>The catholic church in Germany excludes members from the Afd from their annual meeting and debates, saying "Catholics should not speak with the AfD".

Can all you catlick cosplayers finally admit that the church is a jewish leftist cesspool? Literally censoring any political opposition to suck migrant cock for a few more members. Fuck I'm so mad right now. I wish I was still a member just to leave again and tell the priest what a traitor dicksucker asshole he is. Fuck all catlicks. Why is this shit allowed?

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Christianity is universalist Judaism. Let that sink in.

Yes. Fuck this fucking shit I feel so lost right now

Abrahamism is going to collapse this century. I don't actually think any kind of pagan or ancestor system is ever possible again in Europe, but something is going to happen. I don't know if it will be some kind of quasi-Christian perennialist ideology, Either that, or masculine vitality (along with poverty and violence) will be brought to Europe by Islam.

The Catholic Church in Germany isnt even catholic, its heretical and its bishops are vying to schism out of the church

Got a source, Gerry?
Preferably in English.

I didn't see any general ban, just some cucked pseudo-political church group not "inviting" any AFD members to their event.


>Why is this shit allowed?
>I wish I was still a member just to leave again and tell the priest what a traitor dicksucker asshole he is

It's "allowed" and it's happening because people like you are incapable of making the alternative (for Deutschland) the reality.
If you want to do an anti-Christian circlejerk on the internet, rather than make Germany great again, you're no better than an r/atheist lame-o crying about the "gap" in the "dark ages", except this is something you can actually change.
Abandon every social sphere but internet weirdos to the left, and whine about the consequences. Great plan.

A more likely theory than most, though a more direct Christian revival is something I see on the cards.
Whatever it is, the current spiritual deadness can't continue.
This is a bit like Dune, and we're all trying to be Muad Dib.

Who knew that the institution is utter garbage?

Oh right, everyone. Move on.

>people like you are incapable of making the alternative (for Deutschland) the reality
>Abandon every social sphere but internet weirdos to the left, and whine about the consequences. Great plan.
Are you retarded?

Christianity itself is garbage. The only time it was remotely useful was when it being wrapped paper-thin over Gothic societies.

It's had centuries to keep stewing and it's plain to see what it's done. It creates weak, sniveling people. It is anti-European. If you can drop a shekel in the collection plate, you have the same value to the Church as anyone else.

It's a foreign plague on Europe and the West as a whole, no different than Judaism or Islam.

>being a cathocuck
>in Germany of all places

if catholics forbid it must be really good shit


kek and i bet these people are the first one to say they must welcome muslims

The Church has gone to shit under Francis.

There are more Catholics in Germany now than Protestants thanks to the USSR.

Probably, but I can guarantee that you fucking Germans are just complete limp wrist faggots at this point...

That's not true. The GDR is still pretty Lutheran. The church was never completely crushed there, despite the efforts of Merkel's dad. Google Horst Kasner.

I really doubt this. This sounds like some stupid sect making rules. The Catholic Church is one of the most conservative groups in the U.S. I could see in a cuckold place like Germany something like this might happen
>And though it's not often said, many contemporary Jews also have have mixed feelings about the “New Testament.” It's thought to be the Gentiles' book, even an anti-Semitic book. Yet those who read for themselves find Jesus’ teachings strangely compelling and very Jewish.

Not an argument, also


>catholic church

>don't build wall
>take in all mexicans
>pisslam is the religion of peace

German Catholics are shit anyways. Could you imagine, they were the proponents of giving the sacrament of Eucharist to divorced ppl. Thank god we have the Polish clergy to block that

Orthodoxy when?

>catholic church in Germany
>their gray eminence is cardinal marx
>they are the one pushing the leftist agenda in the Church
>the cardinal calling shots there is literally MARX
keeping kraut alive was a mistake

Protties liked GDR