammend her conscience
>She suddenly starts to like some random subject
Women don't have hobbies, they only get into things to get dick. If she is into something you're not, most probably she's after another man's dick
>She tries to avoid your contact with her friends
They know

OP show your gf face, I am a professional face reading expert, I can tell a whore when I look at one

You silly fuck , of course she is you could just have asked me

One sign is if she's suddenly nicer to you. If she used to give you a lot of shit but doesn't all of the sudden it could be that she's feeling guilty. Sad but true.

>Her parents pity you
They know
>She's chatting with another guy
Women are almost always sexual towards men friends,
>She starts showing new sexual moves, starts kissing odd
This is usually a big red flag user

yeah cause my girlfriends been hella distant lately, and she seems to start arguing over small things that dont even matter. Like she sent me a picture of a virgin killer sweater (you know what that is) and i asked her when she would wear it, she said she would want to wear it in public and with some of her "friends" (she didnt give me names). and when i completely opposed the idea, she freaked out on me and said that i cant tell her what to do, i cant dominate what she does/doesnt wear, etc. this isnt the only instance either. weve argued over small things for the past month too. its getting really tiring. the logical thing would be to end things with her, but ive grown attached with her and i just wanna work things out. dont know what to do.

and the virgin killer thing happened last night, were kinda shaky right now and havent really had good communication. ive tried talking to her in numerous amount of ways but i dont think shes taking me seriously.

A simple test you can do, is to grab her phone, watch her reaction closely and listen to your instincts.

Either cheating or depression tbh.

Posting a question about this Sup Forums is a heavy sign

is pretty good.
I would also add 2 things, check her underwear to find evidence after shes been out/away and also see if she showers when she gets home right away, assuming you live together. Otherwise probably if shes telling you shes got other shit to do and doesnt do that shit, hanging out with others more than you... really a lot of shit, what is she doing that seems sketchy to you and we can tell you what we think.

If you feel like ist Dump her. before she dumps you. And women Love beeing dumpt ans you get to know if she ist woth it.

yeah dude your getting Cucked.


for the past month shes been starting arguments with me over small things and its just annoying. at this point it just seems like she just wants to be right about something even if its small. she wants to give herself the satisfaction. she used to listen to me all the time when i told her i wasnt comfortable with doing x, etc. she eventually started getting upset at herself for agreeing with what i wanted even though she showed no signs of reluctancy. now she just takes forever to respond when i message her, shes super distant when we do talk and she responds to my messages like she wants to end the conversation.

These are good signs. I'll add a few more.

>She gets random texts and phone calls that she won't answer around you (she normally answers everyone immediately)

>She suddenly starts making excuses for staying out late when she never used to. Things like: staying late for work, late night shopping, out with friends on a weeknight, etc.

>She showers immediately when she comes home from one of her late night trips

>You smell men's cologne on her clothing

>You unexpectedly catch her on the phone and she immediately hangs up

The best way to know for certain is to get into her phone and check her texts, phone calls and search history. You'll probably find the dude she's fucking at the top of her list of texts.

unfortunately OP like 65% of people cheat in general at some point so you have a pretty good chance that at least one person in your relationship is fucking around and if it isn't you then RIP. Wish I was being ironic or memeing but people just aren't programmed for monogamy.

Dude. You are Not enjoying it or are you? Let her know you don't Like at that way.

I've never been in a serious relationship so anons who have can comment on what I'm about to say and why it wouldn't work but personally I'd just respond in kind. Just stop messaging her and go minimal interaction mode. She'll either get upset and reach out or probably take it as a break up right? Win win then.


Same here dude i think we are fucked...

Having a different weiner than your own in her is one way of knowing.

she gives birth to a black baby

Having a girlfriend.

>In her facebook friends list, the first few faggets that appear after your friends in common are the people she talks to most
Most probably the faggot trying to cuck you is ammongst them. Beware: He may also be a friend of yours, but this helps a lot

She's alive.

Just ask her straight up “hey is there anything wrong you’ve been acting sort of distant and you’ve just been acting differently” just be blunt about it.

You need to do Something. She can Not get away with that. Don't respond for a while and don't be there for her. Try it. You have du decide Not she.

>showers immediately after getting home from one of her late night trips

>avoids greeting with a kiss after she arrives home

The simple fact that you doubt must because there is something to worry, nigger.
Also, just be a man and ask her. If she does, leave her.
You're probably young and average. Girls do like average dude like. You'll be ok, nigger.

So, I don't know what you consider a relationship, but from what youve described here youve already broken up and you just dont know it. Is she avoiding you? Are you still fucking?


You're getting needy. She's questioning the amount of value you can provide her with. Women crave validation yes but not from little dweebs who give it out freely.

>for the past month shes been starting arguments with me over small things and its just annoying

Obvious shit test. She wants to see how much bullshit you will put up with to see if you're a real man that can leave her and get another girl. By putting up with this you have failed and lowered your value. This happens around the crest (3 month period) of every relationship with younger girls. you kill this shit in the crib when you see it rear it's ugly little head. You tell her you will not tolerate and if it persists you end the relationship in a heartbeat. She will become More attracted to you and seek to reestablish the relationship. This not only passes the shit test, it puts the girl in the BUYER frame and YOU in the seller frame. Very good thing to do.

To be honest most relationships fail like this early on before one year because a young inexperienced guy does not set BOUNDARIES at the onset of the relationship. What you expect, what she can expect from you etc. Not stupid insecure boundaries like "dont go out without me because you might fuck another guy and that frightens me". Reasonable boundaries, BOUNDARIES SHE CRAVES from a man as a woman that wants to SUBMIT to you. For me you're not even in arelationship until you set a boundary, the girl breaks it, you break up, then you take her back. Before that your just dating really.

How do you set these boundaries without coming across as insecure?

Thanks Sup Forumsro, needed that

This right mother fucking here. I would add shady on the phone but I think it's a no brainer

Biggest red flag is phone habits. If she suddenly starts locking her phone, tilting it away from you when she answers texts, putting it away suddenly when you come into the room, she's almost definitely cheating.

part 2
>i told her i wasnt comfortable with doing x

I don't know what x is but it sounds like a boundary to me. Elaborate please

> x, etc. she eventually started getting upset at herself for agreeing with what i wanted even though she showed no signs of reluctancy

At first she liked that you set a boundary when she thought you were an alpha male. Then you started doing this shortly before

>now she just takes forever to respond when i message her

This is how I know you are getting needy. This is not good. I know you are young and it's only natural to fall into scarcity when you think something is going wrong in your relationship. You can feel like if you lose your girl it would be devastating. This is not the time to give into that feeling, Tell your emotions to stfu and let logic take over. If she withdraws, DO NOT PURSUE. She is again testing your value equal to her. Same thing is happening here
> shes super distant when we do talk and she responds to my messages like she wants to end the conversation.

When this starts happening you need to be preemptive

Just use different frames to mask the boundary.

Tell her you don't want to take her out on weekends because you need to focus on school or whatever your mission in life is at the time. (man on his own path first and foremost she is only your second priority very attractive to women). But really you don't want to take her out on weekends because of some other reason.

Just think critically. If the boundary is coming from an insecure place. DO NOT SET IT. Again, keeping your girl from going out will only make her want to cheat on you because she detects that you are threatened by other guys.

My ex was stupid enough to leave a fucking cum rag right near the top of het clothes hamper.

This is great advice dude.
Really appreciate you posting it.

So solution time. You know deep in your heart of hearts what's coming. Break up. It's imperative that you are preemptive and strike first. I know that this is your first "serious" relationship and there are probably a lot of strong emotions that will prevent you from wanting to do this but you need to be logical right now. Breaking up with your girl right now is probably the only way to "get her back" after a period of time passes. I don't know how long this has been going on but it sounds like a lot of damage has been done that probably can't be undone. Here is what you do.

1.) Break up immediately. Say that you want to see other people because you've been growing distant but you will always be there as her best friend blah blah blahetc. (She will not expect this from you because lately you've been needy and she's been directing the flow of the relationship)

2. ) Actually start seeing other girls. Go out and do some cold approach. Try to get with girls in her social circle so that it will be extremely public that you're without her and happy. (This will make her want you it's not even funny, this will have the added benefit of putting your only real relationship into clear focus. Right now you have nothing to compare it to. Who knows. Maybe you don't even want her back after you do this. This is called Freedom from Outcome. It is your mightiest weapon in the dating game)

3.) She will either try to initiate a relationship with you again. You can accept. The relationship will go a lot better now that she knows she can lose you. Or now that you have more experience and more options you can tell her to go fuck herself because you are not in Scarcity (The ultimate cockblock of all). Up to you

Anytime! Remember that it's not the end of the world and that you're young and that the whole point of relationships at this stage in your life is to see what you DON'T like in a woman so you can avoid it later. Enjoy Abundance my friend! Good luck.

I think that if she's willing to play these stupid fucking games then it's not with your time to get back together.

I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

I know that's why I put "get her back" in quotes for OP. That's probably what he wants to do but in with women the "get her back" frame is such a weak and self destructive frame that never works because it just reinforces your neediness and makes the girl see even clearer why she needed to leave. When you try your actually making it easier for her to rationalize why the break up was a great idea. all your really doing is ensuring all ur "bby plz" texts get shown to all her friends and the next prospective guy that comes around.

I tried to nudge him in the correct direction with the see other girls part but it's his first relationship we know what he's gonna try and do. Since he will try to get back I'm just seeing that he will do it in a way that will likely lead to higher success. But will also force him to see his other options and consider not getting back with her.

Different horse same carrot. I just hope he stuck around to read it.

She tends to get pregnant while all sex with you is safe sex.

this. I kept blaming myself with things along the lines of "I'm a paranoid dumbass who lacks confidence. of course she isn't cheating, I should stop this gut feeling." but yeah, she was indeed cheating. turns out that the gut feeling is rarely wrong, there's even scientific explanations to that.

>Mfw my gf has depression and anxiety
Can't tell if she is cheating or depressed tbh

10% chance that it is depression
100% chance that it is cheating.

She's either just cheating, or she is depressed and cheating.

>you are threatened by other guys.
B-but I'm

A sudden lack of interest, less sex, moodiness, irritability and just generally distancing herself from you.

As others have said, trust your gut, it's rarely wrong.

women of this time are the worst. especially with all that empower women shit coming along, they're "stronger" and "more independent", meaning that they'll fuck around as they like.

what's bad about it? nothing, unless they're cheating. fucking break up with me and go fuck whoever you wish, I don't care. but no, they're sneaky little fuckers and they want the best of both worlds.

and their weapons are ready against those who begin to realize their sluttiness. when you speak up, you're "generalizing", and you're "insecure" and you "lack confidence".

fuck you you motherfuckers.

men do the same shit too, so I'm not discriminating between whores and assholes. you all should die.

her dick tastes like shit

I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

every girl does cheat.
question is if she wants to be caught doing so.
if she does not want you won't catch her.

As a wise user once told me
>She was never yours it was just your turn

Just break up with her OP, and ignore her completely. It will drive her crazy.

Go out and have fun. Fuck other girls and enjoy yourself.

I guarantee that she will come running after you a few months later, begging and pleading. She'll be desperate to have you back, and she'll do anything for you.

The problem with women is, they're short sighted. If you let them get too comfortable, they'll take you for granted, and see you as needy and an inconvenience. If you put up with it, and hope that things will get better, she'll just start seeing you as being weak, and it will turn her away even more. It's a terrible cycle to get caught up in. Breaking up is the only option.

If she has a vagina she is cheating on you

Here's an anecdote for you from my college days

>be 21 year old dumb kid that can't into womenz
>Try to get solid 7/10 to receive penis
>Only succeed in paying for 3 dates before firmly planted in friendzone
>eh w/e start seeing other girls but still hang out with 7 on occasion
>She gets a boyfriend that is better looking then me and is trying to be a motorcycle repairman
>Basically "the guy she tells you not to worry about meme personified"
> Boyf gets incredibly threatened by my presence, thinks i'm a vulture on the periphery of his relationship waiting to fuck his girl at a moments notice
>Really I'm just a dumb dweeb that hasn't shown any male polarity and has ZERO chance of pulling myself out of the friend zone and the closest I can get is playing Wii at her house
>Boyf voices his displeasure to his girl about me on many occasions.
>One day while playing Mario Party and enjoying my self inflicted celibacy she brings it up
> "hey user my boyfriend keeps telling me he's worried about you and doesn't like that we spend so much time together isn't that funny xD"
>The biggest moment of pimp clarity washes over me.
>I see my opening
>I know my path
>"He only means well. He's just worried because you're the best he can do and he doesn't wanna lose you I innocently reply"
> The seed has been planted
> I fuck the shit out of her the next week
> Only friendzone recovery I ever made

Never Ever admit your insecure about other guys all you are doing is making that guy "the forbidden fruit" and creating a narrative of your girl escaping her oppressive boyfriend to explore her new found sexual freedom

>> The seed has been planted
>> I fuck the shit out of her the next week
You can't just timeskip like that bruh

Is it a good thing if your GF always says how against cheating she is?
Or does it show an insecurity in her?

Don't remember to clearly what happened. Invited her out to another "date". Because we had only been hanging out in larger groups after my initial failure. Really the biggest component was probably the fact that I decided to start seeing other girls and couldn't sustain paying for dinners anymore (i was a chode i know). So I just took her out with me to some school function she probably would have gone to anyways (game I think) and started to ignore her when she was bitching about her boyfriend and started escalating hard on her. Went to a post game party, got her slightly buzzed then took her to my place and sealed the deal. The only thing that stuck with me was how little resistance there was compared to before. I honestly don't know if it was just her being disgusted by her boyfriends insecurity or that my game had gotten better or that I was just way less needy because I was seeing other girls.

Smiling when she is on her phone, or belittling you to other men through text.
Shit happened to me, turns out she cheated a couple times. I was blind and stayed with her, but regret it. Sometimes you just need to end it when shit hits the fan, it hurts less later

Kinda unrelated but is it better to have a butter face gf than none at all?

Yes, at least you have someone

I'm reading all of this, but I think this shit only works if your gf is stupid.
I've tried this methods, complain about one of his friends, act insecure, etc
Only I did it cause I want them to cheat on me so I can break up with them without being the bad guy.
It only works with simple, stupid, girls that can't control their emotions well enough not to do it.
On other girls it actually causes the opposite effect and want you more and are even willing to stop interacting with said male friend.

Fuck didn't mean to quote

yea man. definately

is this legit, does fb's algorithm work that way?

Women who cheat wil show less interest in sex, and romance from their spouse. What are you? Too retarded or too young to tell? I don't think your hands or your waifu pillows can cheat though....virgin loser faggot.

You are a man. You can control your emotions easily. Women cannot. You are imposing your view on the world on to a women because you don't have a frame of reference for what it's like to be in a woman's body.

Another example of what guys do to attract women from a singular frame of mind is send dick pics. It's literally the worst way to try to attract a woman. It stems from this line of thinking
>You know what would be sweet
>If a woman would send me a picture of her tits
>So inversely that means if I send her a picture of my dick
>Chicks love dick pics!

Dick pics are an awful way of escalating with women. All it demonstrates is that you want to fuck her while lacking an understanding of social dynamics. Which for a woman puts you in the creep guy category

We're not the only ones guilty of it women do it to to probably a worst degree. The all guys are assholes fallacy demonstrates this beautifully
> That guy who fucked me was kind of a dick
> I kind of like it
> that other dude was kind of a dick too
>I'm completely looking over 85% of the other guys in my life because I don't consider them sexual options
Thus I don't think about them
>thus they dont get factored into the equations
>all guys are assholes

Most guys aren't assholes. Most guys are scared nerds.

Women respond to three things: leading, emotional spikes (positive and negative) and validation.

Not these logical things like looks, money, or dick pics. That's your logical male brain talking. We're literally on different wavelengths

because there is some 37yo dude showing up on my gfs fb even higher in the list than some of her good friends that I'm no friends with. what the fuck

>hella distant
she is emotionally distancing herself because she doesn't want to feel bad about heating on you
>cant tell her what to do
she resents that she should listen to you and gets mad when confronted with it
>havent really had good communication
she wants to say she is/wants to fuck someone else but is afraid to

sounds like cheating imho, trust your instincts, dating is dead anyway MGTOW

Tasted cum before? They love to do that.

She's a woman. That means she's cheating on you. They're all whores.

triggered virgin beta

she smells like fried chicken


Finding her fucking with someone else. It's not a sure sign, but you should then become a bit more cautious, and, maybe, ask her if she is faithful.

Still, if she says yes, you're probably ok.

To tell if it's depression monitor her social media activity and try to eavesdrop on her daily commutes.

This is the creepiest thing I have said today but fuck it. I just had a boner thinking about a tranny five minutes ago so I am a degenerate anyways.

She only has fb, and only post stuff about food, or social issues.

>social issues

Is she fucking 50 year old?

What should she be posting?

>Using Sup Forums

pretty much this

Nice mix of Jen and Ricky. Surprised you didn't throw Roy in there, but that might have been a damp squid.

thanks for breaking my opinion on women even more, while it was already broken quite badly

isn't there a nice fucking girl who is honorable, honest, loving, caring, loyal to marry? There are literally billions of these fuckers, is not one worth the effort, feelings and time? not one?

fuck it man. we'll all die alone