How would Sup Forums fix western women?

How would Sup Forums fix western women?

Nightmare Mode: Don't blame men and don't suggest anything that involves "man up" or anything similar.

Just cut any form of welfare.

Let Islam take over


Come up with an easy way for men to vet women's internet history prior to marriage. This includes every tinder contact etc.

remove the power of divorce law


We need Islam to make our deficient immoral western societies whole and moral again.

create an economic crisis where women could no longer be independent. food lines and shit.

nice try ahmed.

0.02 virgins have been deposited into your account.


Man up you faggot

This plus get them out of the fucking work place. All they do is nag, cry and get in bitch wars with their female co-workers.

But it is men's fault. We have a responsibility to keep cunts under control and we haven't been doing so.

Lol I know exactly what thread you got this picture from.

Let the west burn

Start over.
Really, just start over. Fuck all of our problems, let us just start over. Bring us back to sticks and stones, we'll work things out......

Legalize beating women.

i wish she was mocking my dick like that instead senpai

>repeal no fault divorce
>cut welfare
>ban abortion
There, can't run from consequence now.

I'm not muslim or Arab, this is just a fact. Muslims control their women, and their countries have extremely low crime rates due to harsh punishments for homosexuality, stealing, etc.

Let vulgar race and gender jokes be funny again.

That's how you discreetly re-educate them too. They know in their hearts modern feminism is bullshit and niggers and mudslimes are savage and what not. They just need to be gently reminded.

I got this from Google images you stupid fuck.

Boy would that feel good. Sometimes they just need to be learned, man

As if this was so hard.

Its easy. Avoid sluts at all cost.

This means knowing the red flags, being fit and productive, be dominant and most importantly never ever marry.

You cannot fix a woman who was raised to believe of the feminist idiocy. You cannot fix a woman whos literally been fucked so many times by different guys shes lost count.

You cannot fix the entitlement and sexual depravity of these women.

Nothing you do will make them suddenly rethink their lives and settle down and be good mothers.

They are lost souls.

Also, this notion that somehow all women deserve to be "fixed" is hilarious. Find one who is young and not yet destroyed, have some kids and make sure to lead and be confident/dominant.

Nothing will fix Western women, except raising them right.

>tl:dr man the fuck up

Shut down electricity and welfare programs for six months.

>You cannot fix a woman who was raised to believe of the feminist idiocy.
Sure you can, just beat them until they obey.

One huge source of the problem is parenting. It's not as if women in recent generations all of a sudden became too slutty and too much of a pain in the ass to marry. They were always like that. But they weren't always raised to "find their passion" and "do what makes them happy" which, it turns out, is to get a stupid degree, rack up debt, travel the world, and ruin themselves by letting strange men use them as cum dumpsters. So actually be a parent. Don't tell your daughter pretty lies about how the world works. Don't tell her that she will get married someday. Tell her that she MIGHT get married someday, as long as she has something to offer.

Enjoy jail then. Dont come back until you start living in reality please.

Just take away their political power. All else follows

Accepting Islam is the best way to fix the degeneracy and feminism in our culture.

Thats a cute picture tb.h

wrest the entertainment industry from .... you know who

the main problems with liberals niggers and women would all be fixed

Fix your grammar you fucking inbred.

I do live in reality and women are stupid animals that need discipline to act civilized. You dont beat a woman and what you see today happens women off their leech acting like animals. Keep on being an enabling nice guy though.

Two options
1) we go back and we pay to their father for the right of having children with her- no rights for women
2) We reach actual equality and we made them work their asses off and treat them with the same standards they treat us

If a female doesn't work at the age of 18 she is a loser, if she works and has a career going on then she has no time for casual dicking.
As for my experience, women are way to protected by their parents to experience the hardship of our kin, they are still courted like if it was 100 years ago, they are not shamed for being neets and many many other things wich i find unfair.

Hardworking women + humble + not whore = perfect

Your solution, at this point, would require at least another full generation to be born before we can even BEGIN to implement it.

This, to be honest senpai. And get rid of the internet so they can't whine about it.

So again tough guy. In reality, you beat a slag, you get jailed.

Don't let them have access to the internet.

Taking away their right to vote would result in all of this

Whatever we should allow men to beat women again to fix them.

How is the picture degenerate

Legalize prostitution and regulate it so its cheap. Bam women made worthless over night

quiet, hans

>going to jail for beating your woman in the fuckin' Bahamas
And you talk about living in reality, Austria. In the Bahamas, as long as your wife is over 14 years old, you can literally have sex with her whenever you feel like it and it'll never be considered rape even if you force her.

A little slap down every now and again would be thoroughly ignored.

Masturbate to hentai and refuse to let them think that their vaginas give them any power over you.
They'll adapt all they care about is taking endless dick.

a fucken leaf

What is the woman's incentive to enter a monogamous relationship and remain faithful?

>lazy and doesn't want to work
>wants babies to have a reliable father
That's it.

but guess what, you can just get knocked up, have babies and get welfare and an endless series of shitty "uncles" for your children.

Woman want exactly the lifestyle they are living.

You only have one life on this earth. Youre only young once.

You are an insignificant ant in a gigantic global hive. You should be thinking about yourself and meeting your qt mother of your children, instead of "how do we fix women".

All the furries, trans, feminists, sluts... are lost causes. Side-products of a society, which shits out the weak and the ill.

Sluts are damaged goods. Not physically, but emotionally. Literally incapable of being satisfied (in a emotional and dopamine/oxytocin way) and are incapable of making a commitment, which involves compromise.

That literally translates into:

>get into a fight
>she leaves, because Chad 2.0 is already waiting

Focus on finding 1, not fixing the millions, which you will never meet.

Remove women's voting privileges. Or do something about voting privileges that stops it from being available to cowards, parasites and morons.
That'll bring an end to nearly every bullshit law favoring women from alimony to quotas.
Or if you wanna get around the "muh sexism" bullshit make it mandatory that you have to be in a militia to vote and pass a military test.

>how do we fix western women

Are all Iberian niggers this dumb?

Shut up central european cuck, real men are talking.

Make them all sex slaves

I want to see her fist that cow.

1) Fuck welfare
2) Actually enforce marriage contracts in their traditional sense.

Obviously making a vow before God is more meaningful for a couple than a vow before the state. And a religious marriage has specific rules and expectations that secular marriages don't. But alas, if our country wants the government to get involved with marriage, then it should be treated as any other business contract.

There should be ONE standard contract that gets whipped up for EVERY couple to sign on their wedding day.

1. No-fault divorce is banned unless both parties come forward. Both parties will receive a severe fine if they no-fault divorce while their children are under 18, but custody will be 50/50 split if both parties are able and competent.

2. In the event of a divorce there will be no alimony at all.

3. Acceptable reasons for initiating divorce include: stealing from the partner, abusing the partner or children, going MIA for over a month with no contact, and infidelity. If any of these three things can be proven, then the offending party will lose custody of the children in the divorce.

4. Mandatory paternity tests.

5. In the event of a no-fault divorce being mutually agreed upon, no party shall be allowed to remarry anyone who has not also had a no-fault divorce, and can not marry someone with children under 18 years old.

6. For every year you stay married you get a tax break. (It can be more symbolic/miniscule, but just further incentive to prevent no-fault divorces and to help parents have a tiny bit extra so Timmy can get a nice Christmas present)

7. An STD and pregnancy test must be done at the time of a marriage contract being drafted, and neither party may sign until the results have been seen by both parties, and can chose not to sign.

8. Breaking a marriage contract can leave you vulnerable to presses being charged by your ex with punishments including fines, jailtime, and a state-ban on future child rearing and marriage.

There, I fixed it.

>real men
>needing physical violence to keep a bitch in her place

Ironic my black friend. Next time Im in Nassau, keep my room clean for me.

I see it much differently. You are correct in your main point, but SO many women out there are sluts and whores, and damaged goods that guys out there do not have any normal women to start families with.

It is well known to all of us with dicks that we don't want damaged goods. Men are inherently, innately, absolutely disgusted at the thought of dating, marrying or starting families with sluts and whores. Men want to fuck them, sure, but that's it and that's all.

So we agree on most things but the overall conclusions are different.

>Bahamas is not in the West

Also you were telling him to enjoy jail. Clearly he will not go to jail for his attitudes and was telling us how things should change if we wanted a better stock of women.

You know what? Forget it. You care only about yourself so you don't even matter to this conversation.

I am a Albanian on vacation you spinless cuck, so freaking spineless you cant even lay a hand on a female what a punk. Physical violence never failed in keeping women in their place thats why those muslim men still have complete dominion over their countries while you fucking sissies have allowed women to control Europe.

>ban abortion
are you retarded? what if you knock someone up by accident? you'd ruin all three of your lives

re-establish the stigmas related to being a whore. that wasn't too hard

Make rape legal.

Ignore them in favor of based Eastern women until they clean up their act or go extinct.

Honestly we are too far gone and cant. It all has to do with society. Look back to the previous generations and look at the things they did. now ask yourself this
>Would you be able to live their lives the way they did?
>Would a majority of the population be willing to live like they did?

If the answer to either one of those questions is no, then this means that we will NOT go back to the older traditional values.

Now a days its all about
>money (like always)
>being "In" with societal norms (cuck fetish, empowering minorities, hollywood drama, ect...)
>having an edgy backstory

With all honesty, I envy those who are blue pilled and dont care about the future. I see guys that do steroids at my gym I work at and they're ALWAYS coming in with new girls every time. They are tattooed up from the legs to the neck, they are HUGE and they dont seem to care about what those tattoos would look like in a few years, they are always talking about the modern trends that are degenerate, they are always doing trendy things like vaping but I know they're fake and that doesnt appeal to me.
All I care about is knowledge, companionship, REAL art (old school paintings, not this modern art shit) and being able to debate your points with FACTS and reasoning rather than "MUH FEELS! MEDIA SAID THIS!", and health / nutrition.

I cant even fucking talk about CRIME STATISTICS without being called a racist.
I cant even debate peoples personal philosophies that dictate EVERY MINUTE OF OUR LIVES without them taking it personal and raging instead of talking about reasons they follow it
I cant talk about how fake the news is as I'm told that they are to be trusted and that they do their research.

All I can do is thank god I'm middle eastern so I can make fun of my own people and tell others that they arent deserving of a second chance at life as "Refugees", contrary to what the media tells us. I am one of the few that has that social "right".

FUCK society

Bring back the patriarchy.

But women still think those stigmas exist, even though they don't. Women are OBSESSED with stigmas and "social shaming", especially ones related to being a slut or a whore.

Have you ever heard of "slut shaming"? It doesn't actually exist but women think it does.

>Ban abortion
>Degenerates have more kids
>Kids grow up to be degenerates
>Half of them grow up to be female degenerates

This solves what, exactly?

Men have better self-control and more rationality than women do.

First step of not knocking women up is to not knock them up in the first place.

Easy. Kill them all and pour all resources into scientific advancement. Sure we might go all children of men for 30 years, but the need to continue the human race will drive us to invent a system of cloning that will assure our future.

Also, sex robots


but then i cant whine about stuff

How is your pic degenerate (aside from clothing)?
I've done dumber shit



Sex Drugs and Money are things people have lived for since people started. I agree with you about the victimism and edginess. I don't think it's a societal problem though, it's just we can see retards because they post on the internet. remember when you were a kid who did dumb shit? Well kids now put it on the internet, I don't think anything is too far gone.

I've seen this in person more often than not. Fake people make it, Real people are too modest to be noticed.

And yes, drugs and money have always been around for the most part but its a shame that we live in a culture that encourages it.

Then why are there early pregnancies in the first place? Men want sex, women want children for money

very best image ever

>fix women

>Don't blame men
Why not? It's partially men's fault too. They jumped on the sexual liberation wagon just as You love the no strings attached sex. You love contraceptives. You love not having to resort to prostitutes, that's like totally pathetic lol. You don't want to go back to a traditionalist, explicitly patriarchal society because you wouldn't like all the rules.

To change anything, people would have to be willing to do it after recognizing the source of their ills. I have no faith that will happen. You can throw people some rope but they have to be willing to climb their way out of hell.

Ugh. People act like their problems are inherently separate from them. If, for example, some asshole at school is bullying me, I don't rise to fight that bully. That is only half of the answer. First I need to identify what it is about myself that makes it easy for others to bully about me and move forward from there.

To apply that to our society - the thing that makes it easy for our society to crack is that we have ALLOWED cultural marxism to fuck up our culture. Why have we allowed it? What is wrong or ineffective about our philosophies that we refused to fix for people who were swayed to Cultural Marxism? While modern women are fucking whores, part of the reason is cultural marxism, sure, but they're not all whoring out to AnCap or NatSoc philosophers, they're whoring out to Chad and Jamal.

WHy have we allowed our society to reward that? Why do we allow ourselves to be so weak that we won't speak up? Do WE deserve good, wife-material women in our own life, or are we wasting our lives? Are we living?

We don't need to crush the opposition, we just need to rise and be better than it in every conceivable way.


that means quitting Sup Forums

That fact that we're on Sup Forums at all, posting internet memes instead of out in real life IS precisely how cultural marxists can ridicule us. They can call us losers because we're the perfect caricature of the loser. Even the few here who don't fit that stereotype in real life, are still associated with losers.

Women didn't change, men did. Men are responsible because women can't be.

Deal with it nerd.

Is that you Robert Heinlein?

Their crime rate is low because they cannot control their people. If there is no film, you can't take a photo.
Also, Islam allows incest.

You start again with a new generation of girls.

Take over the female education system, from kindergarten up, raise women in girls onky schools, raise women to aspire to be mothers, to be wives, amd to to be fertile.

Women are taught to be competitors and rivals of men at schools. Take over the shools and raise a new generation of girls to be actual women.

That pic is pure gold.

Instagram/Twitter/Vine/Facebook/whateverthefucktheyuse must be destroyed.