You know what time it is
You know what time it is
Will me and K ever be together?
can't be "fixed"
Should I tell her?
vacation next week?
Can I have something to eat?
Is suicide in the cards this year?
Will Sup Forums ever be great again?
Will i ever get back together with my ex?
Should i an hero?
Will I ever have sex?
should i stop being a neet
is it gonna happen with jacq or nah
Is the salt going to at least double up in december ?
Am i going to succeed professionally ?
Is it because of CB ?
Can i try again please ?
Will I make a lot of money from SALT?
Should i buy Doom for the Switch.
Is my project going to be financially successful ?
Will i ever find a gf that will love me back?
Feels good man
Am i going to have sex with at least 4 qt.3,14 girls in 2018 ?
May i ask again please ?
May I ask again ?
Will she ever want to be together anymore?
is there gonna be a rekt thread on b
Will I have a girlfriend in 2018?
Great, thank you. Am i going to have sex with at least 4 pretty girls in 2018 ?
Does anyone like me?
Will I get good at CS:GO?
Should I do it or not ?
Yes or no?
Will my friend stop being sad loser, get a grip and will get a job?
Will I lose my virginity before I am or the day I turn 18
is she keen
Will CS:GO get its' popularity back and devs stop being greedy kikes that can't hear players?
Will game get fixed?
Will I have a loving wife with nice personality?
should i go out
will i hook up with jaya
Will I build a powerful streaming tower next year, during summer?
Should I become a Twitch streamer?
what about cindy
take the 2
will i get laid in the next 3 weeks?
Pick one or the other cos 8 ball has limisted responses. Either Jacq or Nah, not both.
is amy the take here
Should I take advantage of my drunk friend?
Should I be happy right now?
Should LP and the polish girl be together
Will I get lung cancer if I keep smoking?
Should I kill myself
will the universe grant me a kinky loli GF
Is she finally gonna leave me alone