Waifu/husbando thread

Waifu/husbando thread
Please no avatarfriending, it's a bannable offence

Also no stealing

Claiming snakeman

Other urls found in this thread:


Might as well post more until people get here



send gifs







This thread seems weird. Not sure if I should claim here or not

Don't be an elitist :p

I'm not. Just saying it looks weird





I guess.


Seems slow


Kinda. Yeah

Aнacтacия — звeздa, чтo вeдeт мeня


You've been around before, right? I remember Zero because she's a cute.

That's right. Got inactive 2 or 3 months ago. Got back 2 days ago

What anime / vn / stuff is your wife from?

Good morning
Idolm@ster, Cinderella girls

Welcome back then. Hopefully the thread will pick up soon for you.

Thank you

Thank you. Lets hope for the best



No problem


K-Pi n°1 vocaroo.com/i/s0hauEQ7SKMY
K-Pi n°2 vocaroo.com/i/s0S3EqrrnUjc
K-Pi n°6 vocaroo.com/i/s03b1OJlkvuH

Reminder that Mi Liu is actually Eliza!

Pretty good, cozy and warm lower ends.
Hi, how's it going?
Sorry for the late reply, tech is being a pain.

Oooh.. those aren't mine, though.
I thought you had made those but I'm mistaking you for someone else

Do you post piano though? I know there's the other Kumiko claimer, but from what I know there's also a Holo claimer pianist.

Yeah, that Kumiko claimer would post Kumiko Improvisations and I would be posting my doodles. Good old days over half a year ago

Rem claimed

Either it's the same people posting in every thread. Or there is only 1 good picture of some of these girls. At least change it up a bit instead of uploading the same image each time

more like turnipacabra


Yuki claimed

I like Mako

That would explain why their claimers are insufferable

Revy you're cute AF

Who is this worthless cum dump?


why would you say that


But Mi Liu claims only Mio. Mi Liu IRL is Eliza

its cold out here... i want to go back to my padded cell

y not

That's okay. Work is being work








My kinda gal










That's like the only GuPie not worth claiming.





It's still beyond me that they put a 2mb limit on Sup Forums of all boards, where threads are never too long.












Can you post some good pics now



I saved these because I liked them.
You are always welcomed to fuck off





