Why are we not counter protesting by burning Mexican flags? IF THEY WANT TO BURN THE AMERICAN ONE BURN THE MEXICAN ONE.

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you used to call me on my cellphone

Word was that some group was supposed to burn one outside of the Trump rally today in counter-protest, but I guess they decided it would give the media too much ammo and cucked out.


They're doing it on Friday outside San Diego

And the people doing it are Nazis, they dgaf about media getting ammo.

Calm down and go back to eating curry fries, leafboy.



>Why are we not counter protesting by burning Mexican flags?

They are kinda pricey for one thing...

Because that makes us look like retarded savages just like them. If you want people on your side then act like a normal and respectable person.


fuck off, NATO

it makes sense to burn flags
burn anything that helps craft the narrative you protest their "government" and not them.

I swear the Jews are trying to start a race war and that Donald was key to ensuring this would happen. Can't wait for cops in military gear patrolling every urban area.

Might as well get it over with.

This is better

Shut the fuck up pajeet, get the fuck back to your designated shitting street.

Because some stupid ass Mexican will pull a gun out and shoot you. Then all the news articles the next day will be about how a Mexican stood up for his country, against a racist WHITE MALE! And you'll just be dead. Ain't worth it, senpai.

combine when?

No, they thought they'd do it with a bloodless coup via Hillary. I think they genuinely got caught up in their own propaganda and got caught by surprise with Trump.

Now is our one and only chance to strike. We have to get Trump in. They will never forget this, and will never let their guard down again.

Fucking chicanos I hate them so much. All of a sudden they're all proud of a country they either fled from or don't even know if they're born in usa and it's usually a bunch of southern poor ignorant fucks that end up in USA, making both mexico and usa hate them.

People spend like 20 fucking years in another country and don't even bother to learn their language basics for simple comunication, like why? Even other hispanics and immigrants do the same shit like that annoying Sofia Vergara bitch.


Just do it faggot, I hate assholes that burn flags. A while ago we beat some Cubans treating to burn a Mexican flag right in front of the presidential palace in Mexico City good times.


Shut up, taconigger... your pisa ass won't do shit with your pencil thin child's lip fuzz and sharpe eyebrows

In Cuban culture, burning the flag is the way to cleanse it after it touched the ground. Those cubans were probably just trying to save your honor.

>mfw the mexicants still have the Alamo flag and Jim Bowie's knife after four presidents have formally asked for them to be returned to the U.S.

Leaf, thanks for caring about our country, but I think you should probably stick to giving a fuck more about your country as you got it way worse.

Yeah we'll too fucking bad I'm no expert in nigger culture so we fucking drag them back to Moneda and fuck them up good.

I am with REACTION (www.reactionamerica.com) and we are going to burn one at the next Trump rally this Friday in san diego.

Please pray for us, we have plates and are prepared for a fight.

What point is there to burn the Mexican flag?

The Mexicans, they actually want you to burn it. It's filled with chemical fumes that if you inhale them they damage your brain to make you retarded and easier for the Mexicans to conquer.

Are...Mexicans even proud of their country? I mean they fucking leave it to rot in shit, yet they say "Ayo hombre, we ese's proud to be some homie Mexicanos!"

My fucking icepick begs to differ you island nigger.

No, Mexicans are cowards and liars that don't have any loyalty

I'd have to buy a Mexican flag and I honestly
can't stoop that low.

Not like us. Those statements describe instinctive tribalism, not reflection on an objectively superior legal philosophy. Their Mexico would be Mexico as it is, or as a kingdom, or as anything else.

this so hard.

>I'm no expert in nigger culture

You have to advance the reasons for why the US flag should not be burned by these ungrateful, freeloading scum.

>What is this

I have noticed this during this election.

Everyone cares about what happens in USA.

Even me. I care about what is happening in the American elections.

Every faggot in the world even in this board writes and discuss about what is happening, who is winning and who is losing.

This canadian faggot posted a thread saying that we should burn the mexican flag because they burn the american flag, even if he is not fro m the USA.

Why is that?

Why do we feel so invested in the USA election?

At the end maybe, the USA truly is a great country, even with all the defects.

Ain;t a pajeet, although I wouldnt mind taking a dump in our designated shitting province (quebec)

Don't be dumb. This kind of shit is exactly what they want.
False flaggin' ass niggas.

>burns weed
>burns forest
>burns flag

Canada, you need to take it down a notch.

I'm a Trump Supporter of tac descent, I've heard of you guys.

I ought to show up with you guys and really fry some liberal and mexishit brains.

I really do hate mexican'ts, I hate them with every fiber of my being and I probably hate them more than any Sup Forumsack on this board.

I'm sick and tired of seeing the mexishits fucking my country and waving the flag of some failed narco toilet of a country in my streets.

This bullshit has gone on for too long

Throw burritos at them. Shit filled burritos, just like their mothers used to make.

>Why are we not counter protesting by burning Mexican flags?
Because our hate free society would send armed men to arrest us for the crime of hurting feelings and perhaps for violating the fire ban.

mexico is our baby child, we need to be nice and be an example to them.,

I like you
I knew a Venezulean who was born in America but moved from Venezuela to Conneticutt
>learned the language
>served in the military
>applied for full citizenship while serving
>the day we got back from deployment when he got full citizenship we threw a huge ass BBQ for him with the whole company there and got shit housed
Knew a Mexican (2nd generation) who was born in Texas
>hated hearing the other spics speak Spanish, Portuguese, etc
>whenever someone called him Mexican he would cry out loud in a thick Texan accent
>"I ain't no dirty fucking Mexican! I'm from fucking Texas! I'm a god damn Texan."
>also thought Mexican women were trash
Fuck, he might just browse here
Should ask him one day

I'm Mexican and hang the flag proudly on the wall under my weed plant

>they send their best

Kek Brb rape time

nothing worse than a delusional spic. he'll always be a mongrel.

>nothing worse than a delusional spic
I like to think his heart was in the right place

Both of those types of Mexicans are cringe, the self hating darkies trying to kiss ass to the white man by hating other beaners and the beaners that prefer to turn the land of opportunity into the shithole their parents ran from. And only 1 person profits from these two brand of idiots, the white mexican which is literally worse than the jew

>Implying we should be proud of our shithole

the one that profits in the short term is Trump, because it shows the reality of how some taco niggers are

Not at all, we shouldnt were did you get that from my post

Wait, what?!

What an unfortunate ID...

This whole thing here is why we need to build a wall


post jew gifs m8

You should learn that is why some mexicans don't want to be associated with mexico, because it's a beautiful land that is a dumping zone.

Those filthy mexicans using our flag to protest on american soil... I hate them...

Do whatever you want, I don't give a verga

To take it out on the poor people who flee the abuse is cowardly and ignorant. Quick to blame the dark ones while admiring the white ones that actually cause all the bad shit to happen. Fucking cowards

>le build wall meme
>not actually discussing a real immigration reform so Taco niggers are not encouraged to enter the US

Fuck off Trumpfag, and actually study the topic more in depth before you start spewing memes

>inb4 Mexican Intellectual
I am an American, studying in meheeco


The cause is collective, we let ourselves be abused and we abuse if we can.

Literally Survival of the best 2.0

we don't give a shit about burning cloth, my leaf friend, you should try something else

I can still enter legally cause of my citizenship to both countries

Sorry, the kind of conflict of which this thread concerns is borne out of protest specifically to Trump. Now we have people trying to retaliate. This conflict is predicated on Trump. No one would be burning flags at a Job rally.

Sorry but he's polarized the country, that's the truth. He's right where he's supposed to be. This is no accident. This thread was made by agent provocateur in all likelihood.

>don't you guys just want to piss Mexicans off?
>I'll bet they'll get real mad if we...
>they might even try to fight us!

Please. Playing right into the Jew's hands.

Sup Forums hasn't learned shit. Their sentiment has been data mined, packaged, and sold right back to them and they're so elated they can't recognized the bait.

Give it a few years. They'll realize they've been had, only when it no longer matters.

>immigration reform
There's nothing that can be done on paper that will fix the immigration problem, the wall is needed and it needs to be done over a DMZ, if you enter you will get shot. That shit will fix the central americans flooding our country and will fix our poorfags and narcos jumping the border

it's not worth the effort, fuck em

Mira este pendejo, dime por que son asi

I hope trump builds the wall before you get back, fag

I don't give a shit about being more in depth with a retard on a vietnamese fruit juggling forum past saying: Build It Pedro.

>not allowing parents of illegals receive welfare
>not allowing them to obtain any documents
>not allowing them to use their Children as anchors

That will just give them oppurtunity to make negative press against us, remember the jews own the press and the narrative

The point is stopping illegal immigration idiot.

>There's nothing that can be done on paper that will fix the immigration problem
yes they can
what about stop giving away free money and food coupons to illegals?

Por la falta de soluciones y medidas que ignoramos.

We will make tortas illegal

That will never stop it you idiot, literally the easiest and most popular way is thru tj on the beach

this is what is wrong with America, you just want a daddy to fight for you, instead of actually doing the work yourselves.

This is why Ill never support Trump. He is that big daddy for you lazy fuckers or insecure idiot. When the election comes in november and I send my absentee ballot I am going to write Cruz or Johnson in. I don't want America to go to shit with my conscience

They give that to even non illegals. Removing welfare will start a nigger spic white trash revolution

Why would you want to stop immigration you fool its literally what makes Mexico some what tolerable, the fact that they send money back helps us alot

Nice, never knew they had boats that couldn't be detected.

Nah, we will keep breeding till there is nowhere to send em, then it's over.

exposed retard. implying a single other candidate wants to do anything about illegal immigration.

shill detected.

Why not just set Mexicans on fire? Better results.

What is the Coast Guard

You fucking moron the world isnt a high tech police crime fighting movie, yes its easier to sneak into América than you think even thru the international border crossing

You may not care, but angry American citizens who happen to be Mexican that are proudly waving Mexican flags and proudly burning American flags WILL get butthurt.

Also, I don't really buy it. Ever since this wall debate and burning of Trump effigies in Mexico, If there was a mass burning of Mexican flags outside a Trump rally, you can expect your ex-president and people going "DAS RACISS DAS MUH HERITAGE"

We want Mexican Americans here, just LEGALLY. Its as simple as writing your name on a form folks, just do it. Your daughters will thank you. God bless and maga.


If you dont have papers, you shouldnt get shit.
But by all means, cheap labor is always welcomed.

I'm not wasting money on a shitsican flag.

I wish the majority of your movement thought like you but reality is they secretly hope Trump goes full Hitler mode and bans non whites period

If you actually checked other people's positions, you will see that they have very strong view against illegal immigration, like Cruz does.

Don't be an idiot and actually research, don't just follow every meme Sup Forums spews

Yeah just wait til we have autonomous drones that blast at first sight of movement. Get wrekt paco.

Spoken like a true cuck

Why would I waste money on a Mexican flag?

basically keeping the welfare to Americans, and not letting leeches into the system

I do say that we shall abolish it all together though


You will next WC when your wife sons demand one

It's ok for me if you buy flags made in Mexico.