Rekt Thread: Animal Edition
Rekt Thread: Animal Edition
Post cats if you can, I hate the fucks.
haha thats fucked
But why cats? they're one of the more Sup Forumsro animals
How about wrecked thread: fucking filthy nigger edition? You piece of shit.
Sup Forumsecause edgy fucktards
Because he/she/it is a piece of nigger shit that needs to be chained to a tree and gang fucked by a bunch of monkeys
Call me what you want. But I will not be called chang or nigger. I am white, and proud to be so.
Are niggers even humans? I mean look at the shit they do in Africa. Kill themselves like life means nothing, maintain poverty, cannibalism and this kind of shit.
You are a nigger. Only niggers hurt animals for pleasure. Please, go kill yourself, nigger
You ever tortured any animals?
I don't really feel drawn to edgy shit but I feel like if I were to start I wouldn't want to stop, and eventually move to people or something
Not torture, just shoot (am rural childhood sociopath). Im not into torturing shit.
Here's a picture of my legs.
hillybilly neckbeard is almost worse than nignog
maybe, still white tho
i have a cat.
sometimes when she wants to go outside, i wont let her because she wants out every 10 minutes. mauahaha
Boots are okay
Cargo shorts aren't really too too bad
But then you went and mixed the two
Full blown nigger.
Whats wrong with that? I like to be able to carry shit while in the mud.
I want to sleep with you
It is already fucked up to torture human beings let alone to torture animals and share them online. What is happening to this world?
Where do you think you are
whats you doin with those boots?
sure, if youre female
Im a carpentry apprentice, but did relief milking a while back.
>these people will never feel the same punishment done to the animals
life isnt fair
jesus christ what a nigger
We need to talk.
Animal getting rekt.
That's more like it!
Have you ever heard of a utility belt? They're not just for fucking Batman you stupid cunt.