Why do people post even more illegal shit at night?

Why do people post even more illegal shit at night?

Cause you cant find us in the dark

Sup Forums goes off IP's....


I someday's see CP and it bugs the shit out of me
Wish I could do more to catch those assholes

There is no cp
What is your definition of CP


Child Porn

Seen too much of it here on Sup Forums at night
I hope to pieces of shit are caught

What child porn, I am on here 17 hours. What are the child doing exactly ?

Usually it's nudes or something similar
the other day I saw a photto op of a possibly 10 year old smiling and showing camel toe

There isn't any real child porn posted on Sup Forums. It's just a meme.


I don't mean loli's
I mean real kids

One guy posted nudes on a KIK I was trying to bump
I felt bad

It is very rare, and a child in a swimming suit isn't child porn, if it is nudes and sexual posing then yeah, i would consider it soft core porn

Buddy, i'm fine with loli's and shit
But that was a real girl, just a little kid

It was sexual posing
But the point remains, it was just a child

Is this what you mean user?

And what if the lolis are a representation of real girls? Is it then fine for you too?

Not a real quote, just sounds like one.

It's because I'm literally the only person flooding the FB/IG threads

you faggots are wasting time whining about it instead of posting spideys.

filter them, aint no time for that

Hell no

Yeah, nothing we can do ok, if someone post it I will enjoy it

Nothing you can do?
Open a new tab and report it to the FBI

No one gives a shit about spidey

But then they get to trade jailbait on this forum

They have retreated momentarily to one of the dozen other creepy jailbait threads currently active.

Lurk more faggot

I mean real kids, horrific shit
I once met a german guy on Sup Forums that was raped as a kid
He was fucked up by it

Let old memes die dumbass

Why would I do that, I don't think FBI gives a fuck. Unless it is super hardcore CP

... Bane?

certain people are asleep

Dude, I use to be in a police program, i've meet former and current FBI
trust me, they all deeply care about shit like this

the fuck? I see no jailbait and no time for facebook and instagram whores

Nice meme oldfag
This OP likes you

If you visit tabooless on deep Web you'll see a lot more fucked up shit . Childhood was fucked too

Whatever man, I live in the ghetto
Your "deep web" is my neighborhood

There's dozen of threads like that. " sluts", "fb/ig", "pics you shouldn't share" etc.

all underage content

That's not what I mean
I mean little kids, like 10 or so
not 17

It's not porn though, derp. A 16 year old in a bikini isn't porn, nor is it illegal to post.

you are fucking trolling me lol

I'm not talking about 2 years from legal jail bait

Just passin' through

That's messed up
But i've seen worse

When they're nude it matters


that is nothing

even it is nude, they are fucking teen sluts, thats all who cares

No, it violates global rule 1 in that case

Trust me
Jail bait and real CP are a world apart

Dude is clearly using some reverse psychology bait. "Like, I feel really bad for these girls, but if you want to find more of them look here..."


Tell us more about REAL CP

Fuck the rules, rules say don't post kik you there you are posting

Lurk around 2am central time US
You'll run into it


does it tho? if i post pic of Olivia Hussey's 15 year old tits when she was playing Juliet would that be considered child porn?

It's not


Please don't

OP you need to show us some CP, so we could identify pedophiles, otherwise nobody really know what are you talking about or referring to. CP is like a myth, people shun it but nobody seen it

As far as Sup Forums is concerned, yes.

There was a popular collage image macro of artistic shots of girls

reverse psychology?

Nice gams but that's the death of this thread.


No, just

The mods are getting faggy, I think they hire knockoff op from reddit. I post some funny children picture with some question, and my thread was deleted

should've told me that sooner, faggot

No CP huh?

Romeo and Juliet, they show it in burger school

If you posted that in b then you messed up I guess

fwiw I miss the days of Candydoll posting.

That's not CP either, but it's erotic photography of children which is not allowed. Really it's not even a rule thing. It's just not the sort of shit this site wants posted.

Show a candy doll mate

This is no cp, This lady is old and i bet her pussy stink too

I can't, it's against the rules.

They've been scrubbed from the net, gives me a sads. I wish I had at least a few of those sets.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

best I can do is just report but it doesn't seem do shit at night



nice digits my dude


I'd tell them to go prosecute the democrat in the picture and leave my simple meme farmer self out of it

Does a 15 yo count?

>itt OP subtly asks for someone to post CP
End yourself