DePaul University is now at 1.5 stars on facebook thanks to that chimp out. fuckin' serves 'em right
DePaul University is now at 1.5 stars on facebook thanks to that chimp out. fuckin' serves 'em right
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As a Catholic, I believe that we need an inquisition to deal with this infection.
If this doesn't get someone fired imma be pissed.
We also need an inquisition to remove cutlet jew worshippers from society.
Enrollment in the shitter come August
The power of the internet is a beautiful thing to behold.
>DePaul gets next years applications
>Only gender studies and other useless subject
>All the smart people and STEM-fags go elsewhere
>DePaul down the crapper
Happened to Mizzou, home of the poop swastika false flag.
>Reviewing a university poorly on facebook just because of politics
>People who never even attended the school are reviewing the university poorly on facebook just because of politics
Are you people fucking retarded?
Is there a way we can help reduce its rating?
>school publicly displays that its administration and security staff are corrupt and useless
>but you don't go there so you don't know it's bad!
fuck off
>attending a "school" that shills low iq marxism
well congratulations, you got a bad rating, now whats next step in your master plan?
Yes, vote.
brag about it on Sup Forums
>implying driving people away from a shittily-ranked university with a corrupt nigger-laden administration is a bad thing
Are you a nigger or something?
I'm merely enjoying the karma.
Watch it burn just like Mizzou? If you're gonna pull shit like that on campus why would anyone want to go there?
depaul was a shit school to begin with. who cares.
Shill detected
Yeah, and I don't know the U.S. government is fucked up because I don't live in the White House.
Fuck outta here lol
No one cares. MILO gets fucked in his ass by Niggers.
If you attend a good university, you just don't see people like those in the video - they're too dumb to get in - so technically, you don't even need the ratings to know DePaul is shit. The student demonstration proved it.
>public speaker comes on campus
>gets threatened violently ONSTAGE
>DePaulU security is standing RIGHT THERE
Yeah, I certainly won't be letting my children go to a campus like that.
>tfw I went to DePaul
no, it's a lefty commie 3rd tier catholic university. into the trash it goes.
I thought Tyrone's rape whistle was adorable.
Are you a nigger?
We rate schools with stars now?
>they're too dumb to get in
I'm guessing you haven't seen the niggers in Yale or Harvard videos. There are plenty of retarded niggers at every university, unfortunately. Affirmative action truly is cancer.
No. German the uncucked kind. Fucking place sucked. Cuckcago is a shithole.
Yes, please give this shithole the Mizzou treatment. Spread the news.
I feel bad to Catholic Universities in the US infiltrated with Marxist shit. Welp, Pontifical Universities are the only way afterall
Which is more sex than you'll ever get.
Yale and Harvard have long been lefty cucks. You don't see this shit at east coast STEM schools like MIT or RPI.
That's not sex; that's sodomy, you massive faggot.
The new REDDI-TOR face of Sup Forums everybody,
Supports the jew who gets buttfucked by niggers and brags about it on twitter.
Take your faggit nigger loving ass back to readdit.
Go ask your bull for permission
I find it sad that this is the most anyone in this society can be assed to do in order to show their disapproval for this. I'm even more sad that anyone would take a facebook rating seriously.
Still better than being a turbo virgin such as yourself.
I don't go to the school so my invested interest is already low.
But I did email the media contact [email protected] and sent like 5 spam emails her way laced with expletives saying she should kill herself.
You're still a virgin, probably nearing wizard status judging by the buttmad in your post, and I guarantee I've been on Sup Forums and Sup Forums longer than you.
Found the nigger loving jew sucking faggit read_tor.
Wanna screen shot this for some karma.
There are no upvotes here you fucking cuck
Bro I have fucked more girls and hotter girls than you could ever dream.
I'm tall white handsome and in shape conservative. I'm not a liberal nigger loving fag like you.
Do you take nigger dick in your mouth like your god milo?
Does he bend you over and fuck you like the subhuman you are.
You gender fluid? You sound gender fluid, You know where you are right now?
Your obsession with reddit leads me to believe you're a refugee from there. So unless you want me to get Trump and Hiro to deport your stupid ass back to the Syria of the internet, I'd suggest you get the sand out of your dickhole.The fact is, I don't care who or what people want to fuck (except pedos, fuck pedos), I care about who they want to fuck up, and Milo wants to fuck up the right people. Plus his lily white ass keeps the nigger dicks away from the fine Aryan women. That's a win in my book.
Didn't anyone ever teach you to never punch right? You'll get laid someday kid, I promise.
They're "apology" was complete bullshit tbqh
Also if I was a student there I'd be pretty pissed that my school president, his staff, and the board of trustees were off for a week of sightseeing on my tuition dime.
But I'm not a student there.
There's a post on their FB about graffiti that was done on campus which said
>"Trump 2016 Fuck Mexico"
I thinks it's a hoax.
Why do liberals very often manufacture hoaxes? Is it to artificially justify their hyperbolic worldview?
Now, I don't know for sure this is a hoax, but it's a very common occurence.
My brother-in-law got a business degree from DePaul and now he makes a six figure salary as a financial manager. It's not really a bad school academically speaking.
In the Chicago area, all the major universities are liberal breeding grounds. Just get your education and get on with your life like a good conservative.
>Enrollment in the shitter come August
They justify their hoaxes by telling themselves there are actually people out there who think that way therefore it's okay to deface someone else's property. Basically the boogeyman excuse.
I can't tell who is shilling who anymore
Everyone is a shill user. Except me, and possibly you.
>all the major universities are liberal breeding grounds
U of Chicago would like a word.
Also Northwestern wasn't bad, but it seems they've slid way downhill in the last few years.
It's all over the Americas, we have it far worse
I'm a little typsy.
I just want my old pre GG pre reddit Sup Forums back. It gets me a little mad sometimes.
what happened?
>what happened?
Are you fucking kidding me?
Are those 1.5 white stars or 1.5 black stars? I thought Chicago was predominantly black. Could be a good thing for them.
If a University cannot foster free speech for open-minded people (who should by rights be the only ones allowed to attend, and by that I mean intelligent people who will listen to everything even if they're against it personally) and protect it for everyone, like an institution like that should, whilst keeping the most basic modicums of everyday decorum and respect, it deserves to fail and be publicly shunned in this manner.
This BLM and general campus protest bullshit is a direct descendant of the '60s movements, and the fools who went on to glorify it. It has turned dangerous. When racial groups of minorities come together and start blaming the majority for every single thing wrong in their lives, it becomes a powder keg.
Universities should be where the best and brightest go; instead it's a cesspit where groups of politically naive idiots go on to get psychological highs from banding together and shouting at people about their inane distortions of realities.
The coming years will be a downward spiral if this generation of idiots is anything to go by.
"Oh shit well DePaul has had a long standing tradition as being one of the top schools in the midwest. But on the other hand, they do have a 1.5 star raiting..." -No one ever
If you retards think that a 1.5 star rating on fucking facebook will make people not go to depaul then pol is dumber than I thought
jeez louise milo is probably on cloud 7 right now
thx for the info
I remember those days fondly. Remember the Boston bombing threads? The Zimmerman trial? Brevik? Dorner? Sadly, those days are never coming back.
it's not Sup Forums
you know this.
It's the new conservative from readit. But, baby steps. 4 months ago 90% of them were Bernie supporters.
>tfw your Catholic high school is in a visible state of decline
>tfw you realize it's partially your fault for not caring about religion while you were there
>tfw your brother is graduating from that high school tomorrow and you feel old
kinda rambling but kinda related
Catholic schools > public schools
Maybe not on the college level but on lower levels, a Catholic education is the only viable alternative to public school in the U.S.
Even if you aren't a Catholic, if you don't want to homeschool your kids and you don't want them having their minds raped by the public school system, you should consider sending them to a Catholic school.
Found the chimp.
There is no evidence they are a top tier school, unless you count being expensive as top tier. I am sure you can link me to a click bait "pay for review" article, but other than that there is no evidence.
I really just miss the actual discussion and real redpilling that went on here daily. I come here now and it's like 80% of the post are readittors trying to get a screen shot to post said site.
People used to lurk before posting. They were scared to post here.
whatever. Maybe it will come back one day.
Um, why hasn't
1. The girl who assaulted Milo been arrested and expelled?
2. Whoever called off security been fired?
The Mizzou president was demanded to resign over an incident just because they could not find the perpetrator (after they expelled two other students that they could identify in other incidents). Here we have a student ON VIDEO taking a swing at someone and THEY'RE NOT EVEN LOOKING FOR HER.
The university is being rate poorly because it's not safe to go there and not conducive to the academic tradition of free discourse.
>The girl who assaulted Milo been arrested and expelled
Her mother is some admin in the police department of that town, she's untouchable. Time for a good old fashioned lynch mob if you ask me. That cunt violated the NAP, time for her to hang.
>she's untouchable
I'm starting to understand the lynching mentality.
They will usually justify it to themselves by saying that it's "starting a discussion" or something trite like that.
It's too bad he's too much of a faggot to be legitimately based.
Just because one shouldn't model themselves after him doesn't mean he isn't extremely useful to the alt-right.
I don't think he's very useful. He encourages white women to fuck black men. Many of us don't actually like him. He acts like we're all on the same page, but really, he's doing this for money and press coverage. The rest of us aren't.
As someone who lives in Chicago, DePaul is EASILY #3 in the the Chicagoland area alone.
>one of the top schools in the midwest
Not even close
We aren't all on the same page but we fucking should be, we'll never defeat the left otherwise. Once the commies are gone, we can go back to debating whether jews, niggers or faggots are the worst group. Milo is useful because he is normalizing our worldview and exposing the left for what it truly is. Plus, because he is literally a nigger loving faggot, the left can't shut him down with their usual tactics of calling him a homophobe and a racist. He is a perfect storm, ride it.
Get an actual American citizen who can make a circus like this in your universities maybe then you won't need britbong faggots to do the job for you
>Once the commies are gone
We ought to work toward this first, you're right.
Maybe some anons ought to form a fucking freikorps to #DefendMilo next time he does something like this.
White people literally aren't allowed to organize on campus in the same way minorities are, so it's kind of difficult to do that. Hopefully Milo will start a trend. I sincerely hope that someone more...I dunno, serious? comes forward soon.
Maybe it'll have to be one of us.
absolutely based
>tfw you will never major in shitlording
This is why Conceal Carry is such an important law. If Milo had been allowed to CC on campus, she would have been shot. Fear factor would have had him walk the same day.
I avoid all gun free zones out of principle.
It'll be better once the election is over