Why don't we do this instead?

Why don't we do this instead?

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Who was law enforcement, prison and welfare costs

My home has power, power generated by clean nuclear energy. Next.

Or we could get rid of shaniqua's welfare check

>to provide enough renewable energy to power 5 mil homes
>$25 billion to power only a very small percentage of american homes for an unmentioned amount time
Totally worth it

Instead of building Trumps wall,...

Why not kill'em all?

doesn't matter. mexico is paying for the wall.

>only 5 million homes

how inefficient

How much renewable energy could we install with her campaign budget?

>5 million homes
>1/26th of US homes

Nah, brah.

Why not install non-renewable energy for 25 million homes?

Why not tell us what we could do with the money, per year, that goes towards dealing with the damage from illegal immigrants?

Actually, it will cost the US zero dollars. Fucking dumbass bitch

It's no longer about the money
It's about a home for our children and people

Because renewable energy is completely retarded and not a viable way to power homes long term. I'd rather a nice big wall.

But...then we would still have the problem of illegal immigrants.

>$25 billion for 5 million homes

Holy Fuck that inefficient. Have these niggers heard about economics?

Renewable you dumb nigger.

>le renewable energy meme


if trump's immigration policies are enforced, we could be saving upwards of 150 billion dollars in terms of money spent on illegal immigrants and remittances back to mexico.


It'd be cheaper if we just set Ben "The Hispanic Holocaust" Garrison loose south of the border. Give him a few skinheads and Klansmen and he'd have the entire subcontinent purged of all shitskins in a few years, we could just call the Panama Canal the wall.

why not both?

>Install renewable energy to power up 5 million homes for refugees

I don't think you know what "renewable" means.

>Because I have electricity and I don't care about any except myself

Solydra and other Green iniatives worked out so well, oh they failed. Not mention we can secure the border for 320 million and not give "clean" power to only 8 million who will probably be section 8 nuggets or other government cheese classes.

The wall has been estimated at $10 billion.
So more like 2 million homes
Which is jack fucking shit.

We could solve the immigrant issues with a few 25 cent bullets instead of wasting billions on renewable energy OR some shit wall. Kill enough and the rest will leave on their own.

Because we need a wall, not 16 golden gate bridges

So we'll install giant hamster wheels and then make all the illegals run on them?

And Hillary has no room to talk about propping up sustainable energy after one of her main donors, Warren Buffet utilized corruption to influence the Nevada public utilities commission to fuck home based solar generation and credits issued to folks.

Wow 5 million homes is about the number of illegal immigrant families, funny how that adds up innit?

Oh and...what about the massive pollution from these "green" "renewable" technologies? The massive maintenance? The unreliable output? The lack of a capable storage medium, the lack of an advanced enough distribution grid?

I recall numbers going around in the Trillions when talking about converting/modernizing just a decent fraction of the USA's electric generation to "renewable" ebergy.

Because they already run on non renewable energy.

I don't think you are aware of the current state of technology of renewable energy. All of them are stupid on a large scale besides hydroelectric.

>25 bil
>only 5 mil homes
>"renewable" energy from completely non-renewable materials to harness it, which will either need constant expensive maintenance, or have to be replaced entirely every decade like the solar meme
dumb donkeyposters

Because muh wall is going to cost 600 trillion million dollars
Hillary Clinton

Because we could save jobs for 10 million homes.

Because fake and gay. That's why.

Yeah because the government's Ventures into better energy sources lately have totally paid off.

Kek How's that California solar plant doing that Obama spent like 10bn on? Oh right, it's closing.

Why would mexico pay for you to get renewable energy?
Fucking dumbass

Trump bankrupted a casino, therefore casinos are a crappy business.

Fuck off, shill.

>unmentioned amount of time
Do you even read?

Renewal energy isn't gonna help keep the wetbacks out.

No one will be able to afford those homes.


5 million KIKE owned homes that have everything on 24/7full stop, without anyone even living in it. and then they pretend they have the "renewable" energy at use, while taking the money in for themselves

If Trvmp said this it would be biblical

>implying liberals wouldn't give this energy to the illegal brownies instead of actual citizens

>research in lithium battery tech hasn't paid off

Therefore no one would be able to afford the wall.

You kinda set that one up for yourself.

Why can't she just leave everyone alone with her stupid bullshit and go to prison already?

Ask Germany how going green went for them. Renewable energy on a large scale is a joke and net benefit of zero.

>believing solar panels last forever

Why not do both? Mexico makes 25 billion a year from garnished remittances.

Hiliary would never stop that, so there's a extra 25 billion Trump just made to pay for a free wall.

Mexico spends billions on the wall. America gains billions not having to pay for illegals every year. The correct question is: What do we do with the billions we save not having to pay for illegals -every year-?

You seem to be under some delusion that our Government intelligently spends money.

It does not. Plus all of these retards have a boner for solar or wind, the two least producing "green" energy sources. Yeah, fuck that.

Wall pls.

or just put solar panels on the trump wall instead

Wall = 25B
Annual fiscal losses of hosting illegals = 100B+

And as always, OP is a faggot.

Came to post this

There isnt enough lithium in the world to provide enough battery capacity for the USA, accounting for battery degradation and replacement needs. Forget the rest of the world, hell you can fuck right off about 80% of the US population and it would still only last about 80-120 years.

Even if the U.S. pays some of it or the whole of it, building a wall is a worthwhile thing to do.

Mexico is going to pay for it anyway

>protect the job's and security of 300million people
>build a few windmills for less than 2% of the population

Bravo shillary.

Because Mexico is paying for the wall you jackass.

It wouldn't make sense to make Mexico pay for renewable energy for us.

It was supposed to be a power plant not an R and D facility. Way to be faggot.
>the carrier plant in Indiana is closing
>but but but we've came a long way in HVAC technology!

>Hurr, hurr, mexico will pay for the wall. Less taxes for everyone, tax china hurr durr, great deals, hurr, money

>Hurr durr, free education and healthcare for everyone, college included. Doe for migrants, durr

Both of them are full blown demagoges lol
Even Clinton sucks, but at least she doesnt make foolish promises.


>Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level. The bulk of the costs — some $84 billion — are absorbed by state and local governments.

$25 billion is a steal for the savings we'd get in return.

>doesn't matter. mexico is paying for the wall.

Yeah, I don't know why people keep forgetting this.


The part where bewildered cons scratch their heads over the fact that Mejico hasn't mailed the check yet....


What's going on over there?

I thought most of their power comes from renewable.

The renewable energy thing would be cool, however she'd never do it because of her corporate backers. Thing is, if you got rid of the 30 - 50 million illegal immigrants you'd reduce the carbon footprint of the country WAY more than if you powered 5000000 homes with renewable energy.

Some people are happy because they got a taxpayer subsidized solar panel. The rest are pissed off because we pay .30 cents per KWH.

This is Merkel's doing. Fucking fake right runs this shitty country.

Where have you been the last few weeks? Clinton has directly funded Isis but tells us not to be afraid of Muslims.

It ain't a promise, but she's far worse than anyone else running.

>$25 billion
No, try 12-15
>The US doesn't piss away billions of dollars everyday
Bill, go to bed

Personally, I don't give a fuck whether or not Mexico pays for it. Trump probably only said that to shock people although if anyone could get Mexico to pay for it, it would be him. You could just tax remittance too.

That won't keep the beaners out. But it would slush lots of money into Hillary's corrupt buddies. 0 renewable energy would be produced. See Solyndra.

Mexico is paying for it.

Well when you're reduced to making a caricature of your opponents arguments, definitely makes me want to believe you more!

Mind your own business, cuck. Let us deal with our own country.

>Mexico will write a check
wew lad
>Mexico has a choice over tariffs that we pass
>Mexico controls the price of visas

On the long run we will save much more money from less illegals. Also Mexico is paying for it not us

They last longer than oil and gas is going to last. Longer than the earth is going to last if we don't stop people like you from fucking it up.

it won't keep them all out. but it's an immeasurably better option then leaving the border as it is.

Now if she said build new gen4+ nuclear reactors that would be something.

>Funded ISIS, hurr, terrorist hurr durr, Clinton emailed secret of state, hurr, prison

Ofc, absolutely. They even bought the weapons and bombs with which they conducted terrorist attacks on France.
Also, Obama is a muslim and not american. Hes a fucking terrorist!

>the energy is renewable, therefore the machines can't break!

No, nigger. Trump is all about getting his money's worth and showing people who's boss. He has his plan on his website. Read it for once.

Because Mexico is paying for it not US

Ya and line Hiarly's friends pockets?

I don't think so.

Spics, out

lol by the time they break your fucking oil is going to be fucking gone so I don't see your point

>5 million homes
>aka nothing
>at the cost of massive pollution when making the panels and batteries

Or $25,000,000,000 could be spent to save $100,000,000,000, dumb old cunt.

why would mexico install enough renewable energy to power 5 million homes?

Drumpf BTFO

>Instead of building Trump's wall, we could...
>Subsidize corporations to provide power from unreliable energy sources that send electricity prices skyward
>which ruins local industries
>which destroys the local economy
>all the while not being as ecologically friendly/beneficial as advertised

Also, Clinton wants to dissolve the border and surrender to Mexico.


wow rly makes u think

Mexico - the country - will be paying for wall. Not a single family. Math failure = typical lib.

I think that trumpfags are now beginning to realize that things are starting to get serious now that they've reached the final boss and that just coming up with shitty nicknames for their opponents isn't going to be enough.

Remember those US supply drop for the "modern Syrian rebels" that "accidentally" got into the hands of ISIS? Yeah, it was no accident and our government knew it was ISIS controlled regions. The propaganda video from them are way too good as well. It's slicker and more professional than the stuff you see on national tv.

>The opposite of what people normally say.

Did you forget what board you were on?
This is literally edgy-nazi-right-wing land.
This guy isnt being unnormal.

Hey everyone, remember when Obama gave money to renewable energy companies like solyndra?

Remember when they went belly up and the heads of the companies made off with the money like bandits?

Solar panels at best last for like 40-50 years and lose a bunch of efficiency (solar panels suck at getting energy ayway). Thanks to fracking, oil and gas reserves will last us hundreds of years. Fossil fuels are still better than your dumb hippie shit that probably requires a bunch of rare earth metals anyway.