Depressed britbong here

Depressed britbong here
Going to see doctor next week and want anti depressants. How likely is it that I will be prescribed them? Is there anything I can say to make them more likely to get?

All advice welcome

Be honest with the dr. about yourself and feelings. First visit they will ask a shit load of questions. It's hard not to but if you start rambling they will interupt and ask more questions (not because theyre not listening but because they got what they needed, all part of the professionalism)
Dont be afraid to say you have suicidal ideations (if you do)
Let them know you're not a drug seeker but someone who is seeking help.
If you do get meds, notice if your moods get worse rapidly, or if you feel like dying, call them. Sometimes peoples motabalisms wont work with certain meds and they could possibly make you worse. (It took me a while to find right regiment). But dont be afraid to call them if you suddenly get worse. It's mostly trial and error, hit and miss at first.
Tell them if your anxious, paranoid, ect.
If after a while you feel your dr. isnt working well with you or isnt listening to you, request new dr. (If not a private practice)
It's scary at first and go might feel no one listens but things can get better.
Therapy helps too but its not for everyone.
Good luck user, been in your shoes.

Be honest with your doctor, and instead of medicating your ass to the moon, take up a sport for 6 weeks and see how you feel.

I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

You talk like a schizophrenic..
I have some olanzapine if you need it

yes pls! email me at [email protected]. Thanks!

Been on about 30+ different ones. Its really easy to get them. They will ALWAYS start you on prozac. I personaly just stopped taking them and im better now

Now I know you schizophrenic, haha

If UK doctors are anything like Swedish doctors then it's super easy.
It's pretty much a guarantee you'll get them.

Prozac not around anymore
They call it xanax now. but yea, all the same, diferent name.

go find some fun. until then:
I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

There is absolutely no conclusive evidence support SSRI class drugs being successful in treating depression. There is however evidence supporting that SSRI class drugs increase the presence of suicidal thoughts.

Don't start taking a substance without research. Google exists

What the fuck? Prozac is fluoxotine

Oh, jeez..another fringe grouper.
Must be nice having it all figured out huh..

Link me a study that proves SSRI class drugs work for treating depression

>There is absolutely no conclusive evidence support SSRI class drugs being successful in treating depression.

Well it helped me. I was depressed as shit. Got help and feel fine now. Without my meds I would have killed my self years ago.

Much appreciated, thank you

I intend to also join a gym

Good to know

No, you better off in your glass box.

Feel you here.

That's always the response.

>Well it worked for me

So did niggers but that doesn't mean they are going to work unless you make them

There are none. There is no CONCLUSIVE evidence that supports SSRI class drugs working to treat depression. There is however heaps of evidence for the opposite and the fucking tests were done by the people that sell them.

I just walked into my doctors, talked about my fucked up past and the messed up things I witnessed as a child and how dark my everyday existence is because of it. Walked out with a months worth of paroxetine and I've never felt better. Just go for it and be honest about your mental state, even if it's hard to discuss.

Just tell the doctor you want them, doctors don't really give a fuck. If you go in half knowing what you're talking about they'll prescribe you anything you ask for.

Peoples like you is the reason America is falling apart right now, haha

Protip, never lie to your doctor, no matter how fucked up things are. He's not there to judge you.

I didn't expect them to work kid.
I was on the edge, literally suicidal.
Had no thoughts at all that the meds could work. But they did. Few days in already. Few weeks later I was back at work.

you big poofta you like sucking tasty balls
*slaps you round* good for a shag aye
*shoves cock in your mouth*

Shit man, lets trade dr.s :)

Ha ha, just tell me you love me first and im all yours.

>doubles advocate
>doubles advocate

Is this genuinely what you think the expression is? Jesus Christ.


People like ketamine, heroin, methamphetamine, the list goes on
Some people literally talk about placebos like they saved their lives. Your arguments are all invalid so far

Theres no conclusive evidence the earth has a core either but somethings got to be there,
Maybe hell, haha.
(But that be our little secret..shhh)

This guy has never had Lamictal withdrawls before, haha
Must be nice.


genuine britbong here.

they started me on citalopram 10mg which is useless. it made me pretty sick for a week.

i went back a few months later and got given 20mg instead, same deal.

then they put me on a second one, can't remember the name, did nothing.

finally got duloxetine and initial impressions are good, it takes 3 weeks to kick in and I am just starting to feel better for the first time in years.

ATM they are giving out sertaline
One doctor gave me the drug they give to military vets to treat flashbacks

>3 weeks to kick in

I bet you think the government and nhs is on your side too. Three weeks for a drug to kick in

Three weeks
Jesus Christ

Yup, its hit and miss.
They starting to do motabalism tests on people now so they can figure out what should or could work right away..I agree meds might not be the best for some folks but those are the clinically depressed (situational depression)
Then the major depressive disorder folks (bio chemical issues) typically need meds.

These fringe group people hating though hahaha, my sides hurt. Ignorance so funny and cute.

They can't be abused so they hand them out like candy.

i edit scientific journals for a living, including having worked for almost 20 years as a main editor on a major printed drugs reference work.

so i'm pretty familiar with drug usage, trials, tests, the chemistry and biology in which I hold degrees, case studies and so forth.

i don't find it unreasonable or unbelievable at all. there's a GP in the family with plenty of first hand experience with real life prescriptions and results.

i don't really understand what your point is, but keep spouting your red pill bullshit and i'll keep my beliefs based on the evidence i see.

Oh yeah they can..
Some people TRY to get high off them then they die of seritonin syndrome, or at least get the receptors fried permanently, unable to recover. Shame really.


Post evidence SSRIs work or go pls genius

>Yes they can be abused
>Proceeds to explain why the drug can't be abused


I'm still alive. That's proof enough for me.

Yeah so are a thousand other people that recieved a placebo. "It worked for me" is not a scientific evaluation on the effectiveness of SSRI category drugs when used to treat depression

If you abuse anything, it will abuse you.
To much ibuprofen and bye bye liver,,abuse
Anti depressents can easily kill someone if they abuse them.

This guy has it made I bet.
Pile of kids, dog and white picket fence..
Just dumb republican.

Thats for clinical trial study. Its illiegal to prescribe something thats not on the bottle to someone

just to let you know
is a copypasta,

Yeah I figured as much,,nice to get response out of the dumb poster though.

Mol Psych 25/7/17, Hieronymus, Lisinski, Nilsson & Ericsson recent/good enough for you?


i'd happily have discussed it more with him but it appears he's gone.

fwiw OP duloxetine isn't an SSRI, its an SNRI. the citalopram and I think the other one might have been paroxetine, both are SSRI. neither worked for me.

duloxetine does seem to but I am only 2.5 weeks in.

Im on
Ativan (was on xanax for ever..miss xanax.)
Minipress (so other meds wont kill me)
And have partook in clinical trials with experimental drugs for night terrors (so far no good)
This is less meds I've been on in a while though.

Fucking mexicans

My fucker.

And im not mexican dipshit.


Oops, forgot Trazadone (insomnia)
Hardly take it though haha.

you're clearly desperate for somebody to ask, so i'll bite.

whats your deal? whats with all the makeup/masks?

in it appears you are an attractive girl/trap?

you clearly have mental issues?

whats the story?

You'll get them. The NHS dishes them out like candy.

Not a trap..sometimes I wish Sup Forumsro.

Im just a heavily medicated fuckup..thats about it. Lots of mental issues, personality issues (not split or anything, different) manic depression, MDD, ptsd,
Just labels.
Been in it since a kid.
I hate it when people say people dont need meds and for those that dont, great!
Some folks do though.
Id litterally go either delerius without them or catatonic and ultimatly seizures.

so you're a gril? why not show face?

Ill be honest im rather new to Sup Forums and at first thought your posts were rather strange... But i kept a interest. Seeing you talk here about all this shit shows me how even people you find strange can be really relatable.. So keep on keeping on weird girl

Long story.
Always loved masks as a kid. Would make them out of paper plates, kittens, monkeys, monsters, ect.
Then one day I woke up (maybe 8 or 9 at the time. I felt different.
I told my dad I thought I was a boy. He just pretty much didnt say anything (dumb kids kind of reaction I geuss)
As I got older I kept feeling more and more that I was a boy or at least wanted to be.
I was tom as shit growing up and was sometimes mistaken for a boy because of my boy face and my mannerisms.
Got bullied, beat up, called names. Was in special ed, that didnt help either. (Grew up in podunk whitey nowhere)
I always had little boobs but a while back I had job done, thinking it would help me identify better with my gender. Im still 50 50 on it...futility of change I geuss.
Im basically a 14 year old boy trapped in a grown womans body, with bi sexual mentality.

Ive always hated my face I guess.
I do this once in a blue moon.

And this..this for fun though, I cut my face when im sad.

I'll always be a kid.
Speacilists said I'll always have the emotionl maturity of 14yr old. (Im 30)
Doesnt mean im dumb though

forgive presumptions.

in some ways I sympathise, and in others I have very little patience for you.

i would imagine if I went to a therapist they might well tell me I had the emotional maturity of somebody much younger.

from what I can see you are possibly attractive, possibly not, its impossible to tell from the pictures and I guess thats your intent. so its hard to say if you hating your face is justified or not.

i find the cutting very odd, and being unsympathetic I would say its dumb and attention-seeking.

what always amazes me is how people like you get the time,money and indulgence to get to this state. you see all the time these SJWs, gender-confused, baby fetishists, why, and I wonder how on earth they can pay rent and buy food while indulging their eccentricities (or worse) so much!

you had a breast reduction or removal? who paid? who pays for all the therapy? especially when americans are always moaning about healthcare costs etc. perhaps good insurance allows you infinite patience and treatment from the healthcare system?

one could argue the sheer amount of prescribed drugs you are on aren't helping you. i have no way to believe or disprove your assertion that without them you would go catatonic.

for my part life is build around concealing all of these types of insecurities, fetishes, weaknesses and trying to survive. its the same for most people I know, its a constant struggle for money and indulging oneself in cutting, gender reassignment or anything else is just not possible; staying alive and off hard drugs is the major concern.

who's to say that in your environment I might not have turned out like you?

i'm quite the opposite; in a very bad situation personally, business-wise and financially, but its all kept below the surface. its only recently I have finally accepted that drugs might help (prescribed, I've already been down the illegal drugs route which is obviously not positive) and the jury is still out for me on that one.

Double bump

This post gave me cancer

I am attention whore, on here anyway.
Im a social recluse, shut in. My sex life is anonymous. No energy for relationships..I always scare them away. Im big slut too, or thats what you would refer me as. I meet people online and fuck them and thats it. I havnt been to a bar to find a lover in soooo long cause im scared. I turn into big hostile bitch when someone trys to fuck with me though.
It's always been hard to make friends, I intimidate most people and dontvmean to..
My social life is restricted to therapy, sexaholics anonymous and internet. But yeah.
Sorry if you think im a fucking 2nd class citizen. I get on here to be myself and make user friends. Otherwise if you saw me in public, id look like a scared kid..but the moment someone steps on my toes..angry mad dog MAN side of me takes over.
Guys have beaten the fuck out of me for getting pissy and witty with them after talking shot to me..
Just always been an easy target for bullies, when I dont try to be.
Thats why I learned to fuck strangers and Im proud to say I live with no shame..
Just hate myself is all. Hate my body.

didn't say you were a 2nd class citizen or imply it; not sure what you meant by that. just pontificating on your situation is all, and comments weren't all aimed specifically at you.

And I live in northern Nunavut.
Your American taxes dont pay my shit.
I inderstand im not healthy and have been told by docters I probably wont live as long as I should. Plus im drug addict witch dont help but im trying to stop.
And I make my own money, no one hands me anything.
Well my neighbor helps me out with food just cause I hate going shopping and everything else I need I get online.
Im not trying to be a bitch and I know you ligit, but I wish I had the ability to get people to understand. I dont want sympathy, or pity or ridicule or scorn. Just anyone who wants to know anything to just inderstand that sometimes peiple are born with the anatomically correct brain of the opposite gender..sometging happens in utero.
It fucks people up. Thats why they necome traps or get sex changes..then they hated for it. Nothing gets me madder..but you seem openminded enough to get that.
I know youre not being mean. Sorry if was.

' sorry if I was '

i'm not american.

over here, if you had either your degree of mental health problems, or the degree of mental health problems I see detailed here all the time from the weirdo MLP kids, the diaper fetishists, whatever - it would be incredibly expensive to maintain.

just to be clear, i DO think that people claiming to be born the wrong gender is either attention-seeking or mental illness.

i'm not saying there is nothing wrong with them or you - just that "being born the wrong gender" is not the cause - just the effect. either an effect they have chosen to garner attention, or an effect they have latched onto as a possible solution for the reason they feel the way they do.

i sympathise with you and understand somewhat. but i do not believe that by self-harm, whether cutting, or body alteration to try and fit a gender role, solutions are reached.

No, the cutting is dialctel..not for attention.
Im not ashamed to post on here and have had people roll for it.
But in real world I dont perade it around.
In here im user same is everyone else. So I dont care. I can take judgment on that because it's my thing. I like cutting during sex and playing with my periods and shit. And I dont have diaper fetish thats wierd.
I like fluids.
Cum on me
Piss on me, versa visa
Bleed on me, versa visa
Throatfuck me till I puke.
But thats it.
I like being the guy too (hehe)
Sorry I asumes you were American. I was born and raised in US. Dad was Canadafag. Moved here with him after him and mom split about 15 years ago.

Triple bump

sorry what was "dialctel" meant to be?

>All advice welcome

Stay the fuck away from those brainfuck pills.

It's basically an impulsive action related to psychosis, usually resulting in harm. Like when autistic people slam their heads in the wall or someone cuts themselves for fulfillment or to suppress sadness.
In dialectical behavior therapy the counselor said "if you feel the need to harm yourself just hold icecubes on your skin till the urge stopped"
She got pissed when I said "but then I wont bleed though."
People wont understand but thats fine. I know its not normal for any self aware being to want to hurt's just in my nature.
I get you. I respect your opinion user.
We can agree to disagree on things
Sorry again I was bitch.

Quad bump

i get it to a degree.

i still think these things are very much environmental. like, if you are allowed to have these behavioural traits, and they are indulged, listened to, taken as serious and then treatment is attempted, it validates the behaviour.

in my environment if your behaviour is out of the norm you would be teased, bullied, joked with, whatever, depends on your perception - mercilessly.

the reaction is therefore to adjust your behaviour to the societal norm and fit in to avoid the conflict.

whereas your reaction is to withdraw from the societal norm and the behaviour amplifies.

i think that in US/Canada with this culture of therapists, that amplified behaviour is validated and not to say encouraged, but by observation made to become accepted.

once prescription drugs are introduced to treat these now-validated behaviours, once discussion is entered into, the behaviours become known, validated, assimilated into culture and others' understanding.

i think that i can see completely diametrically opposed situations coming from the exact same starting point and can only conclude that culture has an effect.

i don't find your sexual fetishes odd or unusual, I just think you come from a culture and generation where those fetishes, like your traits and "issues", are accepted as commonplace.

in my generation you might "play at" these things. you might play watersports with your SO, you might play at throatfucking.

but I think its a marked gap in cultures that you've ended up with these things not as games, roleplay, adventurism, but as fetish, need, compulsion and behavioural traits.

I really wish I was a normie sometimes. I know im wierdo but ive never felt im better than anyone..smarter than the average riff-raff maybe.
I believe there is no evil, no good, everything is just all bad in the world; and in a world like that, peoples intelligence should be measured not by how much the know, but by how they treat each other (lot of dummies out there haha)
But you smart guy.
So youre a gen x'r huh?

yeah, i'm 40.

i would not say lucky. i read something the other day which I will try to paraphrase which stated that my generation was the first generation in which the gap between rich and poor had become so large and accepted, that the societal norms of what you could expect from your country, community and government had become so distorted that they were no longer recognisable and therefore no longer understood, by the previous generation.

the previous generation's rich still hold the purse strings. from gen x onwards, it was no longer plausible that on a standard wage, or a couple's combined wages, you could afford to get on the property ladder.

it was no longer plausible that leaving university/college with a degree, or having your trade papers, would entitle you to a salary above minimum wage.

it was no longer plausible that by being good at a craft, trade, service or skill you could earn enough to live on from it.

i think this is absolutely true. while the uneducated and powerless were unaware, the educated, rich and powerful allowed foreign powers to take away my generation's capability to earn for the first time in history.

it didn't affect them in any way bar positively so there was nobody to speak up.

now, the gap between rich and poor is so vast and insurmountable, the ability of corporations to become monopolies from whom we are forced to purchase necessities and consumables while they contribute no tax to our wellbeing, that its impossible to conceive of a way back to fair living for my generation, yours, or our children.

no wonder mental health problems are on the up, eh?

Ha ha, yup.
Gen x my fave just cause it was basically the last great era in music.
I do think the millennials are the wisest gen yet, (feel free to disagree, all good) considering test scores at all time high and hate comments all time low..but a bunch of lazy asses though haha. But compared to the previous generations of misfits who couldnt get along based on class, religion, or skin color..the millenials pretty smart. And even when it's our time to rule politics, theyre will still be dumbasses from gen x and babyboomers trying to fuck it up.

Bigger bump

if by millenials you mean those born in the later 80s and 90s, perhaps.

although i have a good insight into local/subnational education standards and I feel they have massively declined, for example what you are now expected to know to pass a Standard Grade / O-level / Ordinary Degree - 14-15 year-old exam - in Mathematics, is substantially simpler than 20 years ago.

With grades, degrees and qualifications now available in a variety of disciplines that I personally consider useless for the economy; I think the figures are pretty skewed. For example a degree in hotel management, or religious studies.

And the latest thing here is "no homework" policy in the primary schools. The feeling being that 30 hours' schooling a week for a 5-year-old is more than enough without giving them work to do in the evenings, which overloads parents as well as kids.

I think this is a good idea. More doesn't always equal better.

Yeah, I think kids should graduate in 10th grade insteadvof 12.
Get them out of school sooner and in workforce quicker.

Milleniel gen is I believe 1983 -2005. Then gen z. I believe to though the fate of humanity rests in the hands of generation alpha...if Drumpf, Poopin, and kim dong chink dont blow us up first, haha.

Super bump

with 20 years' hindsight, i wish i'd gone into politics. action by the people was still somewhat possible, my generation over here was heavily affected by the start of privatisation, the loss of industry and the destruction of the trade unions.

i believe back then it would have been possible to engage the population and create a political power capable of fighting back against the bankers, financiers and corrupt politicians. much like you might believe that if you'd started 20 years back, you might have been able to prevent drumpf.

much more likely in my small country. now i believe its gone too far. i don't know what the next generations will be able to do to stop the disparity.

although I am struggling financially, both myself and my parents benefited from the housing boom - their property is worth 10 times more than when they bought it, and mine is worth 5 times.

between us, we have a legacy enough to ensure my two small boys won't live in misery or poverty, at least.

as to the fate of humanity, when it becomes commonplace to comment openly on abuse of power, mass financial lawbreaking and corporate theft, without anything ever being done; with the situation and issues becoming more and more entrenched in being accepted and 'just the way things are' - I've got no real hope.

i don't see my situation as any different to my grandfather's. he worked in the gas industry from literally 12 years old til the day he died at 55.

i work all day every day 12-16 hours trying to make ends meet. its just not physical labour but the situation hasn't changed for the working classes. we're just led to believe we are the middle classes now as manual labour has been sold off and outsourced.

my gf wasn't able to improve my fathers' quality of life, nor he mine. but i think between the 3 of us, we will improve my sons' quality of life and thats the only thing that keeps me going.

they won't have to be wage slaves and that to me is an accomplishment.

ask to see a psychiatrist user
say you think you have depression
answer questions fully and honestly, don't leave anything out

you're in the UK you'll be fine, you have a great medical system

anti depressants take a while to work but once they do they make a ton of difference. I have family on them.

good luck, I hope you feel better

don't an hero you'll get better

i'm gonna bounce. stop it with the stupid self-harming shit at least. you can quote that medical journal back at me if we ever touch base again to know its me.


Wowzers..that was poetry
You probably right friend.
Yea, I know what it's like to struggle, probably not like you though, Ive never been very responsible. People have pretty much took care of me my whole life. After dad went to prison I moved in with my estranged grandpa at 17 (who I hadnt seen since I was 6 at the time), he died like 4-5 years ago, something. And ive been alone in his house since. Grandma died before I could even meet her..and he let the house he built go to shit after words. It's pretty much condemnable at this point, and I can barely afford rent as cam whore (and other methods)
It sucks. Have no heat or hot water and a pipe burst in the house the other day and my sweet sweet neighbor came over to fix it.
0 outside..always cold.
Might need to move back to states and move in with schizophrenic mother..hugghgg
It's tough.
But I know lots of folks have it way harder than me..And are probably stronger cause of it.
Sounds like you have good head on your shoulders though.

We pretty much hijacked this thread, haha.

You will get them regardless of what you say. Prepare for your brain to start feeling like mush as it is "healing". Prepare to realise your life hasn't changed one bit, apart from the fact that if you don't take your pill every day, at the exact same time, you will start losing your mind by the minute. It's a lovely feeling. And don't forget the last part - kicking the stuff. I've had issues with many drugs in the past and I assure you, everything pails in comparison to what SSRI withdraw feels like. I was on Lexapro, a pretty lightweight SSRI, and everything about it sucked. It doesn't make you feel better during, or after you're done taking it. It might make you more aggressive or more suicidal, depending on your current traits. I urge you to look into the history of anti-depressants and their origin as a product, rather than a medicine, before you sign up for this shit.

Everyones different
Think about it..

i think thats a pretty sensationalist view. some of what you say is true, but its true for you as an individual. not in general.

i've had 2 seperate SSRI's they did not do jack shit for me and no withdrawal either. i've done a lot of hard drugs in the past too.

SNRI working. and this is after 20+ years as a functioning adult with no depression whatsoever. i haven't done hard drugs in over 10y. it took me 3y to even work out there was something wrong with me as things slowly degenerated. i am self-employed and almost lost my house, business and family.

so lets take your SSRI withdrawal story, or "slowly losing your mind by the minute". compare that to slowly losing your livelihood by the minute, while you stand there as if you are an onlooker, unable to affect what is happening to you, by your own hand.

thats how I felt. I've coped for a lifetime without anti-depressants. something changed, and i wasn't able to cope. it took a long time for me to work out that a prescription drug would help.

just be aware OP. both sides apply.

Ok anons..
Going to bed after 3 days no sleep

Bye bye