What is he going to do once Clinton gets the nomination?
What is he going to do once Clinton gets the nomination?
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Hopefully a mass suicide.
Drive off into the sunset in his R8 filled with sacks of shekels while laughing his ass off.
Prepare for his role as Vice President
He will spin it as a cultural win and changed the minds of millions of americans but the fight isn't over made yuuuuuge progress etc
retire with his campaign donations
he will continue his political career as a commie, while cleverly funneling his campaign donations into his and his wifes accounts so they can buy toys and be materialistic
Whats his end game Sup Forums?
Why is he holding out so begrudgingly? Is he hoping to carve out some sort of placation on behalf of the Dem Estab in return for his loyalty?
Go back to prepping bulls.
Probably die. Lots of old men die once they feel that they have nothing left to do. (Retire)
Get serious about life.
Stoking the fires to unify the DNC in a white hot blaze when he becomes VP.
It will backfire though
Be Shillary's VP to fuck Trump over
Let her get impeached
Become president
Get them college bucks.
Either that or he'll just keep running because he and his supporters dont believe in math
Beg for a vp spot
Run as an independent hopefully.
I'd even vote for him.
Voting for Bernie running as an independent would be like voting for Trump twice.
Hopefully this old fucking piece of useless human filth does the world a favor and kills himself. Let him slit his throat on live TV so I can laugh at him and his family.
An hero
Become the VP and unite the party.
He will return to the Senate with a lot more power then realize he is in the minority, can not change anything, never had the power to change anything and retire. I also think it is important to remember stupid he was to think he could take on the Clinton Machine
pretty sure it's past the date to run as an indie.
He'll endorse Clinton and start attacking Trump on social media and giving speeches for Clinton.
Continue to tear the remnants of the Democratic Party to shreds.
The party is completely bought and paid for, he knows that in order to bring power back to the working class, the Democratic party needs to be destroyed and rebuilt.
>What is he going to do once Clinton gets the nomination?
Let me correct you
>What is he going to do once Clinton gets indicated?
>83-page report
>because someone used the wrong email account
People in this thread....
Like this shit
Yeah. Have you been following this? She moved all emails to private server to avoid official record, she emailed state secrets, she was hacked and she didn't report it. She was severely negligent of her duties
I really hope this email think allows to get Bernie elected
Apologize to black people again.
Write some more rape fantasy articles.
holy shit edgy as fuck senpai where do you live? they put bismuth in your water
I am suprises pol isn't all over this
court young voters and turn them further left
bernie is a jew - he knows how to invest
>she emailed state secrets
no shit, she was secretary of state.
>she was hacked and she didn't report it
False. They were paranoid as fuck and shut the server down a couple times when they thought there was attacks. One idiot claimed he hacked her, he had no proof and was discredited immediately, but conservative news keeps peddling his falsified claim.
>she moved all emails to private server to avoid official record
False again. She broke the rules by not turning over the emails by a certain date.
Everyone has already know this for months. She just continued was previous secretaries of state did, such as Powell and Rice, but they aren't running for president of course.
oh look, Stephen Harper is here
His history of rampant dishonesty and fraud leads me to believe this.
He is staying in the race until the end and going to continue to campaign because of the high likely hood that Hilary gets BTFO before the nomination. Bernie literally has every reason in the world to continue his presidential run.
>Everyone has already know this for months. She just continued was previous secretaries of state did, such as Powell and Rice, but they aren't running for president of course.
That was proven false today
>False. They were paranoid as fuck and shut the server down a couple times when they thought there was attacks. One idiot claimed he hacked her, he had no proof and was discredited immediately, but conservative news keeps peddling his falsified claim.
Also proven false today if you look at the report
Nope, they were never hacked.
Forgot to add obligatory fap material
Run third party and destroy reddit's future.
Here is some reading material for when you are done fapping
Washington warned against 2 party systems. We should of listened to that wooden toothed mofo
He never broke into Clinton's server. There is no evidence he did at all. Read the article you posted.
I read a different article that said that he did but found it to be incredibly boring. They also indicated he may have downloaded it for later perusing before he got caught, and now Russia has possession of everything that was on the server
Too lazy to find it, do your own research or wait til Russia torpedoes her campaign in a month or two.
Also Clinton is lawyer she didn't misunderstood her responsibilities
Retire with buttload of cash.
She said she's not concerning him today.