Has Sup Forums fallen to the merchants? All I see now are milo support threads and tons of jew posters. Soon there will be pro shapiro posters. Our movement has been co-opted. What do we do now.
Has Sup Forums fallen to the merchants? All I see now are milo support threads and tons of jew posters...
The alt-right. The anti-jew alliance.
>the other band of shills
yeah whatever
Sup Forums as we knew it a year ago is gone. I honestly don't even recognize the board anymore. USed to contribute to it bc I believed in what this board/site stood for.
Won't be doing it again. Hotwheels, for whatever he is, is much more the idea of what Sup Forums USED to be.
You can't have...so many newfags now brought her by "based bbc sucker milo," it's ruined. Not the same place as it was even a few months ago.
In trump winning the nomination, we've lost our board. We can no longer even "organize" shit from here (remember how we helped ruin rato and got news sites to pick up on #CubanMistressCrisis?)
Could never do something like that here today. Thank you reddit-r-le-donald for making 4 chan great...leddit 2.0....
How are we shills?
If you can't beat 'em, join them.
>join them.
how about gassing them? For REAL this time?
Jews are built for gassing. Those large noses allow for rapid intake of fumes.
You log on early morning while the shills are sleeping. They don't wake up till noon, since they don't work a job.
We keep up with the NatSoc/far-right posts. Eventually we'll force the shills into a position where they either leave, or risk becoming a complete pariah for life. Like an ex-KKK member.
Jews coming in and subverting things is natural. The most important thing is to call them out, and reject any of the neutered ideals they try to push.
It was tried and failed. They got a new Country after, now they're more powerful than ever. Look at history. Anytime a Nation has tried to destroy Jews, that Nation failed. And failed to the point where they ceased being a Nation. Some people never learn.
Shabbos goys wake up early. The early quill gets the shill
We keep posting in this fantasy Sup Forums.
Not really. Muslims beat Arab Jews and became a super-power. Rome hit it's golden age right after the diaspora. Germany is doing amazingly economically after the war. Egypt continued to thrive after Moses(The exodus is as historically real as is the holocaust btw).
Look at Arabs now. Infighting and fighting others. They are in essence in a state of chaos. Rome now is part of the EU, full of corruption, economic troubles. Germany has basically lost it's National identity, the 'refugees' have taken over. And Egypt is a mess and is having a hard time fighting ISIS as well as the Nile in not so great shape.
Move to 8, as every decent person had.
Stop shilling for Zionald and make berns as a Berniebro
interesting to read this. a buddy of mine was a pol obsessive for the longest time, mostly interested in /sg/. I finally started going on myself after trump began to gain momentum - I was curious how the board would position itself.
results have been kinda disappointing, like really pathetic pseudo-ironic idol worship thts good for some laughs but will go on ad infinitum now trump has captured the nom.
it's pretty much SJW shit, trumpeteering and half baked white nationalism. seems like 90% diversion. wheres the real fire?
Fuck off Jew
Fuck off Jew
Fuck off Jew
We need daily redpill threads tbqh, the migrants need to assimilate
go outside
create red pill threads they usually try to slide
create hundreds of them! make productive use of your autism. flood this board with so much truth not even god has seen
The milo threads are bots/shills
It's painfully obvious; hardly anyone actually replies to them. It's just a long string of >1 post by this ID
over and over and over singing some kind of praise for milo.